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WPW-500 2002 Jan Tana Amateur Bodybuilding/Figure/Fitness

In addition to promoting the pro bodybuilding and fitness events, Jan Tana also held regional quality amateur bodybuilding, fitness and figure events in 2002. A total of nearly 30 women competed- most were unknown nationally, but Holly Geerson and Lauren Powers (bodybuilders) and fitness women Debra Dunn and Grace Rivera did make it to national shows after this. Prejudging and finals are shown. Video running time about 100 minutes. |

We had several photo/video sessions with Shannon in 2001-early 2002, and those are on WPW 483 which features posing, gymwork and interview. She was back up north again from the Carolinas in mid-2002, and this time she was in nice off-season shape- not hard, but somewhat defined, featuring beautiful muscle shapes and size. No gymwork or interview this time, but she posed in many bikinis and dresses, and for something different, she did some posing in lingerie. Although her own long blonde, straight hair was very attractive, for a different 'look' she did some posing in a wavy blonde hairpiece also. Video running time about 70 minutes. |

We did our first work with Colette way back in 1993, and that footage is still available on WPW 245. Moving forward almost 10 years, Colette had really packed on the muscle, checking in here at 5'1" and a huge 165 pounds of hard, defined size and shapes. She was in her early 40's here, and getting better with age (and got even better after this in our footage with her on WPW-543 and WPW-614), now sporting 17" arms and thighs that approach 30". She was very strong for her gymwork, which included benching her bodyweight for nearly 30 reps (very difficult) and other strong lifts. After that she hit the shots in a bikini and dress, and was interviewed. Colette was one of the most developed woman of all time, and as we said, continued to get even better in our follow-up videos. Video running time about 75 minutes. |
WPW-503 Dana Capobianco (now on WPW-647) |

The entire WPW-503 is now included on WPW-647
We used to see Dana helping out backstage at the Extravaganza contests in the early 90's- year after year she said one day she would be competing- well, that day finally came in the late 90s, when she started competing locally in the NYC area, and we had our first of two photo/video sessions with her in 2002. She was in near-contest shape at 5'3" 140 pounds, and don't let her attractive looks fool you- she was very strong in the gym including lots of chins, benching her bodyweight for 20 reps and she curled her bodyweight 4 times, all very tough lifts. For the posing scenes in bikini and dresses, we concentrated on her superior upper body- very impressive arms, chest and back poses, and her interview is included. NOTE: This entire WPW-503 is now included on WPW-647, featuring our 2005 session with Dana- if you order WPW-503, you will receive WPW-647.
WPW-504 Nuriye Sener (now on WPW-696) |

The entire WPW-504 is now included on WPW-696
We met Nuriye in the audience of the 2002 Extravaganza- she had not competed yet, but was more interested in staying off-season and building up size and lifting heavy. The 5'9" 175 pound blonde beauty was very strong in the gym- she racked the lat-pulldown machine, benched 275 and leg pressed 1,500 pounds for 15 reps, one of the best ever for that lift- all that, and she was still in her very early 20's ! Believe it or not, she had never hit bodybuilding shots before, but caught on quickly during her outdoor posing scenes in several outfits, where she displayed 16" biceps, 17" calves and 27" thighs. Her interview is also included. As far as we know, she is still on the scene today for photo shoots, but still has not competed! We had one other session with her in 2003 (on WPW-528) when she was known as Nuriye Sener-Evans. NOTE: This entire WPW-504 is now included on WPW-696 which also features a similar woman, Heather Pedigo- if you order WPW-504, you will receive WPW-696.


Marja was back in front of our cameras again in the fall of 2002, in ripped and huge contest shape at 5'2"130+ pounds. This time we did repwork with her in the gym, and that was followed by posing in four dress outfits, her stage routine at the 2002 Jan Tana Pro Bodybuilding contest, and an update interview. We have said it before regarding her previous tapings- one of the best women bodybuilders of all time. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
Nancy had been competing since 1985, first in regional shows in California then as a top amateur during the 1990s. She turned pro during that era and we finally got a chance to do work with her at the time of the 2002 Ms. Olympia, when she was in top contest shape at 5'3" 145 pounds. Actually, freelance videographer Tony Duffy did this taping, and as usual, he really worked the model in the gym, featuring a lot of lifting and posing. That was followed by posing in several outfits, and her interview. She has been competing as a top IFBB pro throughout the 2000s and for that you need it all- her physique is very balanced, but as for many of the women, she was noted for her upper body, particularly her bicep shots. Nancy has been on the scene for a long time- and has been one of the most accomplished. VIdeo running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-507 Karen Konyha & Laura Smith |

