WPW-250 Yaxeni Oriquen & Ursula Teply |

You dont have to be a longtime fan to know who Yaxeni Oriquen is- she has been competing and winning contests at the highest IFBB pro level this past decade. But, as for so many of the top pros, she got her pro feet wet at the Jan Tana Bodybuilding contest, in this case, 1994. We did our taping with her the day after the show, and you will see that it was obvious she was already very impressive- at 5'8" and 160 pounds she had perfect shape and size everywhere, with excellent definition throughout. Her world-class physique was topped off by a beautiful mane of blonde-streaked brown hair. She spoke so little English that we did not have an interview, and had to dub music on her posing scenes, where she hit the shots in several swimsuit and dress items. Ursula was no less impressive, in fact, was probably more developed than Yaxeni at the time, but she did not have a long career at all. At 5'9" and a very cut 180 pounds, this Austrian champ one of the most massive women in the sport at the time. We rarely did gymwork when at contests, but made an exception here- she does repwork in preparation for her posing scenes in several outfits, then is interviewed. Yaxeni and Ursula together, could there be any more impressive duo? |
WPW-251 Raye Hollitt & Alexandrea Vusir |

Our second video title with Raye featured her in her best ever contest shape at the time of the 1992 Nationals (where she was a very well defined 135 pounds at 5'6") but then she decided to try her hand in the figure events, and our 1994 session with her here shows her at about 125 pounds in figure condition, a very interesting contrast. Raye poses in many outfits for both sessions and is interviewed in 1994, with her footage running about 75 minutes. To fill out this release, we had a one-time session with the Swedish fitness woman, Alexandra Vusir, at the time of her Extravaganza Fitness show. She poses in several outfits showing off a very high-level fitness physique as she was a former bodybuilder. WPW-251 runs 2 hours. |
WPW-252 Monica Haslom & Daniella Morlanne |
The videographer for the Ray Martin Company had also been taping fitness women for the Fitness Video Company (all those DVDs available on our store) but the footage he took of Monica and Daniella was not used for either. So, at the time, we released this as a WPW posing tape and in fact, that is what it is- the two top fitness women posed bodybuilding style for an hour each. They were in top fitness shape at the time of a contest and each hits the shots in many different outfits. Monica was from Europe, and didn't speak much English, so her posing was dubbed with music. She had a perfect figure physique, featuring the type of muscularity which would fit in with today's very top figure women- very good shape and muscularity, but not ripped. She dropped off the scene quickly, but Daniella had a pretty good career as a top pro fitness women. She was from Florida and her posing scenes (with some gymwork) are divided between live action and those dubbed with music. She had the same level of physical development as Monica, though the muscularity is a bit thicker. Only some gymwork and no interviews, just a lot of great bodybuilding-style posing from two beautiful fitness women. |
$24.95 |

We first met Debbie Muggli at the time of her big Junior Nationals win in 1990, when we did our first video with her (and that video/DVD is still available as WPW-169). At that time, she was a very well developed 5’5” and 140 pound 26-year-old, but in the four years since then, she had added another 20 pounds of lean muscularity, as displayed in this video. After impressive wins in top amateur shows in the early 1990’s, she turned pro quickly and had many top 5 placements in the Ms. Olympia and Ms. International before retiring in the mid-90’s. The footage on this release was done in 1994 when she was in just incredible shape – highly defined, yet with impressive muscle size and shapes, with no weaknesses at all, simply one of the best women bodybuilders (and best looking) of all time, period. Footage includes strong gymwork, posing in many outfits and her interview. Video/DVD runs 2 ¼ hours. |
Diana was one of our favorite physique subjects from the early 80's to late-90's as she combined her legendary lean physique, great grooming and innovative posing as well as anyone ever. In addition, she had a great sense of fashion, almost always providing her own eye-catching swimsuits and dresses. Her other WPW titles are still available: WPW-116 on video-only at this time, but her WPW-227 and WPW-310 are on video and DVD. In addition, we have two of her Ray Martin titles on video only: RM-91 and RM-167. Since she was always in lean contest shape, we continued to ask her for an 'off season' look, and this was probably the only time we did work with her where she was not shredded, though at 5'8" 170 pounds, she was still remarkably lean for this October 1994 session. Knowing she had the reputation for being the best poser ever, we put her to a few challenges- posing in many different outfits to some unusual pop songs of the 60's in addition to her regular posing scenes. Interview also included. WPW-254 runs 1 1/2 hours. |
$24.95 |
WPW-255 Paula Suzuki (and RM-71) |
Paula began competing in local shows in Hawaii in the late 80’s, graduating to top 10 placements in the national shows in the early 90’s and then turning pro in the mid-90’s. This work was done with her at her peak contest shape (5’2” 140 pounds) for both the WPW and RM footage. The WPW work was done in 1994 and features lots of posing after very heavy gym work, and an interview. Known for her incredible arms, chest and unreal back, the RM footage is a skit about her wanting to get on the Back Page of the WPW magazine. Paula was only 27 years old at the time of the WPW session and surely was the best Japanese-American ever, and this release features her entire WPW and RM footage, (originally released as RM-71) which contains lots of posing in all the outfits. Video/DVD runs 2 ¼ hours.
