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WPW-550 Pauliina Talus |


Our first photo/video session with the Finnish pro is on WPW-414, and freelance videographer Tony Duffy revisited her again in 2003 for this work. At 5'4" 165 pounds she was in 'off-season' territory for her weight, but even Tony and the photographer were confused about her condition, as she seemed to be in contest shape! Not only was she huge, she was very hard and had considerable vascularity. Tony did extensive gymwork with her, using heavy weight for repwork, particularly for her legs, which were among the best in the sport. This was followed by a lot of posing in bikini and dresses where she showed off her supreme upper body as well. Her physique, one of the best at the time, was topped off by facial beauty- a great overall look for this physique model. An update interview also included. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-551 Lindsay Mulinazzi |


Lindsay had been hearing it since her amateur fitness days in Maryland in the 90's- 'you are too muscular for fitness'. Well, that must have been true as by the time of this photo/video session in 2003 she had already switched to the bodybuilding contests, and has been competing at a very high level in those throughout the 2000's. She had also gained a lot of notoriety for her strength via her impressive lifting in three of the Strong and Shapely Fitness/Strength contests. So, further to that, top fitness woman Jodi Miller was in the NYC area at this time also, and we had an 'Extravaganza-style' lifting session in the gym- both women competed against each other for chins, lat pulldowns, curls, leg extensions, triceps and leg presses- all at a percentage of their bodyweight to see who was stronger pound-for-pound. Note that this same strength contest is on Jodi's WPW-552 video as well. After the gymwork, Lindsay hit the shots in her bikini and dresses showing off fabulous muscle size, shapes and leanness for her size- 5'2" 130 pounds. An update interview also included. Lindsay was and is one of the best combinations of facial beauty (including gorgeous long red hair), impressive physique (great leg, back, bicep and chest shots) and strength ever. Video running time about 2 hours. |


Jodi was, and still is going into the 2010 season, one of the most popular fitness women in the sport at the time of this photo/video session in 2003- for many reasons. She was petite at 4'11 105 pounds, but had, as the judges would call it, a lot of attractive 'feminine' muscularity. She was also a former powerlifter, and held a few bench press records for her bodyweight, so she was very strong. And, despite being well into her 30's, the cute Jodi still looked like an 18 year old facially. Regarding her strength- she was put to task against Lindsay Mulinazzi during her gymwork (see info for WPW-551 above), and she showed off her good muscle definition and leanness during her posing scenes in bikini and dresses. Her interview also included. Jodi did switch to lightweight bodybuilding events about five years ago, and continues to compete successfully in those going into the 2010 season. Video running time about 100 minutes. |
WPW-553 Abby Eyre (now on WPW-710) |


The entire WPW-553 is now included on WPW-710
Abby was a local/regional fitness competitor from Maryland when we met her for the first time in 2003, and had our only photo/video session with her at that time. She had a good amount of muscle for a figure woman, including some of the best calves in the sport. Those calves, and her upper body, were posed bodybuilding-style in several outfits, this after some repwork in the gym. An interview also included. She did compete for a year or two after this, but sadly, we were unable to catch up with her for a second taping. An interview also included for this glamorous fitness model. NOTE: This entire WPW-553 is now included on WPW-710, featuring two other women also- if you order WPW-553, you will receive WPW-710. |
WPW-554 Sue Zallar |


Most of the women over the age of 45-50 who we do work with, we have known for quite awhile- it is rather rare that we meet a new competitor over 50 who is good enough for a full photo/video session. Freelance videographer, Tony Duffy, met Sue when competing in a regional bodybuilding contest in California in 2003, and set up a taping on the spot. In fact, Sue was 53 when this work was done and we were surprised that she was unknown before this, as she was pretty impressive. Tony had her do a combination of reps and strong lifts in the gym, and that was followed by posing in bikini and dresses and her interview. Sue was only in that one small contest, and never had a photo shoot, but learned quickly, hitting her very impressive upper body shots with ease. At 5'9" 165 pounds she had 'stature' as well, and it was all topped off by great facial beauty- she looks more like 40, if that! As far as we know, she didn't compete again- too bad as the Masters Nationals now has categories for 45+ and 55+ and we are sure she could have been a contender in those for sure. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |


Michelle has been one of our favorite physique models since our first sessions with her in 1996. Over a 12 year time span she has been featured on 6 WPW videos and 6 more for Ray Martin, making her one of the three most frequently taped WPW/RM women, along with Sharon Marvel and Melissa Coates- and, Michelle continues to place high in the Nationals and Masters Nationals going into the 2010 season. She lives 'locally' in Connecticut now, and there is a good chance we will spend some time with her again soon to add to her 'list' of tapes! Her previous work is on WPW-281 and WPW-404 and later tapes include WPW-581, WPW-675 and WPW-718. She appears on Ray Martin Videos RM-93, RM-102, RM-111, RM-124, RM-143 and RM-150. For this video she was in off-season shape in 2003 at 5'3" 145 pounds, and as always when she is 'off-season', she was very hard, defined and vascular. At that time she was one of the best amateurs to not have won a big show to turn pro, and sadly, that is still the case entering 2010, but we can hope for a pro card if she wins the Masters Nationals. We did repwork in the gym, though she did many chinups in a row- that was followed by posing in bikini and dresses and an interview. One of our favorite models ever- incredible physique at age 45, great looks, and one of the best personalities in the sport- what else is there to say? Video running time 100 minutes. |
WPW-556 Jeannie Paparone (now on WPW-706) |
The entire WPW-556 is now included on WPW-706
Jeanne was a 35 year old from Las Vegas and had been competing as an IFBB pro for a few years in the early 2000s- we finally met her in person at the 2003 Jan Tana, when we did this work with her. She was in contest shape at 5'4" 140 pounds- it is hard to pick out her 'best shots' as she was so balanced- but her calves were considered noteworthy by most observers. Otherwise, lots of size, shape and good definition throughout, and her 'presentation', including hair, was flawless. No gymwork, but she poses in her bikini and dresses and was interviewed. Her routine at this Tana show also included. This was our only session with her, but she continues to compete at a very high level in the IFBB pro shows going into the 2010 season. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
WPW-557 Debbie Bramwell (now on WPW-701) |

The entire WPW-557 is now included on WPW-701
This was our second video with Debbie- Tony Duffy's first tape with her is on WPW 435. Tony had the 'honor' here again in 2003, when she was in very impressive contest shape at the time of the US Championships. She was beginning to place very high in the national shows, and was able to turn pro soon after. She grew up in New Jersey, so her later video work (on WPW-617, WPW-685 and WPW-701) was done by the regular WPW crew when she was either back east to visit or compete in a pro show. For this tape, she did some repwork, then some strong lifts in the gym, followed by her physique posing in bikini and dresses. She has put on some chiseled size since last time, featuring great shapes and definition throughout- hard to pick a best bodypart, but many would say her biceps. Her update interview also included. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-558 Gina Davis |

Gina was competing in regional shows in Texas in the early 2000's, and started to do the national contests in 2003. We met her at the 2003 Nationals, and had our first photo/video session with her there, when she was in top contest shape at 5'5" 155 pounds. Since we were at the contest site we could not do gymwork, but she posed in her bikini and several dresses, showing off a breathtaking physique for a competitor 'not previously known'. Though she was a complete physique, many would for sure point to her great arm, chest and back shots as her best- some of the best in the sport at that time. In fact, she won the 2004 Nationals, turning pro rather quickly! Her facial beauty and blonde-streaked long brown hair topped off an awesome look. Her interview is also included. We did have one more session with her in 2004 when she was off-season (on WPW 603), but after competing at a high level as an IFBB pro for a few years after this, she seems to have retired from the stage. Video running time about 70 minutes. |
WPW-559 Sheila Bleck |

Sheila had been competing in regional contests in the northwest in the early 2000s, winning the prestigious Emerald Cup in 2002- and, it was instantly obvious that she had serious national potential. Still only in her late twenties, the 5'7" 160 pounder had it all- a 'Cory Everson' type structure, but with somewhat more density, topped off by all-American good looks. We did this taping at the 2003 Nationals, so no gymwork, but she hit the shots in her bikini and dresses and was interviewed. She was so symmetrical in every way- size, shape and hardness for her upper and lower body, that it was tough to pick a 'best pose', though her calves and thighs were superior. After just missing winning a few national shows after this, she was finally able to do so and turn pro. We had two more tapings with her after this, they are on WPW-616 and WPW-630. She had since moved from the northwest to Florida, and continues to compete as an IFBB pro going into the 2010 season. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
WPW-560 Mary Lynne MacKenzie (contains WPW-530) |