Laura was a local level fitness competitor when we had our only photo/video session with her in 2002, but dont let that fool you- she was in very good contest shape and was impressive enough to have been in a bodybuilding event. At 5'4" 120 pounds she had pleasing lean, defined muscularity, particularly for her upper body shots- back, arms and chest- and she looked like a fashion model- a very young looking 33 year old. She does repwork in the gym, then for the first time ever, hits the bodybuilding shots in a bikini and dresses, and is interviewed. We have released several videos with Karen, and started a new one in 2000, when the IFBB pro figure woman was in her most muscular shape ever. We were going to finish this work with her at the time of her next contest, but sadly, she retired before we could do that. So, we included her footage here, which contains posing only- in a bikini and several dress items. Karen was one of the best figure women of all time- perfect natural body shapes, lots of pleasing muscularity and beauty of face and blonde hair. Video running time about 2 hours. |

We knew of Kim when she was competing in local/regional contests in the early 1990s, and after a lengthy gig as a Gladiator in Florida, she returned to the bodybuilding stage big-time in 2002, winning the Junior USA bodybuilding contest. She also competed, but did not place, in the Nationals that year, when we had our photo/video session with her. She was big and lean at 5'7" 160 pounds, featuring impressive arms, legs and a great back. She did repwork and some heavy lifts (mainly for legs) in the gym, posed in several outfits and was interviewed. Despite being from the Delaware/Maryland area, this was our only session with her, as she left the competitive scene soon after this. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
Diane was too impressive for just one videographer ! Our regular WPW video man, John Nafpliotis, taped her in ripped contest shape (5'6" 160 pounds) at the time of the 2002 US Championships, and freelance videographer, Tony Duffy, shot her in huge off season condition (180 pounds) later in the year. She hits the shots in many outfits for both tapings, and when off-season she showed off in the gym- dumbbell presses with 100 pounds for each arm (among the most ever), 405 pound hack squats and she was great at chinning. An interview also included. In contest shape she was very defined and vascular, and was still hard even at the 180 pound weight, featuring 17" arms and 27" thighs- one of the most muscular competitors ever, and she is still going strong on the scene entering the 2010 season. See WPW-536 for more with Diane. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-510 Sondra Faas (now on WPW-711) |

The entire WPW-510 is now included on WPW-711
Sondra was a physiquewoman who was creeping into 'Laurie Fierstein territory' in terms of weight per height. At 5' even, she checked in at a huge 150 pounds during the 2002 off-season, featuring a very powerfully developed physique with 15" arms. And, she put those arms to good use in the gym where she did impressive lifting for chinups, bench pressing and leg pressing in particular. This was followed by posing in a bikini and several great looking dresses, and her interview- one of the best 'fireplugs' ever! Sondra was from the New York area and we were able to do contest shape work with her in 2003, which is on WPW-562. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
We had two photo/video sessions with Alley in 2002 when she was in top contest shape at the time of the US Championships, then the Nationals. She placed 2nd in her class both times- just missed getting her pro card twice. No gymwork, but lots of posing in many swimsuit and dress outfits, and the 5'4" 140 pounder showed off a very balanced physique- lots of muscle size and great shapes, topped off by lots of physical beauty (an interesting combination of German/Thai !). She competed at a high level for another year or so, and we had one more taping with her, in 2003, and that footage is on WPW-511. Video footage runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-512 Heather Policy (now on WPW-667) |

The entire WPW-512 is now included on WPW-667
According to her interview, she only started to train in 1998, so she came a long way fast. She placed 5th in the 2002 Nationals when we did this work with her in terrific condition at 5'7" 160 pounds. At only 25 years of age she was unreal- with biceps measuring nearly 17" and 25" thighs. We also taped her at the 2002 US Championships (5th in her class there, also), and for both sessions she hit the shots in bikinis/dresses, and there is an interview. She was Heather Policky then, and she is one woman who did stick around to have a great career as an IFBB pro, placing very high in top shows during the 2000's as Heather Armbrust. NOTE: the entire WPW-512 is now included on WPW-667 with Claire Rohrbacker- if you order WPW-512 you will receive WPW-667. |