Please Note: WPW Archive Videos/DVDs were taped in the 80’s and 90’s before we started using digital equipment – these older titles were taped on professional quality video equipment and occasionally camcorder. |
WPW-256 The 1994 Bodybuilding Nationals |
The Nationals is the top amateur contest of the year, and the 1994 event features the finals only. ESPN taped contests for a few years and we used two of their dubs for this release- a regular 'upfront' camera, then the same action by their roving videographer. The women shown doing their routines include Michele Ralabate, Clifta Coulter-Melnicoff, Renee Johns, Peggy Schoolcraft, Luann Garino, Carmella Cureton, Chris Bongiovanni, Tracy Gillespie, Gina Mezzaroba-Hall, Jennifer Greenbaum, Rozan Keyser, Ann-Marie Crooks, Annie Rivieccio, Terise Anderson and Ericca Kern. As mentioned, only the finals are shown, and the awards. Video running time about 1 1/4 hours. |
When Ericca Kern first appeared on the scene one thing was always heard or overheard- she could be the next Ms. Olympia, due to the striking resemblance of her physique to that of Cory Everson's- in fact, there was a facial similarity as well ! Ericca never did win the Ms. O, but did have a successful career for a few years during the late 1990's. We had two sessions with her for this video- in 1994 when she was in top contest shape at 5'7" 150 pounds, then in early 1995 when she was 160 pounds, but still very lean and hard. Her gymwork was impressive to say the least- repping out with 225 and 250 in the bench, leg pressing 1400 pounds with no wraps, nearly racking the lat pulldown machine (well over 200 pounds), etc. She then poses in many outfits during both sessions and is interviewed. Not much more can be said than she had a flawless physique topped off by facial beauty, just like a potential Ms. Olympia should be ! |
The original WPW Video-258 featured about 1 ½ hours of Zuzana from her 1995 session, and we have now added the 30 minutes or so of her from the original WPW-238 (1993 footage). The beauty from the Czech Republic made some very good improvements in 2 years and shows off a superior physique In her bikini and many great looking dresses. Every body part was very muscular and very defined, including huge biceps and triceps, a chiseled back, unreal side chest shots and a deep six-pack of abs. Her lower body, including very muscular thighs and great calves, matched the upper body, and it was all topped off by terrific facial beauty and great hair. Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
Vicki is Greek, was living in Greece, but had a dual US citizenship which allowed her to compete in the NPC shows in the US. As far as we remember though, she only came over this one time, when she competed in the L.A. Championships in California, then made her way east for our photo/video session. At 5'5" 122 pounds she was not huge, but displayed good muscle size for her frame and rather amazing definition- particularly as she was only 22! We have known other women in their early 20's who had more size, but it was unusual to see the amount of ripped muscle on a woman her age. This included shredded thighs and good muscularity/vascularity in her upper body, which also featured very peaked biceps. We start off with repwork in the gym to get her even more pumped and defined, then she hits the shots in swimsuits and dresses and is interviewed. She was one of the most impressive women her age, too bad she didn't stay on the competitive scene longer. |
We had a total of three photo/video sessions with Theresa in 1994/1995, all of which are on this release. Most of the footage was taken when she was in top contest shape at the time of the 1994 Junior Nationals and the Nationals (5'8" 150 pounds), then we finished up with her in April 1995 at the time of her appearance in the Extravaganza Strength show. The Alabaman had a very good national caliber physique, highlighted by 16" arms, 17" calves and deep cut abs. She poses in many outfits during all three sessions and is interviewed. We did not get to do gymwork with her, so we included all of her lifting scenes at the strength show. |
WPW-261 Kati Rubos & Jacquie Til |
Katy was in top shape for the 1995 Ms. International and Jacque was on the east coast in off-season condition. The pairing of these two on one tape had nothing to do with similar physiques, but instead the fact that each was only 22 years old at the time- a review of the tape and photos shows that both were among the very best women ever for being in their early 20's. Jacque checked in at 5'5" 170 and her footage includes very impressive, heavy gymwork (250 bench, 130 pound curl, racking the lat pulldown), posing in several outfits (emphasis on her remarkable lower body) and an interview. Jacque was from the northwest, and Katy from Hungary, and didn't speak much English. Her friend helped her through the interview and posing scenes, where she shows off astounding size and shape (5'5" 150 pounds, 17" arms...in contest shape) for someone her age. As what happens too often, neither woman stuck around the competitive scene much longer, and this was our only work with them. |
WPW-262 Chris Bongiovanni & Anita Ramsey |
