Women's Physique World (WPW) Magazine Issues
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WPW Fall 1984 Magazine Issue |

Lory Walkup On Cover: *Our First WPW Print Issue* This magazine did not cover any contests in full, but had an overview of all the best shows from 1983. Bios included Walkup, Candis Caldwell, Karen Marin, Lori Bowen, Lisser Frost-Larsen and Lisa Elliott. Elliott was one of the very best women of the very early 80's (predating the others by a few years...) |
WPW Winter 1984 Magzine Issue |

Lori Bowen On Cover: Features contest coverage of the 1984 European Championships, and photo/bios for Tawnya Herman, Janice Ragain, Mae Mollica, Kathy Moore, Marianne Duffy and Marjo Selin, among other coverage. |
WPW Spring 1985 Magazine Issue |
Wisconsisn's 1983 Mid-Central USA Winner Jeanne Splittgerber On Cover: Features The 5th US Women's Bodybuilding Championships & The 2nd Women's World Amateur Bodybuilding Championships, as well as bios and photos of Deanna Panting, Kathy Illingworth & MORE! |
WPW June 1985 Magazine Issue |
1984 AFWB Colorado state champion Krista Parr On Cover: Features The 1984 Ms. Olympia, The 1984 AFWB Amrican Championships & The 1984 AUU Ms. America as well as bios and photos of Tina Plackinger, Cory Everson, Jeanne Splittgerber, Jill O'Connor & MORE! |
WPW August 1985 Magazine Issue |

Kay Baxter On Cover: Featuring full bio on Kay Baxter through 1985, Canada's Shelley Huber, Chris Porter and Dona Oliviera with many extra photos of those competitors. Other bios in the issue include Penny Price and Michelle Thomas. Contest coverage includes the 1984 Superbowl of Strength Contest and the 1985 Women's Powerlifting Championships. |
WPW October 1985 Magazine Issue |
Susan Stralen On Cover: Features The IFBB Pro Wolrd Championships, The LA Championships & Washington's Emerald Cup, as well as bios and photos of Mary Ryan & Sue Springsteen, Doughdee Marie, Jeri Miller & MORE! |
WPW Spring 1986 Magazine Issue |
1985 California Heavyweight Chamption Mishay Santos On Cover: Features The 1985 IFBB Amateur World Championships, The 1985 IFBB European Championships & The 1985 NPC US and American Championships, as well as bios and photos of Juliette Meyer-Bergman, Mishay Santos, Sandy Kamberger & MORE! |
WPW Summer 1986 Magazine Issue |
1985 California Heavyweight Chamption Mishay Santos On Cover: Features The 1985 IFBB Amateur World Championships, The 1985 IFBB European Championships & The 1985 NPC US and American Championships, as well as bios and photos of Juliette Meyer-Bergman, Mishay Santos, Sandy Kamberger & MORE! |
WPW Fall 1986 Magazine Issue |
Marianne Duffy On Cover: Features The LA Pro Championships, Female Machisma, The IFBB Ms. International, Loraine Gari, Women's Powerlifing Nationals, Connie Shackelford, Susie Jaso, Rhonda Lundstedt, Melinda Perper, March & Ann Smith; Pictorial of Diana Dennis, and more! |
WPW Spring 1987 Magazine Issue |
1986 Texas State Chamption Brenda Herrera On Cover: Features The 1986 European Championships, The NPC USA Championships, The NPC National Championships, as well as articles and photos of Clare Furr, Anja Langer, Samantha Madsen, Hannie Van Aken, Peggy Ouwerling and MORE! |
WPW Summer 1987 Magazine Issue |
Diana Dennis On Cover: Features contest coverage of the 1986 IFBB Ms. Olympia, the 1986 IFBB World Amateurs & the 1986 Caribbean Championships. Other features include photo/bios & more of Joanne McCartney, Vegas NABBA, Canadian Pictorial 1986, Vivian Bermudez, Tara Dodane, Janice Graser, Charla Sedacca, Trish DeHall, Anja Albrecht & More! |
WPW Fall 1987 Magazine Issue |
Description coming soon |
WPW July 1988 Magazine Issue |
Ray Hollitt On Cover: F eatures the 1987 Ms. Olympia, 1987 Women's Extravaganza and the 1988 Los Angeles Championships, and bio include Claudia Mountford, Marie Lena, Judy Whitham, Jackie Paisley, Audrey Harris and Patty Sanchez. |
WPW September 1988 Magazine Issue |