This title includes the entire WPW-383
Our first sessions with Sherry in 1999 were on WPW 383, and all of that footage is now on this video with our work with her in 2002, when she was in top contest shape again. Sherry was living in Oklahoma, and freelance videographer Danny Corn asked if he could to the photo/video work- we are glad we went with him as the picture quality and content is very good, and Sherry looked super. She was very lean and defined at 5'7" 160 pounds, yet was still very strong for her gymwork, benching 225 for reps, lots of pullups, etc. She then hits the shots in a two-piece and several dresses, showing off her national caliber physique, and her new blond hair style was right on. This was our last session with her, but she continued to compete at a high level well into the 2000s before retiring. Video running time about 2 3/4 hours. |
We have to use the phrase 'great things come in small packages' here, as at 4'11" 100 pounds, Jodi might have been the lightest woman we ever did work with. She competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting during the late 1990s before turning to fitness/figure contests around the time of this photo/video session in 2002. The years of training heavy are still evident- despite her physical size, she was very leanly muscled, with small, but very peaked arms and chiseled back and chest poses. Although she was in her 30's at the time, she still looked like a teenager ! We were unable to do gymwork at the contest, but she poses in a bikini and several dress items, and is interviewed. We did more work with Jodi on WPW-552, which does include gymwork. To fill out this release, we added all of Jana Holmes' footage from Fitness Company Video 17, which was not in catalogue at the time (it is back in stock as a DVD now). Jana was not as lean as Jodi, but was a good match here as she was fairly muscular for a fitness competitor in 1992, when this taping was done, and she scored high in the looks department as well. Jana did some light gymwork, then hit the shots bodybuilding style in several outfits. Video running time about 1 3/4 hours. |

Melissa has been one of our most popular physique models since we met her in 1993, but it had been a few years since we did work with her, as she was pursuing her pro wrestling career. All of our past videos were taped by the regular WPW videographer, John Nafpliotis, but Melissa was in California in 2003, so freelancer Tony Duffy got the nod this time. Since she did not have to diet for contests, she added some size to her 5'5" frame, checking in at about 145 pounds, but still in very good, lean shape. The camerawork is good and steady, and Melissa is a pro at video sessions, so the posing in bikini and several dresses of this bodybuilding legend went well. She still has the size and hardness in her biceps and as always, she was very well groomed with lots of blonde hair. An update interview also included. Video running time about 1 hour. |

Jennifer had been competing in local/regional shows in the mid-West before entering her first national shows- the Junior Nationals, then the Nationals- both in 2002. We were unable to do the video work with her then, but she traveled east in early 2003 when she was in beautiful off-season shape at 5'5" 160 pounds. She showed off some impressive strong lifts in the gym, then posed in a bikini and several dresses, displaying one of the best looking physiques ever- the muscle shapes were superior, and she had good size and definition for off-season. Adding to that were her facial beauty and long reddish-brown hair, and her camera presence and joy of posing may have been equaled, but never surpassed- a terrific video with a model who was really into it. We did more work with her in contest shape a couple years later, on WPW-681, and she continues to compete as a pro in a natural organization going into the 2010 season. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |

Jill was from New York City, but despite that, this was the only session we had with her, off-season in 2003. At 5'1" 135 pounds she was in smoother shape, but her upper body- particularly her arms- were impressively large and hard. She was very strong in the gym, showing off great strength for both upper and lower body lifts, such as deadlifts, chins, leg presses and dumbbell work- great gymwork! She then hit the shots in a bikini and several dresses- emphasis on her terrific upper body, but she had great calves also- and, her facial beauty is obvious from the guide photos. An interview also included. She was not on the scene for most of the 2000s, but recently resurfaced at a regional contest in NY, so perhaps we can reprise this video with her in 2010. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
We did not know of Asa from competitions, but saw an article on her in one of the bodybuilding magazines- and lucked out as she happened to be in California at that time, so freelance videographer Tony Duffy was able to do this photo/video session on the spot with her in 2003. She was not here for a competition, and was off-season, but was reasonably hard with a very good upper body- and a decent six pack ! She did mostly repwork in the gym, but did a very large number of very wide grip pullups for that one strong lift. She then hit the shots in a bikini and several dresses and was interviewed. Aside from being from Sweden, we really didn't know much else about her, but for one session, she was a most beautiful bodybuilding model. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
WPW-519 Lindsay Mulinazzi