Chris and Anita were top national physiques in 1995 and continue to be going strong into the 2010 season- Anita as a top amateur Master's competitor and Chris as an IFBB pro- they DID stick around the scene for a while! Both women were in off-season condition here as they were competing in the 1995 Extravaganza Strength Contest. Anita (5'4" 150) and Chris (5'4" 160) display very lush but still-hard physiques as they each hit the shots in various outfits. In addition, both women lift very heavy in the gym- Anita was great for chins, then 8 pullups with 45 pounds attached and leg pressing 1200; Chris did a near-bodyweight curl and heavy leg presses also. Their footage from the strength show is also included and both are interviewed. Chris and Anita were two of a kind- in lean, off-season shape, very strong for max lifts as well as the endurance in the contest, all topped off by attractive looks. |
WPW-263 The 1995 Extravaganza Strength Show |
We are back again with the 1995 version of the Extravaganza Strength Show, featuring 10 top women bodybuilders competing against each other for curls (60% of bodyweight for reps), bench pressing, squats (1 1/2 times bodyweight) and chinups. Gym owner Bob Bonham and Ken Kassel invited the following women to compete: Zuzana Korinkova, Dawn Whitham, Vickie Walker-Shay, Kathryn Connors, Ericca Kern, Chris Bongiovanni, Anita Ramsey, Denise Gerard, Theresa Nabors and Lauren Hart. We had our pro video equipment as the full length upfront camera, and patched in close ups with our handheld camcorder. |
WPW-264 1995 Strong & Shapely Fitness Strength Contest |
This was the 3rd Strong and Shapely Contest- the 1992 show is available as Fitness Company Video/DVD FV-11 and the 1993 event is on Fitness Video/DVD FV-22. Debbie Kruck won the first two events, so you can see if she was able to defend her crown against 15 other top fitness women, including Danielle Morlanne, Sherilyn Godreau, Renita Harris, Mia Finnegan, Holly Hart, Sandy Cummings and others. Included in the show is the traditional fitness show, with comparisons and routines, and two strength events= pushups and ab crunches. Video/DVD runs about 2 3/4 hours and is great picture quality. |
WPW-265 1995 Extravaganza Amateur Fitness |
Along with the Extravaganza strength and bodybuilding events, promoters Bob Bonham and Ken Kassel also ran an amateur fitness contests the same weekend, which attracted local and regional fitness women. Thirteen of the 15 women competing here faded from the scene, but two of the women are still going strong: Tracy Greenwood, in a very early show for her, has been one of the very top IFBB fitness women on the scene, and is still active going in to the 2010 season; and, Nancy Fuentes (blonde hair here), after taking about 10 years off, is now on the scene again, competing as a top Master's competitor. The entire prejudging and finals are included. Video running time about 70 minutes. |
WPW-266 Michelle Ralabate |
This was our only video with Michele, though it is a great one as we had a full session with her in top contest shape (4’11” 135 pounds) and then about 15 pounds heavier in off-season shape, both in 1995 when she was at her peak. In addition, we have her stage routines at two different Jan Tana contests and two Nationals, and her footage at the Extravaganza Strength Contest. For both sessions, Michele hit the shots in many great looking outfits, showing off a mind boggling, state of the art physique. For the off-season gymwork she was pound for pound, one of the strongest women ever – how about 1100 pound leg presses for reps and a bodyweight curl for two reps- a very, very difficult lift. Michele was 24 at the time of this session and continued in bodybuilding shows for a few years (and we have three Ray Martin videos taken during that time which will be put on DVD soon), then competed in fitness shows briefly before retiring in the late 1990’s. Video/DVD runs 2 ¾ hours. |
Our 1994 Tina release featured footage of her taken in 1993 and early 1994, so this release, featuring footage taken in June/July 1995, shows a marked improvement in Tina's already dramatic physique. In June, we taped her in "off-season" shape, At 5'6", she checked in at an impressive 180 pounds; the biceps check in at 17", calves 18 1/2" and 27" for her thighs. We lead off with a brief update interview, then get down to business with some heavy-duty posing segments. Then we move into the July footage, closer to her contest shape at 170 pounds. This footage leads us with some posing footage in a striped halter top, then we move into some nice gym work, featuring lots of dumbbell curls, chest work, row, leg presses and donkey calve raises (supporting two people), and after a good pump (her arms measure 18 1/2") she hits the shots in her bikini. We then return to our June footage for a few close out scenes, ending 100 minutes of posing of one of your favorite physique models of all time. |
This was our second video release for Melissa and two video sessions are included: she was in top contest shape at the time of her big win in the 1994 Canadians, then about 10 pounds heavier, but hardly smooth, for our taping in 1995. No gymwork, but two small update interviews are included, then lots of posing in many great swimsuit and dress outfits. For the first segment she was totally chiseled throughout, showing off a very good lower body but a very lean, hard upper body featuring terrific arms, chest, triceps and back. During the off-season she never got huge, but her inbetween-shape is a nice combination of very good definition and size, facial beauty and great blonde hairstyles. |