This was our second photo/video session with the impressive Canadian (and the first session, on WPW-530, is now included here) and she was in top ripped shape again. We didn't do gymwork this time, but instead, during one of the posing scenes, she bent some steel bars- rather easily. Otherwise, it was pure posing in several outfits- MaryLynne was well into her 40's here, but very few women her age or younger could match the amount of hard muscularity she carries. Again, no gymwork or interview this time, but those are included within the WPW-530 footage. Our third and final video with her is on WPW-578. Video running time about 2 1/2 hours. |

Angie was yet another fitness/figure woman with a high level of lean muscle, and she was strong also, from years as nationally ranked gymnast. We had two sessions with her in 2003- in lean contest shape at about 5'4" 120 pounds, then 'off-season' at about 135. We did gymwork with her at the heavier weight- she did a combination workout featuring repwork, then several bodyweight reps in the bench, and easy handstand pushups NOT against a wall! Lots of posing in many outfits for both tapings with emphasis on her more muscular upper body poses. Her interview also included. This was our only session with her, but she went on to have a great career as an IFBB fitness pro under the name Angela Monteleone. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-562 Sondra Faas |
We had an off-season session with Sondra already (that is on WPW-510), but this time we got her ripped at the time of the 2003 Nationals, when she was in great shape at 5' 130 pounds. Then, since she is somewhat local in NY, we finished up with her a short time later at a huge 145 pounds, though she was still reasonably defined. The gymwork was mostly reps (with some strong lifting for her legs), and that was followed by posing in many outfits for both sessions, and an update interview. At her height and weight she was one of the best 'fireplug' physiques ever, and that is meant in very positive terms- lots of size (particularly her famous arms) on a woman 5' even! Video running time about 100 minutes. |
WPW-563 Tara Scotti (now on WPW-678) |

The entire WPW-563 is now included on WPW-678
Tara had been competing in local/regional NYC-area figure contests for several years in the early 2000s, finally turning IFBB pro by winning the 2004 Team Universe contest. We did our only photo/video session with her at the time of this contest, and she was in super figure shape at 5'6' 130 pounds. She did mostly repwork in the gym (though her barbell curls were very strong), then posed bodybuilding-style in her bikini and dresses, showing off a good amount of muscle for figure, particularly for her arms and back, and she had quite the 6-pack as well. Interview also included. She competed for a while longer before leaving the competitive scene. NOTE: All of the footage on WPW-563 is now included on WPW-678, featuring a similar figure woman, Ira Ma'ayan- if you order WPW-563 you will receive WPW DVD-678. |
WPW-564 Christy Straub |

We met Christy at the 2003 Junior Nationals, but were unable to do video work with her there. Instead, we invited the Kentucky resident to come to New Jersey several months later when she was in off-season shape at 4'10" 115 pounds. Her lower body had good size and shape, but her upper body was harder, featuring pretty impressive arms for a woman her height. She did repwork in the gym (lots of different reps for curls), then she posed in her bikini and dresses. She had beautiful brunette hair, but for fun, we did some posing in a blonde hairpiece. Interview also included. As for so many women, she did that one big show, and never appeared on the national stage again. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-565 Beth Roberts (now on WPW-673) |

The entire WPW-565 is now included on WPW-673
We have had several photo/video sessions with Beth already, but in our opinion, this is by far the best she had ever looked. After appearing on the national scene in 2000, she won the Nationals in 2001, won her heavyweight class at her first pro show (2002 Jan Tana) and was second in that show in 2003- so, that was one of the quickest ascents from unknown amateur to top pro ever. At 5'5" she was totally ripped and hard at 160 pounds, featuring size, shape and definition throughout, so very hard to mention best poses. In addition, she had a glamorous retro blonde hairstyle, completing her fabulous physique package. No gymwork this time, but lots of posing in bikinis and dresses, and an update interview. NOTE: All of the footage on WPW-565 is now included on WPW-673, which also features Faith Lee- if you order WPW-565 you will receive WPW-673. |
WPW-566 Annie Sheehan (now on WPW-666) |