Juliette Bergmann On Cover: Features coverage of the 1988 Pro Worlds, Ms. International and Emerald Cup, and bios/pictorials for Adrienne Foster, Susan Myers, Denise Rutkowski and Cindy Faulkinbury. |
WPW November 1988 Magazine Issue |
Liz Lopez On Cover: Features contest coverage of the 1988 NPC Jr USA Championships, the IFBB European Championships & the NPC South Texas Championships. Other features include photo/bios and more of Debbie McKnight, Rita Hatch, Susan Myers, Kay Baxter Tribute, hurdler Julie Rocheleau, Diane Talik and more!! |
WPW January 1989 Magazine Issue |
Tara Dodane On Cover: Features contest coverage of the 1988 NPC US Championships, the 1988 Teen/Collegiate/Masters Nationals & the 1988 NPC Junior Nationals. Other features include photo/bios on Karen Pica, Betsy Hoffmann, Liz Lopez, Tazzie Colomb, Triathlete Jan Ripple & Austria's Elizabeth Fingerl. |
WPW Spring 1989 Magazine Issue |
Lisa Lorio & Janet Tech On Cover: Features the 1988 NPC Nationals, the 1988 IFBB North American Championships, the 1988 AAU Ms. America and the 1988 IFBB World Amateur Championships. Profiles of Carol Mock, Erika Andersch, Arminda and more! |
WPW Summer 1989 Magazine Issue |
Lisa Lorio & Janet Tech On Cover: Features the 1988 IFBB Ms. Olympia and the Kay Baxter Memorial Women's Extravaganza II. Featured articles include Julia Kover, Lisser Frost Larson, Rebecca Barrington, Deniene Lisachenko, Joan Bovino, Karenann Stanley and more! |
WPW Fall 1989 Magazine Issue |
Janelle Bogen On Cover: Features The 1989 IFBB Ms. International, the Emerald Cup Championships, the IFBB World Amaturs and the NPC-Jr USA Scrapbook. Pictorial & Articles of Nikki Garner, Lisetta Hansen and more! |
WPW Spring 1990 Magazine Issue |

Janice Ragain On Cover: Features include a complete bio for Lenda Murray (probably her first ever) at the time of her win at the 1989 Junior Nationals, which set her career in motion. In additon, bios for Sally Gomez, Bernie Price and Laura Binetti are included, and a pictorial on Victoria Dedes. Contest coverage includes four big shows from 1989- IFBB and NABBA Europeans, IFBB Pro Worlds and NPC Junior Nationals. |
WPW Summer 1990 Magazine Issue |
Kris Luebke On Cover: Features the IFBB Ms. Olympia, the Women's Extravaganza, the NPC USA Championships, the NPC Nationals, the 1989 Southern States and the IFBB North American. Featured articles include Shelley Beattie, Judy Kalvin-Steifel, Kim Hughes and more! |
WPW Fall 1990 Magazine Issue |
Claudia Wagner On Cover: Features the IFBB Ms. International, the NPC Emerald Cup, the WABBA Worlds, the 1989 Jr. National. Pictorial & Articles of Kris Luebke, Wendy Jeal, Lisa Moretti, Zuzana Korinkova, Illona Pagen and more! |
WPW Winter 1990 Magazine Issue |
Debbie Muggli On Cover: Features the NPC Junior Nationals, the WABBA Europeans, the World Gym Classic, and the Teen/Collegiate/Masters Nationals. Featured articles include Debbie Muggli, Joan Bovino pictorial, the Fitness Show Woman, Jennifer McConnell and more! |
WPW Spring 1991 Magazine Issue |

Tazzie Colomb On Cover: The WPW magazine features Shelley Beattie's win in the 1990 US Championships, Nikki Fuller's victory in the 1990 Nationals and Debbie Muggli's win at the 1990 North Americans. In addition, full coverage of the 1990 IFBB World's, with early pics of Zuzana Korinkova, Marja Lehtonen and others, is included. Michelle Andrea, Paula Piwarunas, Gisele Hadad Sass and Tami Stark are featured in photo/biographies. |
WPW Summer 1991 Magazine Issue |

Lisa Lorio On Cover: Features 1990 IFBB Ms. Olympia, 1990 WABBA Worlds, 1990 Women's Extravaganza, 1982 Ms. O as well as articles & photos for Sue Gafner, Eleonore Urbanski, Hannie Van Aken, Chris Clausen, Sharon Bloudoff & Jutta Tippelt |
WPW Fall 1991 Magazine Issue |

Rhonda Lundstedt On Cover: Features The 1991 IFBB Ms. International Contest, 1991 New Jersey Championships, 1991 NPC Jr. USA, 1991 IFBB & WABBA European Championships as well as bios and photos of Denise Rutkowski, Rhonda Lundstedt, Lynn Conkwright, Jan Harrell, D'Lynne Miller & Jeannie Riggles. |
WPW Winter 1991 Magazine Issue |