Lindsay started her fitness career in amateur shows in the late 1990's, and the Maryland native moved up the physique ladder quickly- a result of her very muscular fitness physique, beautiful looks and impressive strength. This was our second release for her- our first tapings in 1998 are on WPW-377. Here, she was in top contest shape at 5'3" 130 pounds in 2003, showing off fitness muscle that would have been the envy of most light or middleweight bodybuilders, particularly for her incredible arms and back. We didn't get to do gymwork this time, but we include her impressive footage taken at three of the Extravaganza Fitness Strength contests, where she did an unreal number of curls, one-arm pushups and held the straddle. Posing scenes include bikini and dresses and an interview is included. For years Lindsay heard that she was too muscular for fitness and she should do the bodybuilding events- well, she did just that and continued to have a very good stage career as a bodybuilder during the 2000s. And, our follow-up video with her shortly after this shows her as a more muscular bodybuilder- that is on WPW-551. Video running time about 2 hours. |

This was our second session with Heather and she was in lean contest shape this time at 5'7" 180 pounds, featuring perhaps the largest arms ever of a woman contest time- a shade under 19". After doing mostly powerlifting in the late 1990s, she was now concentrating more on the bodybuilding, winning several local/regional shows, and heading to the 2002 Nationals, when we did this work with her. Since she was dieting this time, we did repwork in the gym (very heavy lifting was done on the first video- WPW-458), then posing in a bikini and dresses. She really did a great job peeling down to defined condition- her lower body was huge, but her upper body was huge and harder- great chest, back and arm shots. An interview is also included. This was our last tape with her, but she has continued to compete throughout the 2000s, including in 2009, so we do hope to catch up with her again soon. Video running time about 1 hour. |

We met Sophie at the 2002 Jan Tana, where we had our first photo/video session with her- that is on WPW-496. Only a few months later, in the fall of 2002, she was in New Jersey and we were most happy to do another session with her as she was up in weight (140 pounds) but still looked like she was in top contest shape. In addition, since she was not really dieting for a contest, she was very strong during the gymwork, which was followed by posing in bikini and dresses. Her upper body was still chiseled at this weight, and even her legs still had definition. An update interview is also included. We had an off-season shooting with the Canadian star not long after this- that is a lot of taping of one woman over the course of a year! Sadly, that last taping- on WPW-540, was our last, and she retired from the stage soon after. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
This title contains the entire WPW-484
Marja has been our most often videotaped physique model during the first half of the 2000s, and we keep hoping for an off-season look for one session. Well, when we did this taping with her in 2003 it was not at the time of any contest, and even though she was 10 pounds heavier (150 pounds at 5'2") than her normal contest weight, she was again rock hard. We did lots of gymwork and interviews in our previous videos with her, so this time it was pure posing in a bikini and four great looking dress outfits. In addition, we added her 2002 session when she was in even more ripped contest shape, including an interview- so, the entire WPW-484 is included here - go to the area for WPW-484 for a larger description of that footage. Video running time about 2 hours. |
Kim was a top national bodybuilder when we had this off-season photo/video session with her in 2003. She checked in at 5'5" 145 pounds, and freelance videographer, Tony Duffy, taped her doing some very strong lifts in the gym, including 20 easy wide-grip chins, benching 315 for reps, strict curls with 135 pounds for reps, etc. Kim then hit the shots in many different outfits, showing an off-season physique which featured very good size and shapes, particularly for her arms and back. An interview is also included with the personable Oklahoman. Video footage runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-524 Debi Laszewski (now on WPW-660) |

The entire WPW-524 is now included on WPW-660
We have done a lot of work with Debbie over the past 5 years, and did more with her after this session, as she was able to vary her 'look' between ripped contest shape and being in awesome off-season shape. Here, two different videographers had 'half sessions' with her- In 2001 freelancer Tony Duffy started what may have been a 'Ray Martin' video, but it was never finished. Debi was in contest shape for his posing footage of her. When Debi was out east about a year later, regular WPW video man John Nafpliotis taped her in a few more outfits to complete the title. At that time, she was in true off-season shape displaying her trademark shapes and size, with good definition. No gymwork or interview this time, but this footage is now on WPW-660, which has more posing in very top contest shape, and an interview, so- NOTE: all of the footage on WPW-524 is now on WPW-660, featuring more with Debi- if you order WPW-524 you will receive WPW-660. |
WPW-525 Heather Lee Hulseberg |