The entire WPW-566 is now included on WPW-666
This was our first photo/video session with Annie, and she was in huge off-season shape at 5'4" 175 pounds. At that size you would expect large muscle size with shapes, and she had that big-time- one of the best off-season looks ever. She did some heavy lifts and some repwork in the gym, then hit the shots in her bikini and dresses, and was interviewed. Annie was a hair stylist full time, and her blonde frosted brown hair topped off her physique nicely. At the time of this session in 2004 she was just beginning to do well in the national contests, and she would continue with high placements in the US Championships or Nationals through 2009. She was from southern New Jersey, and that, combined with her ability to look great when in ripped contest shape or when huge, gave us the opportunity to do quite a bit of work with her in five year span. From 2004 to 2008 we had 6 different sessions with her and each time she had a different look regarding her weight, leanness and hairstyle. Aside from perhaps Marja Lehtonen during the early 2000s, we cant think of anyone else we did so much work with over a short span of years like that. We actually just heard from her, and she will be 'giving competition a rest' for a couple of years, but may be back in 2012 with an entirely new look! Her other videos are on WPW-609, WPW-635, WPW-666, WPW-676 and WPW-725. NOTE: This entire WPW-566 is now included on WPW-666, featuring more of Annie- if you order WPW-566 you will receive WPW-666. |
WPW-567 Sheilahe Brown |

We cant be sure if Sheilahe had the largest biceps in the history of the sport, but it sure looked like it. At 5'7" 150+ pounds, she was in top contest shape when freelance videographer, Tony Duffy, did this work with her in 2003. She did have some high placements in national shows, but we are surprised she did not go further, as she certainly had 'the look' that the judges wanted- a tall, balanced physique, but with terrific size and hardness, topped off by a beautiful face. Her 16+" arms (and incredible back) helped her do 20 easy chins, and that was followed by more repwork in the gym, then posing in bikini and dresses. Despite her height, she was a former ballerina, which can in part explain her tremendous lower body development. An interview also included. Video running time about 100 minutes. |
WPW-568 Marnie Power (now on WPW-671) |

The entire WPW-568 is now included on WPW-671
Marnie won the 2002 Canadians but it took us two years to catch up with her for a photo/video session- she was in California the summer of 2004 and freelance videographer, Tony Duffy, did the honors here with Marnie, when she was in off-season shape at a huge 5'5" 170 pounds. She did mostly repwork in the gym, but was very strong for her dumbell work and hack squats. That was followed by posing in her bikini and dresses, and she was interviewed. As for all national champs, her physique was symmetrical and well balanced, so it is hard to point out best shots, but her chest, back and bicep shots were right up there- all topped off by a beautiful face and blonde hair. Her interview is also included. We have been in touch with her, and after living in South America for many years, she says she will be ready to resume her pro career either in 2010 or 2011, and we look forward to doing more work with her then. NOTE: All of the footage on WPW-568 is now included on WPW-671, which also includes Rhonda Dethlefs- if you order WPW-568, you will receive WPW-671. |