Cory Everson On Cover: Features include full bios of Cory, Paula Bircumshaw, Nancy Lewis and Donna Mangano; full coverage of the 1981 Ms. Olympia, The Jan Tana Classic, The 1991 US Championships (NPC-USA) and the 1991 Cal State Championships |
WPW March 1992 Magazine Issue |

Lenda Murray On Cover: Features full coverage of Lenda's 2nd Ms. O win in a row at the 1991 event, Tracy Gillispie's win at the 1991 Junior Nationals and Sharon Bruneau's victory at the 1991 North Americans, allowing her to turn pro. Full photo/bios for Sue Price, Laurie Fierstein, Judy Moshkoski, Robbie Bryant, Yolanda Hughes and Astrid Falconi are also included. |
WPW May 1992 Magazine Issue |

Kim King On Cover: Features the NPC 1991 Nationals, the 1983 AFWB National, 1991 NPC Ironmaiden, 1991 IFBB Caribbeans, 1991 NPC Extravaganza, 1991 IFBB World Amateurs, and bio's include Kim King, Carolyn Phillips, Meral Ertunc, and Jeannie St. Pierre. |
WPW July 1992 Magazine Issue |
Sharon Marvel On Cover: Features the 1991 WABBA Worlds, the Extravaganza Strength Show, the 1991 NABBA Universe, the 1991 British Championships and the 1991 French Championships. Profiles of Roser Hernandez, Thea Bennington, Angle Rajic, Lisa Spitzer and more! |
WPW September 1992 Magazine Issue |
Sharon Bruneau On Cover: Features photos/bios of Laura Bass, Kristi Ramsey, Jodi Turner, Elaine Craig, Doughdee Marie, Pudgy Stockton & Laura Lana; Coverage of the 1992 NPC Jr. USA, the 1992 NPC Emerald Cup, the 1992 IFBB Ms. International and more! |
WPW November 1992 Magazine Issue |
Gina Mezzaroba On Cover: Features photos/bios of Carey Hensley, Mary Desch, Jina Lynne & Anita Gandol; Covrage of the 1992 NPC USA Championships, the 1992 IFBB World Amateurs, the 1992 IFBB Europeans, the 1992 NPC California, the 1992 Orange Calendar and more! |
WPW January 1993 Magazine Issue |

Kim Chizevsky On Cover: Features full coverage of the 1992 Junior Nationals, which featured Kim's big win as well as Mike Bogen's bio on her. Other contests features include the 1992 Teen, Collegiate, Masters Nationals, the 1992 North American (Kim won that one also), the NABBA Worlds and Nikki Fuller's big win in the '92 Jan Tana Pro show. Gina Mezzaroba/Hall and Christa Bauch also have photo/bios. |
WPW May 1993 Magazine Issue |
D'Lynne Miller On Cover: Features Photo/bios of Robin Parker, Santa Monica Souza, Vernette Johnston, Caron Hospedales, J.C. Williamson, Clifta Coulter & Kelly Kight; Coverage of the 1992 Women's Extravaganza, the 1992 Extravaganza Strength Show, the 1992 NABBA Ms. Universe, the 1992 DC Grand Prix and more! |
WPW July August 1993 Magazine Issue |
Diana Dennis On Cover: Features photo/bios of Cecilie Christensen, Diana Dennis, Rozanne Keyser, Brenda Raganot & Jakki Bakeria; Coverage of the 1993 IFBB Ms. International, the 1993 NPC Emerald Cup, the 1992 NPC Ironmaiden & the WPW European bodybuilder of 1992 and more! |
WPW September Octobter 1993 Magazine Issue |

