WPW-1 Kay Baxter (Super 8 transfer)
Kay was the first top competitive woman bodybuilder filmed by WPW. It seems somewhat fitting that this title is WPW-1, as Kay was the most popular, and best competitor for the first 6-7 years of the sport. This Super 8 transfer footage was taken during many film/photo shoot sessions from 1979-1984, and the picture quality is generally pretty good 'considering'. Kay does some gymwork, but otherwise this is a posing tape- Kay hits the shots in many swimsuit and dress outfits, and since our Super 8 camera did not have sound, all footage is dubbed with classical music. We purchased our first video equipment the fall of 1984, and Kay was also the first woman videotaped by us- that footage was originally released on WPW-26, though some of that footage is available on WPW-155. NOTE: Some of the Super 8 transfer here is also on WPW-155, so be careful not to order DVDs with overlapping footage. Also, WPW-2 featured the same Super 8 footage from the years 1982-1984 that is on this title, so WPW-2 will not be re-released. Video/DVD runs 80 minutes. |
WPW-2 Kay Baxter (Super 8 transfer) |
This contained Kay's Super 8 footage from 1982-1984, which is all on WPW-1, so WPW 2 will not be released. |
n/a |
WPW-3 Kathy Moore (Super 8 Transfer)
Our first 22 WPW videos were transfers of Super 8 film taken from 1979 to 1984 - we purchased our first video equipment in the fall of 1984. We will master all of these old videos to DVD format, starting with this one with Kathy, which was taped at the time of her California State contest in the summer of 1984. Although the original film went through a lot of processing to reach this DVD status, the picture quality is actually pretty good, and features Kathy posing in many outfits and some footage in the gym. Footage includes posing in the yellow one-piece- a photo from that sequence was used for the cover of the July 1984 WPP magazine. The film had no sound, so classical music is dubbed over all of the posing. Kathy was around 5'8" and in contest shape here at about 160, showing her best look ever. We did take 'real' video of her in 1986, and that footage on WPW-56 will be released in time as well. Many of our Super 8 transfers have short running times- this one is only 1/2 hour, so we are charging the lower price of $11.95. |
WPW-4 Teagan Clive & Karen Meade (Super 8 transfer) |
We met Teagan Clive (her full name before dropping the Clive later) when she was a spectator at a contest in California in 1984. The next time our staff was out west, we set up this Super 8 film session, and with that film release and photos/story in the WPW magazine, she became an instant cult favorite- and she hung out with Kay Baxter and Pillow to boot. Fans loved her because of her size, but also her very outgoing personality. We did have one 'real' video session with her in 1985- she was supposed to do the 1985 Nationals (the one that Cory won), but due to some technical mistake regarding her qualification, she was not able to compete. That did not stop us from taping her as she was in outstanding shape, and that footage is on WPW-33. Teagan dropped out of competition at that time, but continued to write articles for various bodybuilding magazines for many years. Karen Meade was similar to Teagan in size only- a very large and strong 'girl' of 18. She competed in California for a few years and this was our only session with her. She poses in a bikini and leotard, a dress and lifts in the gym. This DVD is dubbed with music and runs only 40 minutes, so we are offering it at the special $11 price. Running time about 40 minutes.
WPW-5 Diana Dennis (Super 8 transfer) |
The entire Super 8 transfer of WPW-5 is now included on WPW-72.
This Super 8 film work with Diana was taken around 1982-1984 when she was still an 'up and coming' star in southern California. She poses in many bikinis and dresses and footage is dubbed with light classical music. Starting in 1985, when we purchased our first video equipment, we began taping Diana on a regular basis as she became one of the top IFBB pros ever.
WPW-6 Physique Models of 1979 (Super 8 transfer) |
Competitive women's bodybuilding was just coming into its own in 1979, though very few of the women were in the New York City area. In order to get more material to release for films, we ran a few ads in 'Backstage' and received responses mainly from dancing and ballet professionals. They were filmed using Super 8 film (no sound, so music is dubbed) and the picture quality varies and there are some bad edits, but overall a very interesting and viewable video. Most of the dancers had only one developed bodypart (calves), though a few, like Cornelia and Michelle DeMetz had very good upper bodies, so we filmed them accordingly in bikinis and dresses. By the time 1979 was over, the bodybuilding competitions grew like crazy and the need for 'dancer' film sessions was no longer needed. Running time 1 hour.