Colette continued to be one of our favorite models as she has a broad range of 'looks'- ripped contest shape and huge when off-season. This was our third video with her (first two are on WPW-425 and WPW-541, and future tapes on WPW-631 and WPW-745) and she was in huge condition for sure. At 5'5" she checked in at a robust 185 pounds, and she was not one to mess around with light reps in the gym. We don't want to give away all of her great lifts, but how about 3 reps with her bodyweight for curls? After her impressive lifting she hits the shots in a bikini and dresses, showing off strong muscle size and shape, and still some definition in her upper body! She had beautiful blonde hair, but for fun, she did some posing in a blonde hairpiece as well. Interview also included. She is still currently on the pro bodybuilding circuit, just having placed 7th in the 2010 Ms. International at Arnold's Classic- she has asked us for more video work soon so she can overtake Sharon Marvel, Melissa Coates and Michelle Ivers for the most number of WPW tapings, and we hope to oblige. Also, thanks to Colette for her assistance in setting up the very website you are looking at now! Video running time about 100 minutes.
The NPC (amateur) and IFBB (pro) are the two main governing bodies for contests in the U.S., and we have many of those contests on our Online Store, mainly from the mid-80's to the early 2000s. In Europe, there are two governing bodies- the IFBB and the NABBA organization. We did not attend any of the NABBA shows, and do not have any guide photos to post here, but for the most part, the women are in great shape-the figure women are almost as muscular as regional quality bodybuilders. The GMV Video Company professionally taped these contests, and we have been able to distribute 9 of them. We released the 1998 NABBA Universe on WPW 429, and the 1999 Universe on WPW 430. The following 7 titles- WPW 570-567- are the others.
Each show features two 'figure' classes and they call the bodybuilding event, 'Physique'. The figure women are generally more muscular and much more defined than the American figure competitors, and they are allowed to wear thong bikinis and heels onstage. The physique women are similar to our national caliber bodybuilders. Nearly all of the women competing are from Europe and are unknown to fans in the US, though a few exceptions might be Simone Moura, Giovanna Rosa, Anja Timmer, Desiree Dumpel, Claudia Bianchi and Maryse Manios. A few of the contests have a very small Fitness event, also. The entire prejudging and finals are included for all of the contests.
Regarding the number of women competing, that ranges from about 50, down to about 20, and that information and the video running time for each is listed below. |
WPW-570 2000 NABBA Universe
Features about 35 women, and the video running time is about 1 1/2 hours. |

WPW-571 2001 NABBA Worlds
Features about 20 women, and the video running time is about 100 minutes. |

WPW-572 2001 NABBA Universe
Features almost 50 women, the largest field here, and the video running time is about 2 hours. |

WPW-573 2002 NABBA Worlds
Features about 20 women, and the video running time is about 2 1/2 hours. |

WPW-574 2002 NABBA Universe
Features about 40 women, the second largest field, and the video running time is about 2 hours. |
WPW-575 2003 NABBA Worlds
Features about 20 women, and the video running time is about 100 minutes. |

WPW-576 2003 NABBA Universe
Features about 20 women, and the video running time is about 100 minutes. |

WPW-577 Nuriye Sener Evans |
This was our third and last photo/video session with Nuriye, and as far as we know, she still had not competed at this time, making her probably the best WPW physique model who was never in a contest (Doughdee Marie was in one...). Her first two sessions are on WPW-504 and WPW-528, and this session in 2004 shows her at her best, off-season again at 5'9" 200 pounds, featuring 16" arms, 17" calves and 27" thighs. Her gymwork continued to feature very strong lifts, particularly for her legs, and that was followed by posing in several outfits and an update interview. She was still only 25 years of age, and her immense size was topped off by a great face and beautiful blonde hair. Nuriye left New Jersey about five years ago but is still on the scene for photo shoots in Florida going into the 2010 season. Video running time about 100 minutes. |
WPW-578 MaryLynne MacKenzie |

This was our third photo/video session for the Canadian Masters star, and although it was not near the time of any contest, she was again hard as a nail at 5'6" 160 pounds. She did mostly repwork in the gym, but did show off her upper body strength for chinups and curls, then she posed in her bikini and dresses. This was her best look yet- fabulous muscle size, shape and hardness (incredible arms, chest and back) all topped off by facial beauty and her very attractive retro blonde hairstyle. An interview also included for this most impressive 42 year old. This work was done in 2004, and she has continued to compete in shows such as the North American throughout the 2000s, but we have been unable to catch up with her again for more work. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-579 Mary Beth Rossi (now on WPW-735) |