You know the story on Heather by now- she started out a few years ago as a bikini model, then doing fitness shows, and in a short amount of time has progressed to placing in the top-five of top national bodybuilding contests. She had been competing as Heather Hulseberg, but starting around this time in 2003 was using her married name of Heather Lee. She was in the off-season in March when we did this work, but it is hard to tell as the 5'3" 155 pounder was in very good shape in terms of everything- size, shapes and definition. In addition, the 24 year old can really push some weight in the gym- great chinning sequences, very heavy lat pulldowns, curls and squats, and benched 225 for reps. In fact, along with progressing in the bodybuilding shows, she, during the same time period, became an elite powerlifter. After the gymwork she posed in a bikini and dresses, and was interviewed- one of the most attractive and appealing physique models ever. Video running time about 1 1/4 hours. |
This was our second video release for Elena, who was one of New Jersey's finest for sure ! We taped her in contest shape at the time of the 2002 Nationals, then the next spring when in strong off-season shape. At 5'2" she packs a lot of density, shapes and size, including for her famous arms and back. Lots of posing in many outfits for the two sessions, and also strong gymwork and interview during the second taping. We had two more great photo/video shoots with Elena after this, on WPW-624 and WPW-688, and although she continued to compete at a very high level after that, she had since moved to Georgia- not as close to our cameras! Hopefully, our paths will cross again soon as she is still on the competitive scene entering the 2010 season. Video running time about 100 minutes. |
WPW-527 Alley Miesche-Nie (now on WPW-720) |

The entire WPW-527 is now included on WPW-720
Alley was in top contest shape for our first tapings with her on WPW 511, but this time we got her in great looking off-season shape at 5'4" 155 pounds. Freelance videographer Tony Duffy put her through the paces in the gym- lots of strong lifting, particularly for her legs, then she hit the shots in a bikini and dresses- her biceps and calves were looking very good at the extra weight. An interview is also included. This was our last session with her, and although she was placing very high in the top amateur shows, she disappeared from the scene soon after. NOTE: All of the footage on WPW-527 is now on WPW-720, which also features Pam Howard- if you order WPW 527 you will receive WPW-720. |
WPW-528 Nuriye Sener-Evans |
This was our second tape with Nuriye and she still had not competed in a contest ! She was still in her early 20's and put some real size on since our last session, not that she needed it! At 5'9" she checked in at just under 200 pounds- her proportions were perfect and despite the added weight, her arms (16"), back and calves still were lean and hard. The gymwork was a combination of reps and heavy lifts, then it was on to posing in a bikini and several dresses, and an interview. Overall, she had a stunning look- not only the size, but the extreme physical beauty and terrific blonde hairstyle, which topped off one of the most attractive physique models ever. We had one more session with her (on WPW-577) before she moved to Florida shortly after that. Video running time about 75 minutes. |
This title includes the entire WPW-486
We have had several sessions with Beth, both in top contest shape and off-season, and for this photo/video shoot the 2002 Jan Tana Pro Champ checked in at 5'5" 160 pounds- a great combination of off-season size and near contest shape definition. We did this work in 2003, and after her repwork in the gym, she posed in a bikini and dresses and was interviewed. She was from the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area, and we had two more sessions with her after this- those are on WPW-565 and WPW-707. NOTE: This video also contains the entire WPW-486 featuring our 2002 session with Beth. Video running time about 2 1/2 hours. |
WPW-530 Mary Lynne MacKenzie (now on WPW-560) |