WPW-269 Dawn Whitham & Vicki Shay |
We were impressed with Vicki and Dawn's strength and endurance in the recent Women's Extravaganza Strength Contest and decided to test their ability to max out on lifts for this video. Both women were in very strong off-season shape at 5'6" 170+ pounds each, and handled poundages in the gym not often seen before. Both breeze by 275 bench presses for reps, ending up over 300 pounds for reps. Then they worked up to 160 pound curls, racking the 250 pound lat pulldown and leg press over 1,100 pounds for reps. In addition to the tandem gymwork, they also pose tandem and solo in several outfits and are interviewed. Neither of the women are ripped, but instead show off classic off-season conditioning- huge size and shapes yet still lots of hardness- the posing scenes are very good, but the gymwork is classic- they had a real 'go for it' attitude. |
WPW-270 The 1995 Jan Tana Pro |
This was our third year taping the Jan Tana Pro Bodybuilding contest and it was probably the best one so far. Twenty six of the top IFBB pros from the US and Europe competed, including: Stacy Ross, Kat Sartor, Jennifer White, Katy Rubos, Gillian Serette-Hodge, Rozann Keyser, Michele Ralabate, Vicki Gates, Christa Bauch, Laura Carolan, Meral Ertunc, Nancy Lewis, Amelia Hernandez, Mary Ellen Warman, Francois Pettijean, Sharon Marvel, Yaxeni Oriquen, Cathey LeFrancois, Linda Battaglia, Zuzana Korinkova, Andrulla Blanchette and Anita Gandol and Renee Casella returned to the stage after their brief retirement. The taping is perfect picture quality and the entire contest- prejuding, finals, posedowns and awards are included. |
WPW-271 1995 Jan Tana Pro Bodybuilding - BACKSTAGE
We released a few backstage videos in the past, generally taken with a camcorder. Here, we had professional video equipment taping all the backstage action- the women pumping up and hitting shots for the cameraman before going onstage. We were able to get nearly all of the 20+ competitors women backstage, and among the 'name' women in this show were: Michele Ralabate, Gillian Hodge, Nancy Lewis, Christa Bauch, Andrulla Blanchette, Zuzanna Kornikova, Vicki Gates, Sharon Marvel, Yaxeni Oriquen, Cathey LeFrancois, Renee Casella, Meral Ertunc, Anita Gandol, Amelia Hernandez, MaryEllen Warman and many others. WPW-271 runs 2 hours. |
WPW-272 1995 Jan Tana Pro Fitness Contest
In addition to her pro bodybuilding event, Jan held a 'Fitness/Strength' event in 1995 and many of the top IFBB pro fitness women participated, including: Renita Harris, Madonna Grimes, Lori Ann Lloyd, Maria Gonzales, Dana Dodson, Shannon Meteraud, Monica Brant, Brandy Carrier, Kim Peterson, Jacque Wang and several others. The strength round included pushups and a workout on the stair climber, followed by prejudging quarter turns, fitness routines and a round where the women were compared in evening gowns! WPW-272 runs 100 minutes. |
As far as we know, Nicole was the largest woman, height and weight combined, to compete in the sport, and she did that at a very high level. We had two sessions with her in 1995- both in September. She was in top contest shape at 6'2" 200 pounds for the Nationals, then, since she lived locally in New York, finished up with her a couple of weeks later. There is some repwork in the gym and an interview, but emphasis is watching the world's largest woman bodybuilder hit the shots in many outfits, and the personable Nicole had more fun in front of the camera than anyone! |
WPW-274 Cathey LeFrancois & Lisa Smith |
This was our first session with Cathey, as we met the Canadian Champ when competing as an IFBB pro for the first time at the 1995 Jan Tana. We shot her in and around the meet hotel in several outfits, using our pro equipment for all scenes except for one- we used a camcorder for the outfit that Cathey was in for her WPW print magazine cover on the Jan/Feb 1996 issue. At 5'2" 123 pounds she was very lean and defined, with lots of size and bright blonde hair- a look loved by the fans and judges alike. Lisa Smith (not to be confused with Lisa Lorio Smith, though they were both from Louisiana....!) was in the Tana amateur bodybuilding contest and the 5'6" 132 pounder was in great shape throughout, with terrific arms, back, chest and deep cut abs topped off by a beautiful mane of brown hair. She, like Cathey, posed in several swimsuit and dress items and was interviewed. |
WPW-275 Alyssa Ferrari (now on WPW-633) |
The entire WPW-275 is now included on WPW-633 |
WPW-276 1995 Nationals, Junior Nationals and US Championships - FINALS ONLY |
In 1995 we had the NPC tape the contests for us, and only the finals were recorded. So, we have the finals only for the three top amateur contests of the year, featuring 15 finals routines from each contest, for a total of 45 routines, featuring: Stacy Moller, Lauren Hart, Jennifer Greenbaum, Theresa O'Brien, Jacque Till, Judy Miller, Valerie Gangi, Tracy Gillespie, Ericca Kern, Betty Pariso, Robin Parker, Chris Bongiovanni, Suzan Kaminga, Jodi Friedman, Denise Masino, Brenda Raganot, Paula Suzuki, Caron Hospedales, Peggy Schoolcraft, Nicole Bass, Annie Rivieccio and many others. WPW-276 runs 2 1/2 hours. |