The entire WPW-579 is now included on WPW-735.
Maribeth had been competing in regional contests in the Ohio area in the early 2000s, but by the time of our photo/video session with her in 2004, she also had a few top-ten placings in national shows, including winning her class in a recent Team Nationals. Since most women competing in the top amateur and pro shows dont like long posing sessions the day before their show, we were able to do this work with Maribeth when she drove to the 2004 Ms. International to watch. She was off-season at 5'3" 160 pounds, and even before she mentioned being friends with Amy Pazzo, we thought there was a resemblance both in physique and face. The 42 year old mother of four (!) was quite hard despite her size, featuring impressive arm, back and chest poses in particular, and her facial beauty is obvious from the guide photos. We could not do gymwork with her, but she posed in her bikini and dresses, and was interviewed. As far as we know, she did not pursue competitions too long after this session, or we would have set up more work with her for certain. NOTE: All of the footage on this WPW-579 is now included on WPW-735, which also features Heidi Hansen- if you order WPW-579 you will receive WPW-735. |
WPW-580 Lauren Powers |
It seems hard to believe, but Lauren was 42 years old at the time of this photo/video session in 2004, but she only started to train for competition two years earlier! She put on some great quality muscle in those two years, particularly for her upper body. She was a professional firefighter for many years prior, so that helped give her a good base. At 5'8" she checked in at a super-lean 175 pounds- her legs were very long and hard, but her upper body, particularly her 16" arms, was chiseled. A photo taken during her posing in her black dress was used on the cover of the August 2004 WPW print magazine. Lauren was dieting, so it was repwork in the gym, followed by posing in her bikini and dresses, and her interview. In addition to the obvious upper body shots, we should mention she had a great 6-pack as well. She continued to compete in some national shows after this, but our cameras never caught up with her again. Video running time about 100 minutes. |

We are back again with one of our all-time favorites since 1996! We had this photo/video session with her in early 2004- not at the time of a contest, but as always, she was still lean and hard at 5'3" 150 pounds, featuring her famous upper body- one of the best of all time- and she was pushing 50! She did repwork in the gym, followed by lots of posing in bikini and dresses, and her update interview. We have basically 'said it all' in her many other video captions, but she remains on the competitive scene going into the 2010 season, and hopefully she can win the Masters Nationals this summer so she can finally get her pro card! Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-582 Debbie Czempinski |


Debi was a former former gymnast in Australia before starting to train for bodybuilding/figure competitions around 2000. She quickly won the Australians in 2002 and had been competing as an IFBB pro for two years at the time of this photo/video session in 2004. At 5'1" 125 she carried a lot of muscle, but she was also very limber, showing off a lot of gymnastic moves such as walking on her hands, handstand pushups (not against a wall) and flips. She did reps for her gymwork (including an easy set of 15 chins), then posed bodybuilding style in a bikini and dresses, and was interviewed. The work was done in southern California at the time of one of her contests, and freelance videographer, Tony Duffy, did the taping. This was our only session with her, and she seemed to disappear from the scene soon after. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |

To the best of our knowledge, Kathryn has been on the bodybuilding scene longer than anyone still competing going into the 2010 season- she began her career in 1981 and has made a steady climb from regional amateur to the point where she is finally within reach of her pro card, based on some recent high placements at the Masters Nationals. She will be doing that show again in 2010 and we plan to do more work with her at age 50! This session was taped in 2004, when she was 44 and in beautiful off-season condition at about 5'3" and 150 pounds. She goes strong on a couple of lifts in the gym, then repwork, followed by lots of posing in her bikini and dresses, including, finally, two of the 'WPW classics'- the cinnamon body dress and pink tube dress. Her physique was very well proportioned but a special nod to some of the best calves in the sport, highlighted during her dress/heels posing scenes. She also sported a great looking blonde hairstyle, a change from her brunette days. In fact, we included one posing scene from her Ray Martin video 24, taped exactly 10 years earlier when she did have her original hair color. Her update interview closes the tape. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-584 Laurie Noack-Gibson & Helena Jenkins |

Laurie competed in regional figure contests in the late 90's, and we had one photo/video session with her in 1998- that is on WPW-335. In addition, she posed for three Ray Martin videos around that time: RM-127, RM-162 and RM-198. Then, she disappeared from the scene, reappearing in 2004 to compete in the 2004 Junior USA figure contest, where we caught up with her again here. She was in top lean/defined shape as she was six years earlier- 5'5" 120 pounds. Her lower body was firm and shapely from years of ballet, but her back, arms and chest were very well defined and vascular. Helene was in the same contest, in the bodybuilding event. At 5'4" 135 pounds her physique differed from Laurie's- Helene was not as lean and chiseled, but showed off a beautifully shaped physique featuring a very good upper body (particularly biceps) and gorgeous looks. We were on locating at the contest in New Haven, Connecticut, so no gymwork, but each woman hit the shots in one bikini and dresses on the Yale campus, and were interviewed. Laurie seemed to go back into retirement after this, but Helene continued to compete for a few years, and we traveled to Maryland to do a follow-up video with her a year later, which is on WPW-618. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-585 Yamile Marrero |