WPW-7 Stars of 1979-1981 (Super 8 transfer) |
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We taped many of the top women during the sport's earliest days of 1979-1981, using Super 8 film. The picture quality is very viewable and features 15 women posing in bikinis, one-pieces and dresses, with occasional gymwork. The women include Claudia Wilbourne and Auby Paulick (pictured here), Stella Martinez, Joan Simone, Carla York, Linda McCrerey, Hollee Wondell, Cathy Basacker, Rita Brown, Shelly Gruwell, Kim Byfield, RoseMarie Durfee, Leia Kawaii, Debby Duncanson and one woman who we no longer can ID! Running time is 2 hours. |
WPW-8 Stars of 1981-1982 (Super 8 transfer) |
Fourteen of the top women from 1981-1982 are featured here, including: Elaine Wright (Craig), Kristina May, Chris Glass, Terri Miladinovich, Nellie Semenach, Irene Piotrowski (she was also a famous track star in the 60's), Madeleine Almeida, Annette Brandt, Shirley Kemper, Becca Stephens, Jan Beitz, Jacque Spell, Valerie Mayers and Kathy Cosentino. All women pose in bikinis and dresses, and light classical music is dubbed over the posing scenes. Picture quality pretty good for Super 8 transfer! Running time about 1 3/4 hours. |
WPW-9 Stars of 1982 (Super 8 transfer) |
Twelve of the top women from 1982 are featured here, including: Debbie Trenholm, Alison Brundage, Carla Dunlap, Lynne Pirie, Diane Carideo, Christine Reed, Brenda Peterson, Theo Fox, Renee Swartz, Terri Clavell, Lynda Chicado and some very early footage of Cory Everson (not seen on her WPW-137 compilation video). All women pose in bikinis and dresses, and the picture quality is pretty good for Super 8 transfer. Classical music dubbed over all the posing scenes. Running time is about 2 hours. |
WPW-10 Stars of 1983 (Super 8 transfer) |
These five women were among the last who we taped using silent Super 8 film- we started using 'real' video in late 1984. Despite having to go from film to video to DVD, the picture quality is actually pretty good, though all footage has classical music dubbed. All five women posed in a series of swimsuits and dresses, and there is gymwork for all but Lisser. We did have 'real' video sessions with Leslie and Sue Ann, and the footage here is included on those releases- WPW-65 for Sue Ann and WPW-28 for Joan. We never had follow up sessions with the other three. Joan was in 'off-season' shape before it was fashionable, and shows off great size and shapes, particularly considering the era and that she was only in her very early 20's. The other four women were in ripped contest shape and were top national stars at the time: Leslie was from New Jersey and was famous for her huge arms; Sue Ann arrived on the scene in 1983 and quickly threatened Kay Baxter with the 'most muscular' title; Alison Brundage was from Hawaii, competed for a short while, then retired, but also showed a lot of size, definition and vascularity for the era; and Lisser was the Sweden champ and had already turned pro. Running time about 80 minutes. |
WPW-11 "Pillow" (Super 8 transfer)
We located a copy of this video and are now able to offer footage of this historical competitor for the first time on DVD. "Pillow" was her professional dance stage name and kept the name when she stormed on to the bodybuilding scene during 1980. Laura Combes and Lisa Elliott were still the point of comparison for muscularity then, but Pillow and Kay Baxter equaled, then surpassed them during 1982. Pillow's competitive career was brief, but she remained a fan favorite for several years before returning to the dance stage again. We had 4-5 different photo/Super 8 sessions with her from 1981-1983, and all the film footage, originally released on two Super 8 films, is included here. (Note: the footage ends suddenly, we didn't have an End Board then!). She poses in many bikinis, one-pieces and dresses, and was always in contest or near contest shape. Since silent film was used as the master, classical music is dubbed throughout. Among the outfits shown is the dress she was wearing for the cover of the September/October WPP cover). And, considering we had to go from Super 8 master, to copy, to video, then to DVD, the picture quality is pretty good. Running time is about 45 minutes. |
WPW-12 Georgia Fudge (Super 8 transfer) |
The entire WPW-12 is now included on WPW-89.
Georgia was one of the sport's true pioneers, and many would include her, Kay Baxter and Lisa Lyon as the first stars, each competing as early as 1979. We had several Super 8 film sessions with Georgia from 1979 to 1983, posing in many swimsuits and dresses, and all of this footage is now on WPW-89.