We had two photo/video sessions with Vicki for this release- when she was in top contest shape at the 1995 Jan Tana (5'4" 132, but looks much larger), then in early 1996 when she was off-season at about 150 pounds. Vicki was one of the top pros of the time and debate still rages as to whether or not she had the biceps of all time. Other body parts were just as impressive- a huge back and a very well developed lower body which was sometimes overlooked due to her arms. Vicki hits the shots in many swimsuits and dress items for both sessions, then also gets down to business in the gym where she showed that she was even stronger than she looked. In addition, her posing routines from the 1993 Nationals and the 1994 and 1995 Jan Tana are included, and an interview. |
$24.95 |
Suzan was a rising star in the mid-1990’s, placing high in the top NPC national contests, then winning the North Americans and turning pro. But, like so many others, she did not stick around long and to the best of our knowledge, was only in 1-2 IFBB pro shows. We had two photo/video sessions with her in 1995 and 1996 and both were included on this video, which is still available in its original form and is now also available on DVD. The 1995 session was done mid-year when she was in top contest shape (5’8” and 160 pounds), then in early 1996 we had her come out east for another session, off-season at 170 pounds, though she looked much bigger. She was quite strong and among the gymwork lifts was 1300-pound leg press. The posing includes hitting the shots in many swimsuits (bikini/leotard) and dresses for both sessions, showing off the “complete package” of evenly distributed muscle and glamorous looks. Also included are her stage routines at three different contests and an interview. Suzan was one of the most popular women of that time and for those of you who do not have her video, we are sure you will be pleased that you can now get the DVD. Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-279 Judy Miller & Lisa Moore |
Judy was quite an impressive bodybuilding package considering she was a 42 year old mother of four at the time of this photo/video session in 1995. She was not in town for a contest, but you would never know that as she was in superb contest condition- she checked in at 5'2" 130 pounds but looked much larger. We lead off with repwork in the gym to get her pumped up for her posing scenes in bikini and dresses. Judy was a very top national level competitor, was on the scene for many years, and in our opinion was one of the best women to never have turned pro. She demonstrated muscle shapes, size and definition throughout, but her arms and back were particularly noteworthy- this all topped off by great blonde looks. Interview also included. We dont remember much about Lisa except that she was one of Canada's best at the time, and the Ray Martin videographer did the photo/video session. We paired her with Judy as they had many physique-model similarities including the muscle size and shapes, and blonde hair. No gymwork or interview for Lisa, but plenty of posing in several outfits. |
$24.95 |
WPW-280 Karen Netterstrom and Theresa O'Brien |
We met both of these women at the 1995 Junior Nationals when they were in top contest shape. We then followed up with an “off-season” session with both a few months later – then, as far as we know, they disappeared from the scene a year or so later. What we have of them is classic: in contest shape, the women were in fabulous condition – lots of muscle throughout, terrific definition and great looks and grooming. Theresa was 5’5” 153 pounds and Karen 5’6” 155 pounds in contest shape, and each added about 15-20 pounds for their off season session, where they lifted very heavy in the gym, posed in many outfits and were interviewed. In contest shape, each woman posed in three outfits so there is A LOT of great posing with two great looking women – hard to believe they were so good at the young age of only 25!! Video/DVD runs 2 ½ hours. |
Michelle has been competing since 1986 and we finally caught up with her 10 years later for our first photo/video session with her. She was already a top amateur then, and owner of a very complete physique, including state-of-the-art biceps, which measured almost 16” back then. This work was done in two stages – in top contest shape then a few months later when she was slightly up in weight, though you will hardly notice. The 38-year-old works out heavy in the gym, hits the shots in several bikinis and dress items and is interviewed. At 5’3” and 140+ pounds, she has size, shape and definition, one of the top women of all time and one of the best amateurs who has not been able to turn pro. DVD runs about 2 ¾ hours. |
WPW-282 Renee O'Neill & Debbie Minsky |