Meral Ertunc On Cover: Features 1993 Jr. USA, 1993 IFBB Europeans, Palm Springs Classic, NPC Nationals Preview and bio's include Carmen Brady, Zuzan Kaminga, Lori Walkup Green, Rhonda Jorgenson, Dorine Tilton, and Donna Leotta. |
WPW November December 1993 Magazine Issue |
Christa Bauch On Cover: Features profiles of Terise Anderson, Evette Feigel, Rachel Mathias, Jeannine Delahunty, Vikki Scaffe, Susan Myers & Linda Wood-Hoyte; Coverage of the 1993 Junior Nationals, the 1993 NABBA Germany, WPW Gallery of Greats and more! |
WPW January February 1994 Magazine Issue |
Denise Rutkowski On Cover: Features photo/bios of Vikki Cole, Laura Carolan, Melissa Coates, Monica Haslam and Roxanne Rhault; Pictorials of Tina Lockwood, Yvonne McCoy & Nanna Bjone; and coverage of the Jan Tana Classic, the 1993 NPC - USA & MORE! |
WPW March April 1994 Magazine Issue |
Betty Pariso On Cover: Features The 1993 NPC Nationals, The 1993 WABBA Europeans; Profiles of Pam Wascher, Mary Ellen Doss, Brenda Raganot and Anita Ramsey; Pictorials of Melissa Coates, Gabriella Szikszay and Danielle LeRoy and more! |
WPW May June 1994 Magazine Issue |
Michele Ralabate On Cover: Features photo/bios of Michele Ralabate, Sue Price, Debbie Minsky, Victoria Gay; Coverage of the 1993 Extravaganza Strength Show, the Strong & Shapely Pro Fitness Contest, the 1993 Ms. Olympia and more! |
WPW July August 1994 Magazine Issue |
Melissa Coates On Cover: Features photo/bios of Jodi Friedman, Leticia Francis, Kristie Kelley, Laura Creavalle, Chris Bongiovanni, Sandra Blackel; Coverage of the 1993 IFBB World Amateur Championships, the 1993 NABBA Universe, the 1993 North American Championships and more! |
WPW September October 1994 Magazine Issue |
Rhonda Jorgenson On Cover: Features full coverage of the 1994 Ms. International, the 1994 NPC Emerald Cup, the 1993 Steel Rose and the 1993 WABBA Worlds. Photos/articles include Jacque Till, Amy Fadhli, Ann-Marie Crooks, Vicky Lestenko, Laura Binetti, Valerie Scott, Laura Robinson, Pat Anderson & more! |
WPW November December 1994 Magazine Issue |

Shelley Beattie & Sharon Bruneau On Cover: Features Laura Binetti's win in the 1994 Canada Pro Cup (and large bio on her), the 1994 Jr USA, Valerie Gangi's win in the 1994 Cal State, bios for Joanne Lee, Cyndie Jones and others. |
WPW January February 1995 Magazine Issue |

Debbie Muggli On Cover: Features the NPC-USA Championships, NPC Jr. Nationals, 1994 NABBA Worlds as well as articles and photos of Betty Pariso, Andrea Hurwitz and Melody Bennett. |
WPW March April 1995 Magazine Issue |
Ericca Kern On Cover: Features photo/bios of Yaxeni Oriquen, Marti Fox, Sandy Cummins, Theresa Nabors, Meral Ertunc, Michelle Andrea; Coverage of the Jan Tana Classic, the Jan Tana Amateur, the IFBB North American, the European Grand Prix, the 1994 Ms. Olympia and more! |
WPW May June 1995 Magazine Issue |
Raye Hollitt On Cover: Features photo/bios of Ericca Kern, Becky Rampey, Raye Hollitt, Cindi Bruno, Debbie Balgre, Stasi Longo, Paula Brugh; Coverage of the 1004 NPC Nationals, Ms. Olympia Encore, the 1994 NPC Team Universe and more! |
WPW July August 1995 Magazine Issue |
Skye Ryland On Cover: Features photo/bios of Victoria Higgins, Vikki Meads, Skye Ryland, Colette Guimond, Paula Suzuki, Milette Faure; Coverage of the 1994 World Amateurs, the 1994 NABBA Universe, the 1994 Canadian Championships and more! |
WPW September October 1995 Magazine Issue |

Zuzana Korinkova On Cover: Features full coverage of the 1995 Extravaganza Strength Contest and pro and amateur fitness events, the 1995 Ms. International, Emerald Cup and Steel Rose, among other features. Renita Harris, Angie Kirk, Vicki Lestanko, Karla Nelson and Mah-Ann Mendoza have photo/bios. |
WPW November December 1995 Magazine Issue |

Valerie Scott on Cover. Contest coverage includes the Canada Cup III, the NPC California, the 1995 NPC Jr. USA and the NPC Florida. Photos/Bios include Lynne Nichols, Tina Lockwood, Lynea Brehm, Cathy Lefrancois, Lisa Moore, Dayana Cadeau, Valerie Scott, Kelly Felske, Michele Ralabate, Sue Epperson, Tami Wooden and many more! |
WPW January February 1996 Magazine Issue |
Cathy Lefrancois On Cover: Features photo/bios on Cathy Lefrancois, Kat Sartor, Linda Battaglia and Karen Netterstrom. Coverage of the 1995 NPC USA Championships, the 1995 Jan Tana Classic, the 1994 WABBA Worlds & more! |
WPW March April 1996 Magazine Issue |
Caron Hospedales On Cover: Features photo/bios of Vickie Gates, Lisa Smith, Stacy Moller, Caron Hospedales, Theresa O'Brien; Coverage of the 1995 Ms. Olympia, the IFBB North American, the 1995 NPC Jr. Nationals and more! |
WPW May June 1996 Magazine Issue |