Yamile, born in Havana, Cuba, was a force on the bodybuilding scene since the early 2000s while living in Florida. She was a top amateur at the time of this photo/video session in 2004 and was in huge and strong off-season condition at 5'6" 170 pounds. Most top women over the years had upper bodies which were equal to or better than their legs, but not for Yamile- her leg shape and size were truly amazing, a result of years of ballet training. In addition, she is an attorney, and was almost 40 when this work was done with her. The gymwork featured some interesting lifts- despite what we said about her legs, she was one of the best 'chinners' ever- she did 25 easy chins, stopping only because we agreed that she could probably do about that many- she could have done 30+ easily. She also benched 225 for 3 reps and did toe raises with two women on her back. Some repwork also included, then she posed in her bikini and dresses, and was interviewed. Yamile is still competing at a high level going into the 2010 season. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
Bodybuilding photographer Ralph DeHaan did a series of videos in the late 1990's, then decided to retire from that after a few years. WPW purchased the rights to these in the early 2000s, and had already re-released five of their videos around that time, they are: WPW 412 and 413 of Laura Binetti (which are both now on WPW 412), WPW 437 of Luciana Mendonca, WPW 438 with Suzan Kaminga and WPW 439 of Laura Bass. To follow are the 14 other titles we re-released as WPW videos. Note that Threshold's format differed a bit from WPW's regular videos, but the content is the same- the women work out in the gym, pose in different outfits (though, mostly bikinis and one-pieces) and are interviewed. Professional cameras were used for great picture quality. All the following women were in top contest shape, except for WPW 599. Instead of writing repetitive captions for each, we are just listing the woman's name, running time, and listing any previous videos done by WPW, so you can read more info about each woman if desired. |
Denise is also on WPW-291 and WPW-323.
Video running time for WPW-586 is about 100 minutes. |

Denise is also on WPW-291 and WPW-323.
Video running time for WPW-587 is about 2 hours. |

WPW-588 Joanne Lee |
Joanne is also on WPW-243 and WPW-283.
Video running time for WPW-588 is about 1 1/2 hours. |

WPW-589 Collin Fischer |
We do not have a previous video of her- she was a national caliber competitor from New York, in top contest shape here- a very impressive physique and very good looking.
Video running time for WPW-589 is about 2 hours. |

WPW-590 Christi Wolf |
Christi is also on WPW-316 and WPW-367.
Video running time for WPW-590 is 1 hour. |

WPW-591 Natalia Murnikovienne |
Natalia is also on WPW-324.
Video running time for WPW-591 is about 1 hour. |

Melissa is also on WPW-233, WPW-268, WPW-307, WPW-370 and WPW-515.
Video running time for WPW-592 is about 100 minutes. |

WPW-593 Ericca Kern |
Errica is also on WPW-257.
Video running time for WPW-593 is 1 hour. |

WPW-594 Ericca Kern |
Erica is also on WPW-257.
Video running time for WPW-594 is 1 hour. |

WPW-595 Ericca Kern & Diedre Pagnanelli |
Erica is also on WPW-257.
Diedre does not appear on a previous WPW video- she was a national caliber fitness women for a few years in the late 90's. Both women are featured on this tape.
Video running time for WPW-595 is 1 hour. |

WPW-596 Chris Lydon |
Chris is also on WPW-312.
Video running time for WPW-596 is 2 hours. |

WPW-597 Shelley Paolinetti |
We do not have a previous video of Shelly - she was a top international fitness woman from Europe in the late 90's.
Video running time for WPW-597 is about 100 minutes. |

WPW-598 Toni Bolla |
Toni is also on WPW-395.
Video running time for WPW-598 is 2 hours. |

WPW-599 Barbara Moran & "Allysa" |
Barbara is also on WPW-300 and WPW-372.
Video running time for WPW-599 is 2 hours. |