We had several photo/video sessions with Renee (WPW and Ray Martin) during her prime competition years of the late 1990’s, and this was the first one. She was in unreal contest shape at the 1995 Nationals when her first session was taped and the ripped 5’4” 145 pounder hit the shots in several outfits. A few months later she gained 15 pounds and we did our off-season work with her and the 33 year old rocket scientist impressed us with some very heavy gymwork, much of it basedon her huge 28” thighs and 16” arms. We did contest work with Debbie at the same contest, but she had a severe injury right after the show which kept us from our off-season shooting with her, and she dropped out of the scene then. So, Debbie poses in two bikinis and two dresses, showing off a fabulous physique with great arms. Video/DVD runs 2 ¾ hours. |
WPW-283 Sharon Marvel & Joanne Lee |
We have to add all the sessions up again, but aside from Melissa Coates and Michelle Ivers, who stuck around the scene longer, we did more work with Sharon than anyone else. The two main reasons were that she had been living in New Jersey for most of her career, and that she always had a different 'look', ranging from ripped at 120 pounds to incredible off-season condition, a couple of times reaching 180 pounds. We had two sessions with her in 1995 for this release- in very ripped contest shape (5'3" 140 pounds) at the time of her 1995 Jan Tana Pro contest, then a few months later when she was around 165 pounds. Sadly, the latter session would be our last with her until 12 years later, when she was trying to make her comeback. Her contest shape material here shows Sharon at her very best- she put on about 20 pounds of cut muscle since 1987, and she hits the shots in many outfits during both sessions. No gymwork this time, but her last interview is included. This was our second session with Joanne, and she gets 80 minutes- same for Sharon. The British champ was in huge and ripped shape (5'8" 180 pounds) at the time of her 1985 Ms. Olympia contest. She poses in several swimsuits/dresses- most footage with our pro equipment then good quality camcorder for her 'railroad posing scenes'. Update interview also included.
Meral was one of our favorite physique models of the 1990's, and we had many photo/video sessions with her. In fact, this title contains three different sessions taken during 1994/1995. Two of those were with Meral in top contest shape at the time of her 1994 and 1995 Jan Tana contests (and those stage routines are included here). For the third session she was in her off-season condition (5'2" 140..she was 120 in contest shape) and this was a great look for her as she really filled out her physique, yet maintained good definition and hardness- and her physical beauty was obvious. For some odd reason, we never did gymwork with her prior to this, not even repwork. We did not think she was a particularly strong competitor, but had our eyes opened here, as for a few lifts she may have been the strongest ever, pound-for-pound. Noteworthy were her bodyweight curls, then reps with 20 pounds over her bodyweight, in addition to other impressive lifts. For all three sessions, she poses in many swimsuits and dress items and her interview is also included. This was our last work with her as she retired from the competitive scene. However, ten years later- even though not doing contests- she was in great shape and we were able to have another photo/video shoot with her, and that 1995 session is on WPW-623. |
$24.95 |
WPW-285 Most Awesome Female Exhibition |
The "Awesome Female Muscle Celebration" event was held in 1995 and is one of two such events we taped of Laurie Fierstein's shows. Here, top-name women bodybuilders displayed their physiques doing different 'skit' routines. Participants included Paula Suzuki, Doughdee Marie, Tina Lockwood, Hannie Van Aken, Nicole Bass, Colette Guimond, Karla Nelson, Linda Wood-Hoyte, Gabi Spuhn and a few others. Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-286 Amelia Hernandez, Peggy Schoolcraft & MaryEllen Jerumbo Warman |
We had photo/videos sessions with Peggy and MaryEllen when ripped at the time of their contests in 1995, but our plans to do more with them off-season never came off. So, MaryEllen's 30 minutes and Peggy's hour contains posing only. MaryEllen (formerly Jerumbo) might be the top bodybuilding/powerlifting combo ever- she has been competing as an IFBB pro for nearly 20 years and is still going strong entering the 2010 season. In addition, during the same time, she has been an elite powerlifter, setting many records in her weight class. Peggy was from New Jersey, so we cant remember why we could not finish up with her but there is plenty of great posing with the two for several outfits each. As impressive as they were, Amelia may have taken it to a higher level in 1996 when we taped her at the time of the Jan Tana Pro contest. At 5'2" 145 pounds, the Spanish Champ displayed one of the most impressive physiques ever- an incredible combination of size, shapes, vascularity and ripped definition everywhere. No gymwork, but plenty of posing in several outfits and an interview. She moved to Virginia from Spain right around this time, but didn't remain on the competitive scene too much longer- one of the best ever, and with great camera presence. |
$24.95 |
WPW-287 Donna Restivo & Andrea Izard |