Karen Netterstrom On Cover: Features the 1995 NPC Nationals and 1995 Canadian Nationals, and bios for Renee O'Neill, Deborah Diana, Lisa Jamison, Lucy Wightman and Peggy Schoolcraft. |
WPW July August 1996 Magazine Issue |
Judy Miller On Cover: Features photo/bios of Denise Masino, Anne Whalen, Judy Miller, Deborah Compton, Melinda McNabb and Sherry Meyer; Coverage of the 1995 IFBB World Amateurs, the 1995 NABBA Universe and MORE! |
WPW September October 1996 Magazine Issue |
Yolanda Hughes On Cover: Features photos/bios of Sherry Morin, Lora Ottenad, Shelly Paollnetti, Stella Hill, Renee Johns, Sabine Froschauer and Chrissy Ballko; Coverage of the 1996 Emerald Cup, the 1996 Ms. International, the 1996 B.C. Championships and MORE! |
WPW Novmber December 1996 Magazine Issue |
Donna Restivo On Cover: Features photo/bios of Donna Restivo, Karen Smith, Lesa Lewis, Debbie Minsky and OJ Heller; Coverage of the 1996 NPC Junior USA, the 1996 Canadian Cup, the NPC California and MORE! |
WPW March 1997 Magazine Issue |
Amy Pazzo On Cover: Features photo/bios of Amy Pazzo, Heather Foster, Dawn Brainard, Jonna Amato-Ocampo and Michelle Iveres; Coverage of the 1996 NPC Junior Nationals, the 1996 NPC USA Championships, the WABBA Europe 1996 and MORE! |
WPW June 1997 Magazine Issue |
Suzan Kaminga On Cover: Features coverage of the 1996 Jan Tana Classic, the 1996 Canadian Championships, the 1996 NPC Nationals, the 1996 Ms. Olympia, the 1996 IFBB World Amateurs, the NPC Steel Rose, the NPC Team Universe, the 1996 IFBB North American and MORE! |
WPW September 1997 Magazine Issue |
Jitka Harazimova On Cover: Features photos/bios of Andrea Izard, Susan Myers, Amelia Hernandez, Summer Kalish, Ronnie Lipari and Donna Bramble; Coverage of the 1997 Ms. Interenational, the 1997 Emerald Cup XV, the 1996 NPC Ironmaiden and MORE! |
WPW December 1997 Magazine Issue |
Marianna Komlos On Cover: Features profiles of Jodi Michaels, Marianna Komlos, Dayana Cadeau, Ocean Bloom, Che Swagger, Barbara Moran and Tania Crabbe; Coverage of the British Columbia Championships, the 1997 Canada Cup, the 1997 NPC California, the 1997 NPC Junior USA and MORE! |
WPW March 1998 Magazine Issue |