The entire WPW-530 is now included on WPW-560
MaryLynne had been competing successfully in Canada for several years and won that country's Masters Bodybuilding title prior to our first photo/video session with her in 2003. She was one of the most impressive newcomers on the international scene and the 42 year old (!!) featured size (5'7" 160 pounds) and spectacular hardness and definition. Her lower body was lean and hard, but her upper body- biceps, chest and back- were truly top national quality. She was obviously in top contest shape, so we did repwork in the gym, then she hit the shots in bikini and dresses and was interviewed- quite an impressive physical specimen. NOTE: All of the footage on WPW-530 is now included on WPW-560, featuring our 2004 session with MaryLynne as well- if you order WPW-530 you will receive WPW-560. |
We had our first session with Michele when she was in top contest shape- that is on WPW-493. In our opinion, there are certain women who look better when off-season, and we think many will agree that she looks terrific here at 5'2" 130 pounds, about 15+ pounds heavier than contest shape. Her look was a sensational combination of muscle shapes and good size, combined with movie-star looks. She did reps in the gym, posed in a bikini and several dresses, and was interviewed- one of the best looking competitors ever. Future sessions with her are on WPW-600, WPW-657 and WPW-691. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
WPW-532 Shauntelle James & Kathy Johansson |
Shauntelle (California) and Kathy (Arizona) both primarily competed in local/regional shows around 2000, but never went on to national fame. Freelance videographer did one video with Kathy prior to this (on WPW-405), but this was the first and last work with Shauntelle. Shauntelle gets most of the footage here, and the 5'7" 170 pounder was much bigger than she looks- she was off season, and the posing in bikinis/dresses emphasized her impressive upper body, particularly her huge arms. Gymwork and interview also included for her. We are unsure about the background regarding Kathy's posing scenes, but Tony had her hit the shots in one bikini and one dress here, with no gymwork or interview. Both sessions took place in 2001. Video running time about 1 hour. |
Carmen was the Canadian Bodybuilding Champ in 2001 and 2002, and we invited her down to the states for an off-season session in 2003, when she was a robust 5'3" 145 pounds. The 33 year old with the 16" arms pushed some heavy weight during her gymwork, then posed in bikini and dresses- she was not ripped, but had good definition with impressive muscle size and shapes, both for her upper and lower body. An interview is also included. This was our only session with her and we believe she fell off the competitive scene within a year or two of this taping. Video running time about 2 hours. |

Lisa was in top contest shape at 5'3' 120 pounds when freelance videographer, Tony Duffy, had this photo/video session with her in 2003. She recently completed a stint in the US Marines, and the 24 year old won her class in the Cal State Bodybuilding Championships soon after her tour. Tony did a complete gym workout with her, then she posed in a bikini and dresses, and was interviewed. She had a lean, wiry physique- not huge, but very hard and defined, and her biceps, back and chest poses were her best. We had another session with her (on WPW 608) and she has been enjoying a good competitive career throughout the 2000s, both in bodybuilding and figure events. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
WPW-535 Marja Lehtonen & Tazzie Colomb |

Two of our favorite physique models on one tape! That normally does not happen often, but our session with Tazzie at the time of the 2002 Jan Tana Pro Bodybuilding show had to be brief, and her 1/2 hour footage features posing in a bikini and one dress, all in contest shape. Marja was in top contest shape also, having just competed in the 2003 Night of Champions Pro Bodybuilding contest, and she got 1 1/2 hours here. She did repwork in the gym, posed in a bikini and two dresses, and was interviewed. We have done many tapes with Tazzie since 1988, and many featuring Marja since 2000, and there was still more to come- Tazzie on WPW-641, WPW-737 and WPW-738, and Marja on WPW-604, WPW-619, WPW-636 and WPW-662! Both are still on the scene going into 2010, so who knows, maybe we can get one more with each! Video running time about 2 hours. |

This was our second release for Dianne within a year- her 2002 sessions are on WPW 509. At the time of our first taping she was a top California-area competitor, but in 2003 she began placing high in the national shows, and still competes at a very high amateur level going into the 2010 season. Here, Dianne just won her class in the Cal State Bodybuilding contest and was huge and cut- how many of the top women can boast being in contest shape at 5'6" 175 pounds? Despite being dieted, she was very strong in the gym, particularly for dumbbells and lower body lifts, then freelancer Tony Duffy had her hit the shots in her bikini and dresses, where she displayed huge size and terrific definition and vascularity, including 16" arms. An update interview is also included. Video running time about 75 minutes. |
This was our second video session with Vilma, her first is on WPW-455. She was in contest shape and near contest shape last time, so we urged her to try for an off-season look here- she was big at 5'4" 160 pounds, but still pretty well defined again! She did repwork in the gym, followed by lots of posing in many outfits, including black leather hot pants by a motorcycle and some in a dress by a cannon. Her physique was impressive throughout, but her upper body shots were a bit better and more defined, including her famous arms. An update interview is also included. This was our last session with her, but until recently she had been doing well on the pro bodybuilding circuit, before the New Jerseyan retired. Video running time about 80 minutes. |