Donna was a top amateur from New York for a few years, and Andrea turned IFBB pro in 1996 after winning the Australian Championships. We met Andrea at the 1996 Jan Tana Pro contest and did our work with her there. No gymwork, but she posed in several outfits and was interviewed. She did not compete much after this, and that was too bad as she for sure had the look that the 'judges were looking for'- a high level of muscularity on a beautiful frame (5'6" 150), beautiful shapes and beauty of face and hair. We had two sessions with Donna- in ripped contest shape (5'5" 160) at the time of 1996 US Championships, then also a few weeks before that when she was already ready for her show. She did repwork in the gym in preparation for her posing scenes at a railroad property, and was interviewed. She featured excellent proportions and was leanly defined for all bodyparts which featured great arms and thighs, and in particular, fabulous calves. |
$24.95 |
WPW-288 Donna Bramble & Linda Wood-Hoyte |
This pairing features the 'young newcomer' (Donna) contrasted with the 'seasoned veteran' (Linda). Linda had already been on the local NYC and national bodybuilding scenes for at least 10 years when we did this work with her in 1996, and during this time she was considered to be the very best 'mature woman' on the scene, beating women 10-20 years younger in national contests. She was 53 here and shows off an impressive physique for any age- her upper body- back and arms- were in particular very muscular. Donna was living in New Jersey and took the local NYC bodybuilding scene by storm in 1996, though she was gone from the competition soon after. She was noted for her incredibly peaked biceps, dense back and one of the best six-packs ever. Both women pose in one bikini and two dress items and are interviewed. |
WPW-289 Stacey Moller & Summer Kalish |
Most of the women are around the age of 30 and average 5’5” 140 pounds or so, so it is always interesting to do work with women much larger, much older, or in this case – much younger. Stacey was only 23 when we did this work with her in 1995 and Summer was only 18! This is another case of two women having the potential to do well in the sport, but soon after these photo/video sessions, they faded from view. Stacey was from Kansas City, and the work with her was done at two of her national contests in 1985, and she had a very good 3rd placing in the Junior Nationals. At 5’3” 115 pounds, she had a lean and defined physique, with very good development in her upper body in particular. Stacy posed in six different outfits and was interviewed, and her footage runs a full 2 hours. At this time we can’t even remember the circumstances around the Summer Kalish session, but she was in town and we did posing with her in a bikini and two dresses, but for some reason we did not do the interview. As far as we know, she is the youngest woman (except for maybe Athena), who we ever did work with. Video/DVD runs 2 ¾ hours. |
Doughdee was probably the most famous and popular women to have competed in only one bodybuilding contest- she much more known for her strength activities and her 'off-season' condition. We had several tapings with her over the years and at 5'2" she ranged between about 130 pounds (the one time she did a contest in 1983) to about 180. Here she checked in at a fairly tight 145 pounds- not cut, but showing off good size and great shapes. Doughdee started her career as a brunette, but changed to blonde a taping or two ago, and sports a great looking retro hairstyle here to cap off her beautiful face (she was well into her 40's). We did a lot of gymwork with her in previous tapes, but we skipped that here and instead have her posing in five swimsuit/dress items, and she is interviewed. Doughdee was one of the most unique physique woman ever, and her previous videos containing strong gymwork and her adagio lifting sessions are very well worth checking out- see WPW-151 and WPW-228. This 1996 session was out last with her as the former Maryland native retired to California. |
This was our first of several WPW and Ray Martin titles with Denise, with the photo/video work done with her in top contest shape in July 1996 (at her first pro show, the Jan Tana), then more with her in awesome off-season condition in November of that year. She was originally from New York, but did most of her competing after she moved to Florida. After placing high in local shows, she won the 1995 NPC Nationals Lightweight Class, enabling her to turn pro for 1996. Though only 5'2" she packed alot of muscle on her frame, with a lower body that matched her upper body. In contest shape she was a very defined 124 pounds and at her 145 pound off season weight she really filled out her physique though maintaining a good amount of definition as well. The 28 year old pushed some heavy weight in the gym, then posed in many swimsuits and dress items, and is interviewed. Also included are her stage routines at the '95 Nationals and '96 Tana. Her overall look was one of the best- a world class physique with great facial beauty and classical hairstyles- her other videos will be transferred to DVD in the future. Video/DVD runs 2 1/2 hours. |