Annie Rivieccio On Cover: Features bios for Christi Wolf, Debi Laszewski, Chris Bongiovanni, Stasi Longo, Chris Lydon and Christa Bauch and contest coverage for many top 1997 contests: Lesa Lewis' big win in the USA; Christine Envall, and many other top international women, at the NABBA Worlds; the Junior Nationals; the Extravaganza Strength and Physique shows featuring Marianna Komlos(in physique show) Christi Wolf, Dawn Whitham, Annie Rivieccio, Gayle Moher, Denise Gerard, Amy Pazzo and others in the strength show. 68 pages with only a few for ads!! |
WPW June 1998 Magazine Issue |
Natalia Murnikovine and Melissa Coates On Cover: Features photo/bios of Denise Masino, Collin Fischer and Inna Uit; Coverage of the 1997 Jan Tana Classic, the NPC Nationals, the 1997 IFBB World Amateurs, the 1997 Canadian Championships, the 1997 Ms. Olympia and MORE! |
WPW September 1998 Magazine Issue |
Sharon Marvel, Tina Lockwood and Kris Alexander On Cover: Features photos/bios of Marnie Fargo, Tami Wooden, Jacqueline de Gennaro, Dawn Riehl and Rae Najeebe-Mokhtari; Coverage of the 1998 IFBB Ms. International, the 1998 NPC Junior USA, the 1998 NPC Palm Springs Muscle Classic, the 1998 NPC Emerald Cup and MORE! |
WPW December 1998 Magazine Issue |
Laurie Noack, Kim Harris & Trish Swandere On Cover: Features pictorials of Raquel Velasco and Chris Bongiovannie; photos/bios of Trish Swander, Kim Harris, Laurie Noack and Bethany Howlett; Coverage of the 1998 NPC USA Championships, the 1998 NPC California, the 1998 NPC Junior Nationals, the 1998 NABBA Worlds, the 1998 BC Championships and MORE! |
WPW March 1999 Magazine Issue |
Denise Hoshor and Kelly Felske On Cover: Features photos/ bios of Denise Hoshor, Kelly Felske, Mary Yockey, Lauren Hart, Amanda Blank, Kelly Nelson & Colleen Fisher; Coverage of the 1998 IFBB North American, the 1998 Jan Tana Classic, the NPC Teen, Collegiate, Masters Nationals, the 1998 NPC Team Universe, the 1998 NPC Southern States and MORE! |
WPW June 1999 Magazine Issue |
Amanda Blank and Renee O'Neill On Cover: Features photo/bios of Denise Gerard, Stacey Seaver and Amanda Blank; Coverage of the 1998 IFBB World Amateur Championships, the NPC Women's Extravaganza, the 1998 IFBB Ms. Olympia, the 1998 NPC National Championships, European Bodybuilder of the Year 1998 and MORE! |
WPW September 1999 Magazine Issue |
Tazzie Colomb, Debi Laszewski and Val Stauffer On Cover: Features photos/bios of Michelle Maroldo, Wynne Hendry, Laura Binetti, Christine Envall, Amy Rainaldo, Lisa Dulovic, Karen Taucher; Coverage of the 1999 IFBB Ms. International, the 1999 NPC Emerald Cup, the 1999 Junior USA and MORE! |
WPW December 1999 Magazine Issue |
Pavla Brantalova On Cover: Features profiles of Sherry Smith, Vonda Kline, Bethany Bryan and Toni Norman; Coverage of the 1999 NPC Junior Nationals, the Jan Tana Classic, the IFBB Pro World, the 1999 NPC California and MORE! |
WPW March 2000 Magazine Issue |
Kim Chizevsky, Vickie Gates & Bethany Howlett On Cover: Features profiles of Iris Kyle and Raejha Douziech; Contest coverage of the 1999 NPC USA Championships, the 1999 IFBB North American, the NPC Nationals, the 1999 Canadian Championships, the 1999 British Columbia Championships, the Pro Women's Extravaganza and More! |
WPW June 2000 Magazine Issue |
Lindsay Mulinazzi, Dee Nesch & Danet Seely On Cover: Features profiles of Lisa Aukland, Dee Nesch, Carol Quarles and Danet Seely; Contest coverage of the 1999 IFBB World Amateur Championships, the 1999 NPC Ironmaiden, the 1999 British Championships, the 1999 Australian Championships, the 1999 Ms. Natural Olympia, the 1999 NABBA Universe, the 1999 Women's Extravaganza and MORE! |
WPW September 2000 Magazine Issue |
Debbie Kruck, Sheila Bleck & Cynthia Bridges On Cover: Featuring profiles of Sheila Bleck, Sherma Dillard, Debbie Kruck, Lindsay Mulinazzi & Cynthia Bridges; Contest coverage includes the 2000 NPC Emerald Cup, the 2000 NPC Junior USA, the 2000 Ms. International and More! |
WPW June 2001 Magazine Issue |