Melissa placed high in the Cal State Bodybuilding contest in 2003, when this work was done with her, and despite her great look and only being in her early 20's, many thought she had a great national career ahead of her. It did not turn out that way, but for a few years she did well in regional contests on the west coast. Freelancer Tony Duffy did this photo/video session and worked her in the gym- reps for her upper body and very strong lifts for her legwork. She then posed in bikinis/dresses and was in top contest shape at 5'6" 140 pounds, featuring a balanced physique (but with very good arms) and beautiful looks. Her interview also included. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
This was our second session with Trudy- her first is on WPW 539. She did check in at off-season shape, sort of- at 5'3" she was a rock-hard 170 pounds (she competes at about 160) featuring her trademark upper body shots and vascularity. At the time of this photo/video shoot in 2003 she was improving her placings in the national shows, including a recent 3rd in the Jr. USA and was 2nd in the Jan Tana Amateur contest. We started off with her gymwork (she did a lot of chins for her weight, and other strong lifts) then moved on to her posing scenes in bikini and dresses. Again, at her weight here, lots of size (16" arms) and very good muscle shapes- and she was almost 50! Her interview also included. We taped her twice after this, those are on WPW-684 and WPW-719. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |

This was our third and last video/photo session with the top Canadian pro- our first two are on WPW 496 and 521. She was in very top contest shape for those, and here we finally got her in off-season shape at 5'3" 150+ pounds. Her gymwork was a combination of reps and heavy lifting, then she poses in a bikini and beautiful dresses that she designed and made personally, followed by her interview. Though not ripped, she was well defined at this heavier weight and her muscle size and shapes were impressive. Had she continued on the pro scene there is no doubt that she would have been one of the best. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |

We met Colette in 2000 and had two sessions with her that year- they are on WPW-425. This photo/video shoot with her in 2003 was our second, and we did three more with her (WPW-569, WPW-631 and WPW-745) during the 2000s, making her one of our favorites for this decade. And, she is still competing- just placed 7th at the 2010 Ms. International at Arnold's Classic. Among other things, her goal is to edge out Sharon Marvel, Melissa Coates, Michelle Ivers, etc, as WPW's most oft-taped women ever, and there is a good chance that can happen as she lives locally in NYC and she looks great whether in ripped contest shape or when huge off-season. Here, Colette was in contest shape (5'5" 155) at the time of the US Championships and hit the shots in her bikini and dresses. Colette also takes pride in her strength in the gym, and even when dieting she did an unreal number of chins, some other strong lifts and some repwork. Her interview also included. We hope to catch up with her again in 2010. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |

We had our eye on her as a video subject for a while, as we were following her progress in powerlifting, then in the early 2000s, she started to compete in bodybuilding as well. She was an elite powerlifter (one of the best ever in her weight class) and with her huge overall win in the 2003 US Championships (when this work was done) she became one of the best powerlifting/bodybuilding combos ever. At 5'5" she had a great deal of muscle size, shape and hardness, featuring 24" thighs and 16" arms, topped off by a beautiful face and hair. We could not do gymwork at the contest site, but she posed in bikini and dresses and was interviewed. She turned pro at this contest, and did very well for many years in the top IFBB pro shows, but sadly, we were never able to catch up with the impressive Texan for more work again. Video running time about 70 minutes. |
We released our first video with Colette way back in 1994 (on WPW-245), then waited 8 years before revisiting her in 2002- that footage is on WPW-502. For this work in 2003 she was by far in her best condition ever, totally ripped and huge at 5'1" 145 pounds. The taping was done the day after the 2003 Jan Tana Amateur bodybuilding contest, which she won. No gymwork this time, but she posed in bikini and dresses, displaying muscle size, shapes and hardness seldom seen, ever, and her new hairstyle was right on. A great overall look. Her interview is also included, bringing her footage to about 70 minutes. Since we had the room on a two hour tape, we included the entire Tana amateur contest- Trudy Ireland and several other regional bodybuilders were also in that show. This was our last photo/video session with her, and although she has not been in a contest recently, she is still on the scene, and we hope to catch up with her again one more time. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-544 Dena Westerfield (now on WPW-626) |