We have already mentioned Annie on this flyer for WPW-198, and it is hard to believe we waited about 6 years since that time before we did these two sessions with her in 1996- one in contest shape and the other, off-season. Since the last session with her in 1991 she had become a top national competitor, with consistent top 5-10 placements in the big shows, and continued that way for a long time after this session, finally turning pro just a few years ago!! Here, we have her hitting the shots in many outfits during both sessions, and a lot of heavy gymwork when off season, and interview. Annie is currently one of the top IFBB pros after really paying her dues for a long time. WPW-292 runs 2 hours. |
WPW-293 1996 US Championships - Whole Show
The U.S. Championships (The USA) is the second-best amateur show of the year, and we have the entire prejudging and finals for this 1996 version. In addition, we have the finals only for that year's Junior Nationals. Top name women in both shows include Clifta Coulter, Beckey Rampey, Joey Strackbein, Renee O'Neill, Donna Restivo, Carmen Brady, Theresa Nabors,Michelle Ivers, Lisa Smith, Dawn Brainard, Brenda Raganot, Betty Pariso, Robin Parker, Lora Ottenad, Heather Foster, Iris Kyle, Gayle Moher, Amy Pazzo, Karen Netterstrom, Leza Lewis, Teresa O'Brien and many others! |
WPW-294 1996 Nationals - Whole Show
It is 1996 and the biggest amateur show of the year again- and, we have the entire prejudging and finals. Some of the top women competing: Renee Johns, Angie Ashcraft, Yaz Boyum, Denise Gerard, Dawn Riehl, Gayle Moher, Rachel Mathias, Michelle Ivers, Lauren Hart, Debi Laszewski, Andie Morisse (still competing today as Andie Thiel !), Caron Hospedales, Betty Pariso, Nicole Bass, Ann-Marie Crooks, Leza Lewis, Jennifer Greenbaum, Heather Foster, Annie Riviecchio, Theresa Bostick, Nursel Gurler, Renee O'Neill and many others. |
WPW-295 1996 Nationals/USA/Jr. Nationals - Finals Only
NOTE: this tape features the finals only for the 1996 Junior Nationals, US Championships and Nationals. If you want the full shows, see WPW-293 and WPW-294. If you only care to see the finals for these shows, do not then get either WPW-293 or WPW-294 as there will be duplication ! |
WPW-296 1996 Jan Tana Pro Bodybuilding Contest |
The Jan Tana Pro Bodybuilding Championships gets better every year- this 1996 event featured 23 top-name American and European IFBB pros, including: Martha Sanchez, Nikki Fuller, Maria Calo, Clifta Coulter, Denise Masino, Murianne Nicholas, Yvonne Vasquez, Yaxeni Oriquen, Carmella Cureton, Beatriz Galea, Janet Marchi, MaryEllen Warman, Tazzie Colomb, Amelia Hernandez, Birgitta Carlsson, Francesca Pettijean, Donna Logue, Yurie Ijima, Frederique Auchard, Paula Suzuki, Andrea Izard, Melissa Coates and the return of Susan Myers! The camera work is right on and all of the prejudging, finals, posedowns and awards are again included. |
WPW-297 1996 Jan Tana Pro Fitness
Ten top fitness pros competed in the 1996 Jan Tana, including Monica Brant, Maria Gonzales, Debi Lee, Daniella Morlanne, Melissa Mok, Theresa Hessler, Dana Elias, Kim Roberts, Michelle Schirra and Carmen Moreno. The women are compared in the bikini round, perform dazzling evening routines and perform one fitness/strength event- the versa-climber, which is an upright stairmaster requiring great strength and stamina. |
WPW-298 Jennifer Greenbaum & Jacque Till |
We had two sessions with Jennifer in 1995- contest shape and off-season, and one that year with Jacque. We have 40 minutes only with Jacque- we hoped to have her back in town off-season for gymwork and more posing, but that never came off, so her footage contains a brief update interview and posing in three outfits, all in top contest shape at 5'4" 150. She was in amazing shape for a 22 year old, featuring perhaps the best legs ever for someone that young. Jennifer opens her off-season (5'4" 180!!) footage by showing off in the gym- 1000+ pound leg presses, reps with 225 for the bench, etc, then hits the bodybuilding shots in several outfits. About 6 months later in July, she is in contest shape at 150 and poses in a few more outfits, and is interviewed. Formerly a brunette, Jen went for a nice retro blonde-hair style this time, which topped off her national level physique (always known for her impressive legs) nicely. Jennifer lived in Washington, DC, and had a great competitive career, which ended soon after this taping. |
We met Ronny in the audience of a show in 1995, then made arrangements to do photo/video work with her during her upcoming competitive season in 1996. In fact, we taped her three times that year- in top contest shape (5'5" 130) at the Jan Tana Amateur Contest and at the time of her big win in the Masters Nationals. We then shot her later in the year when she was at 140 pounds, though still almost as lean and vascular as she was for her contests. Here Ronny does repwork in the gym and is interviewed, and for all three sessions she hits the shots in many swimsuits and dress items. Ronny, from Georgia, was somewhat unique as she did not start training until she was almost 40- she was 42 here for this work showing that she came a long way in 2-3 years- lots of muscle size, definition and vascularity ! Note: at the time of this release we had deleted Nina Melidosian's WPW-181 from stock, so we added her bikini posing on to this release. However, WPW-181 is now back in stock, which includes the entire Nina session. |