Colette Nelson, Beth Roberts & Heather McCormick On Cover: Features profiles of Heather McCormick, Makeba Moore, Alti Bautista, Carol Gibson, Lois Smucker and Beth Roberts;Contest coverage of the 2000 IFBB European Championships, the 2000 NPC Junior Nationals, the 2000 NPC Southwest USA, the NPC California Championships and MORE! |
WPW December 2001 Magazine Issue |
Nursel Gurler, Dayana Cadeau & Karina Nascimento On Cover: Features articles/photos of Karina Nascimento, Gina Farnsworth, Dawn Sutherland, Dawn Principe, Debbie Bramwell, Stacy Garonzik, Collette Nelson, Lisa Bavington, Heather Hulseberg, Nursel Gurler, Peggy Schoolcraft, Lesa Lewis, Dawn Riehl, Elena Seiple-Perticari, Angela Debatin, Kristi Oakley, Kelly Tekin, Michelle Tuggle, Anette Glover, Tracey Greenwood, Jayne Trcka, Kim Harris, Christine Fetzer, Renee Toney, Debbi Auer, and Pauliina Talus;Contest coverage of the 2001 NPC Junior USA, the 2000 IFBB World Amateurs, the 2000 NPC USA, the 2000 Jan Tana Classic, the 2000 NPC Nationals, the 2000 Ms. Olympia, the 2000 Canadian Championships, the 2000 NPC Team Universe, the NPC Southern States, and MORE! |
WPW May 2002 Magazine Issue |
Joanna Thomas, Pauliina Talus & Trudy Ireland On Cover: Features profiles of Pam Wentz, Elaina Monroe, Carla Haug, Rikki Rife, Camillia Lipscomb, Joanna Thomas, Pauliina Talus, Stacy Simons, Celeste Chance, Trudy Ireland and Karen Tucker; Contest coverage of the 2001 NPC USA and More! |
WPW August 2002 Magazine Issue |
Marja Lehtonen On Cover: Features profiles of Christine Roth, Lisa Aukland, Sue Scheppele, Sue Rinn, Sophie Duquette, Theresa Annecharico, Tonia Villalobos and Jodi Michaels; Contest coverage of the 2001 Women's Extravaganza, the NPC Nationals, the 2001 Jan Tana Pro Classic, the 2001 Canadian Championships, the 2001 Ms. Olympia and MORE! |
WPW April 2003 Magazine Issue |
Heather Foster, Elena Seiple-Perticari & Marlene Harden On Cover: Features articles/photos of Rosemary Jennings, Sarah Dunlap, Yaz Boyum, Yaxeni Oriquen, Fanni Barrios, Heather Lee, Bernadette Perez, Teri Mooney, Jody May, Christy Clausen, Laura Lewis, Vickie Vincent, Jeannie Paparone, Jennifer Kaylor, Myriam Bustamante, Brenda Osborne, Cat McKee, Ally Miesch-Nie, Michele Burdick, Heather Foster, Marlene Harden, Dianne Solomons, Betty Viana, Heather Policky, Jodi Miller, Kim Scheideler, Heather Darling, Sheila Bleck, Susanna McKee, Gamble Bryon, Melissa Stevens, Cheryl Overman, Dina DeMauro, Aretha Straughan, Tina Ponchillia and Bethann Wondrak; Contest coverage of the 2002 NPC USA, the 2002 NPC Junior Nationals, the NPC Emerald Cup, the 2002 Junior USA, the IFBB Pro Southwest USA, the NPC Contra Costa, the NPC California, the NPC Orange County Muscle Classic, and MORE! |
WPW August 2003 Magazine Issue |
Christine Roth, Mary Lynne MacKenzie & Sophie Duquette On Cover: Features articles/photos of Lenda Murray, Bonny Priest, Janine Payne, Sheron Kestler, Jill Kolivoski, Audrey Letourneau, Louise St. Pierre, Nadya Castellas, Marnie Power, Debbie Leung, Carmen Unger, Shelly Yakimchuck, Christine Roth, Sophie Duquette, Sonya McFarland, Gina Davis, Lindsay Mulinazzi, Mary Lynne MacKenzie, Brooke Novac, Shannon Nuessle, Nuriye Sener, Kim Rogers, Sondra Faas, Gabriele Mayer, Gabriele Mayer, Margarita Belinskaya, Lori Hayden, Asa Lotbom, Eva Pogacnik, Lara Temereski, Stephanie Park and Juliette Bergmann; Contest coverage of the 2002 NPC Nationals, the 2002 GNC Pro Cup, the 2002 Canadian Championships, the 2002 IFBB World Amateurs, the 2002 Jan Tana Classic and MORE! |
WPW April 2004 Magazine Issue |
Sheila Bleck, Lenda Murray & Annie Rivieccio On Cover: Contest coverage includes the 2003 NPC USA Championships, the 2003 Ms. International, the 2003 NPC Emerald Cup, the 2003 Night of Champions, the 2003 NPC Junior USA and the 2003 NPC California. Features articles/photos of Shannon Dey, Misty Yi, Terri Harris, April Boyer, Stacy Jensen, Kate Brown, Beverly DiRenzo, Mimi Jabalee, Becky West, Paula Schaffer, Amy Neal, Patty Farrow, Angie Semsch, Dena Westerfield, Kristy Hawkins, Emery Miller, Amy Rainaldo, Lisa Bickels, Barbara Mrazkova, Zdenka Razymova, Patty Garner, Rebecca Wheeler, Nyala Edwards, Tammy Hamner, Gayle Olinekova, Jeannie Paparone, Malissa Robles, Abby Eyre and more! |