The entire WPW-544 is now included on WPW-626
Dena basically 'came out of nowhere' to win the 2003 Junior Nationals, and we set up a photo/video session with her at her next show, that year's US Championships, when she was again in terrific shape. We cant do gymwork at the contests, but Dena showed off incredible size and hardness during her posing scenes in her bikini and dresses. Normally, a woman 5'2" is considered 'off season' when at 145 pounds, but that is exactly her weight contest time, and she was not just defined, she was about as hard as one could get- a great job! With her total package, which also featured facial beauty and nice hair, Dena was able to turn pro soon after this, and continues to compete at a very high level in the pro shows going into 2010. NOTE: All of the footage on WPW-544 is now included on WPW-626, which features our 2004 footage of Dena- if you order WPW-544, you will receive WPW-626. |
WPW-545 Joanna Thomas & Mara Brescia |

We met Joanna at the 2001 Jan Tana Pro contest, when she was in her first pro bodybuilding contest while still in her early 20's- that footage is on WPW-456. She did the Tana again in 2003, but we didn't do this work with her until a month later, when she added 10 pounds, checking in at a still-hard 5'2" 145 pounds. She was in the NYC area, and her friend and fellow amateur competitor, Mara, participated in the taping. The two did an 'Extravaganza-type' gym workout, where they competed against each other for several lifts, using a percentage of their bodyweight, to see who was stronger pound-for-pound. After that, both posed in several outfits and they are interviewed. Mara, who had been competing in regional bodybuilding contests, was off-season, and her best bodypart was her arms. Ditto for Joanna, who had been known for her great arms and upper body poses since she came over from England to compete here. Joanna's stage routine at the 2003 is also included. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-546 2003 Jan Tana Pro Bodybuilding |

The 2003 Tana Pro Bodybuilding contest featured 20 of the very top IFBB pros, including Angela Debatin, Joanna Thomas, Mary Ellen Doss, Susanne Niederhauser, Dayana Cadeau, Mah-Ann Mendoza, Vilma Caez, Monica Martin, Christine Envall, Jeannie Paparone, Claudia Bianchi, Tonie Norman, Helle Neilsen, Beth Roberts, Maria Calo, Susanne Bock, Sharon Robelle, Annett Wittig, Merette Harnnes and Carmella Key. The enitire prejudging and finals are included. Video running time about 2 1/2 hours. |
WPW-547 2003 Jan Tana Pro Figure Contest |
The 2003 Jan Tana Pro Figure event featured more than 30 of the world's top IFBB figure pros, including Dina Al-Sabah, D.J. Wallis, Hannah Park, Thiel Bradford, Aleksandra Kobielak, Elaine Goodlad, Christine Wan, Amy Yanagisawa, Lorena Cozzi, Stephanie Worsfold, Allison Bookless, Celeste Chance and many others. The entire prejudging and finals are included. Video running time about 100 minutes. |
WPW-548 The 2003 Jan Tana Pro Fitness Contest |

In addition to the Pro Bodybuilding and Figure events, the 2003 Jan Tana also featured a Pro Fitness event, and unlike the figure women, the fitness competitors perform incredible evening routines in addition to their quarter-turn comparisons. The entire prejudging and finals are included, and about 25 top IFBB fitness pros competed, including Carla Sanchez, Angel Friend, Stacy Hilton, Peggy Sue Crawford, Lisa Reed, Julie Childs, Tracey Greenwood, Stacy Wig, Beth Horn, Jennie Hanke, Aprille DeShield, Kim Klein, Kim Lyons, Debbie Czempinski, Tanjii Johnson, Abbie Appel and several others. All were in very lean, defined shape, and the routines were quite strength demanding. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-549 2003 Jan Tana Amateur Bodybuilding/Figure/Fitness

And, in addition to the three 2003 Jan Tana Pro contests on WPW-546, WPW-547 & WPW-548, Jan held amateur bodybuilding, figure and fitness events as well. These three shows attracted about 30 women total, mainly lesser-known regional competitors, but Lisa James, Trudy Ireland and Colette Guimond were in the bodybuilding contest. All prejudging and finals are shown. Video running time about 80 minutes. |