WPW August 2004 Magazine Issue
Gina Davis, Bonny Priest & Lauren Powers On Cover: Contest coverage includes the 2003 Ms. Olympia, The 2003 NPC Nationals, the 2003 Jan Tana Classic, the 2003 IFBB World Amateur Championships and the 2003 Canadian Championships. Features articles/photos of Kathryn Connors, Michelle Davis, Tonya Williams, Linda Cancel, Jennifer Turner, Melanie Thompson, Theresa Moore, Lori Emory, Nekole Hamrick, Helle Nielsen, Jeannie Paprone, Joanna Thomas, Colette Guimond, Sheila Bleck, Lauren Powers, Gina Davis, Sheilahe Brown, Anne Sheehan, Sondra Faas, Sheron Kestler, Angie Rojas, Cheryl Overman, Christine Moore, Norma Nieves, Sharon Kouvaras, Anna Level, Helen Bouchard, Christine Roth, Autumn Raby, Pam Howard, Nicole Ball, Shelly Yakimchuk, Nadia Nardi, Jody Wald & more! |
WPW December 2004 Magazine Issue |
Dena Westerfield, Vicki Nixon & Debbie Bramwell On Cover: Contest coverage includes the 2004 NPC USA Championships, the 2004 Ms. International, the 2004 NPC Junior USA, the 2004 Pro Southwest, the 2004 NPC Junior Nationals, the 2004 NPC Emerald Cup, the Night of Champions 2004 and the 2004 NPC California. Features photos/articles of Carrie Ledford-Baldwin, Sherry Smith, Christi Carro, Mary Elizabeth Hobbs, Christine Sabo, Petra Walk, Susanne Bock, Klaudia Larson, Julia Simon, Rebekka Armstrong, Gerri Deach, Yamile Marrero, Kris Murrell, Carina Dupree, Dena Westerfield, Vicki Nixon, Sabrina Gibson, Amanda Dunbar, Amanda Swallow, Jonna Ocampo, Danielle Hollenshade, Nicole Pitcher, Cindy Johnson, Shawna Walker, Yvonne Edmunds, Helena Jenkis, Amber Black & more! |
WPW April 2005 Magazine Issue |
Mindi O'Brien, Kaylie Perry & Leighsa Bailey On Cover: Contest coverage includes the 2004 Ms. Olympia, the 2004 NPC Nationals, the 2004 Canadian Championships, the 2004 IFBB World Amateurs, the 2004 GNC Show of Strength, the 2004 IFBB North Americans, the 2004 NPC Team Universe, the 2004 IFBB Nordic Championships and the 2005 Radiant Pro Strength Show. Features articles/photos of Gina Davis, Emery miller, Louise St. Pierre, Autumn Raby, Robin Parker, Deniz Odar, Meral Ertunc, Amanda Swallow, Mindi O'Brien, Dawn Principe, Lorena Cozza, Kelly Felske, Kaylie Perry, Rhonda Dethlefs, Johanna Dejager & more! |
WPW December 2005 Magazine Issue |
KC Inlow, Andrea Hurwitz & Robin Parker On Cover: Contest coverage includes the 2005 Ms. International, the 2005 New York Pro Championships, the 2005 NPC California, the 2005 NPC Emerald Cup, the 2005 NPC Junior USA, the 2005 NPC Pittsburgh and the 2005 NPC Orange County. Features photos/articles of KC Inlow, Robin Parker, Becky West, Millie Cleveland, Cynthia Schafer, Yvonne Edmunds, Mary Ellen Jerumbo, Christina Goree, Tamara Finley, Melissa Dettwiller, Andrea Hurwitz, Debi Stern, Christina Summers, Sandi Grant, Shelly Yakimchuk, Gerri Deach, Chevelle Hallback, Dana Capobianco, Shannon McKenzie, Jody Coy, Fannie Barrios, Ursula Bukanes Henry, Denise Gerard, Flavia Crisos, Dara Trager, Jessica Oscroft, Jennifer Delano, Juanita Laudette, Nathalie Abellan, Lisa Massimini, Julie Peavy, Cherie Loomes, Jennifer McNew, Sherrie Agius, Danielle Smith, Alison Jones, Corry Matthews, Angela Debatin & more! |
WPW Spring 2006 Magazine Issue |
Mimi Jabalee, Kim Perez, Autumn Raby, Jitka Harazimova, Bonny Priest, Amanda Dunbar, Svetlana Lomachevskaya & Yaxeni Oriquen On Cover: Contest coverage includes the 2005 NPC Natioanls, the 2005 Ms. Olympia, the IFBB Charlotte Pro Championships, the 2005 NPC USA, the 2005 IFBB North American, the 2005 Europa Super Show, the 2005 Canadian Championships, the 2005 Alberta Provincials, the 2005 NPC Junior Nationals and the 2005 IFBB World Amateur Championships. Features photos/articles of Karen Zaremba, Nicole Ball, Mimi Jabalee, Tatiana Tennille, Debi Lazewski, Rebekka Armstrong, Tatiana Anderson, Carmen Tocheniuk, Tazzie Colomb, Loana Muttoni, Krista Smith, Vicki Nixon, Bettina Kadet, Autumn Raby, Heidi Hansen, Sharon Mitola, Gabi Nicander, Liza Larence, Adrienne Blewitt & more! |