n/a |
WPW-13 Cammie Lusko (Super 8 transfer) |
We finally got a video copy of this, and the transfer to DVD is actually very good quality. Cammie was for sure one of the sport's pioneers- she competed in a few contests in 1979, when she was barely 20, and was able to turn pro right away. She did only one pro show- the first Ms. Olympia in 1980- then retired from competitive bodybuilding to concentrate on her 'odd lifts' career. We had two Super 8 sessions with her in 1980, then one in 1982, and the footage includes posing in swimsuits and dresses, all dubbed with music. The gymwork shows Cammie performing her most famous 'odd lift' (one arm clean and jerk with 135 pounds) and some repwork. Again, the picture quality is quite good considering what the original Super 8 has gone through to get to the DVD! Video running time about 45 minutes. |
WPW-14 Julie McNew, Lisa Elliott, Deborah Diana, Lesley Kozlow (Super 8 transfer) |
These four women were among the very best during the early days of the sport. We taped all of them a few times during 1982-1983, and all the footage from the original Super 8 films is included. The footage of Deborah and Lesley was originally released on WPW-15, but now included here. All women had multiple sessions and pose in swimsuits and dresses, and classical music is dubbed on the posing scenes. Good picture quality for Super 8 transfer! Running time is about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-15 Lesley Kozlow & Deborah Diana (Super 8 transfer) |
The entire WPW-15 is now included on WPW-14 |
WPW-16 Stars of 1983 (Super 8 transfer) |
We finally located a video copy of this title and were surprised at the very good quality of this Super 8 to video to DVD transfer. We were still using Super 8 film in 1983, and the material was originally released on films, then transferred to video in 1985. All ten women featured were in contest shape and pose in bikinis and dresses, and light classical music was used to score the silent video. The following women are featured: Lori Bowen, Kris Alexander, Cheryl Harriss, Suzanne Tigert, Agi Balough, Nancy Benson, Terri LoCicero, Pat Filinick, Dawn Marie Gnaegi and Lindy Champion (who was also filmed off-season). Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-17 Stars of 1983 (Super 8 transfer) |
The intro board for this DVD says 'Stars from 1985' but we are pretty sure all of the 12 women featured here were filmed in 1984 with our Super 8 camera. In any event, the 12 women include Jeanne Splittergerber (later known as Jeanne St. Pierre), Tawnya Herman, Karen Marin, Candy Caldwell, Krista Parr, Norma Steverson, Sue Ann McKean, Lesley Kozlow, Anita Gandol, Suzanne Tigert, Liz Karp and Jan Beitz. All women pose in swimsuits and dresses and classical music is dubbed over the posing scenes. Very good quality for Super 8 transfer, Running time about 100 minutes. |
WPW-18 Janice Ragain (Super 8 transfer) |
The entire WPW-18 is now included on WPW-138.
We had a few Super 8 sessions with Janice in 1982-1983, and all of that is now on WPW-138, which also includes material taken of her with 'real video' in 1985-1986. The Super 8 transfer material is dubbed with classical music during Janice's posing scenes in swimsuits and dresses. Janice became one of the top women in the sport during the 1980s and early 90's, and we had several other tapings with her, with all of the best material on her WPW compilation DVD-177.
WPW-19 Deanna Panting & Shelley Huber (Super 8 transfer) |
Deanna and Shelley were two of the top women in Canada when we filmed them in Super 8 in 1984. Shelley did not stick around long, but Deanna continued to compete, achieving her pro card and having some success in the IFBB for a few years. Some of Deanna's footage here is now included on WPW-32, featuring 'real' video footage also, but we only had the one session with Shelley. Each woman poses in swimsuits and dresses and classical music is dubbed on to the footage. As a special note, Deanna was only 19 here, making her one of the best teenagers ever. Running time about 1/2 hour. |
$11.95 |
WPW-20 Elaine Craig & Peggy Bertelsen (Super 8 transfer) |
Elaine and Peggy were two of the 'biggest' stars in the northwest during the 1980's, and we say 'big' as at about 5'9" 160 pounds in contest shape, they were also two of the largest women on the scene. A lot of Peggy's footage here is now also on WPW-56 (with newer footage of her taken with real video), but Elaine's footage does not appear on her WPW-46, featuring 'real' video of her. Both women hit the shots in swimsuits and dresses- a couple sessions for each- and classical music is dubbed on the posing scenes. Running time about 1/2 hour. |
WPW-21 Candy Caldwell and Karen Marin (Super 8 Transfer) |
Candy and Karen were two of the most popular national caliber women on the scene in the mid-80's- Candy, from Arizona, was noted for her lean and vascular condition, particularly in her upper body. Karen was from California and was noted for a very impressive overall physique with great calves. Both women were taped during the summer of 1984 in top contest shape. This footage, which is pretty good quality considering, runs 1/2 hour and is 'scored' with classical music. Due to the short running time, the price is $11.95. |
The entire WPW-22 is now included on WPW-41.
This release featured our Super 8 transfer of Cory taken in 1982, 1983 and 1984, and 'real video' of her taken at the time of the 1984 Ms. Olympia, where she posed in several bikinis, did some gymwork and was interviewed. This is now on WPW-41, which also includes all of Cory's footage from our video session with her in 1985. The best footage from all of our sessions with Cory is on her compilation WPW-137.
Doughdee was a stunt skater for many years, setting her sights on competitive bodybuilding in the early 1980's. We first met her in the summer of 1984 when she was a spectator at a national contest, and did a small amount of Super 8 filming with her at that time. We then did 'real video' with her in January 1985 at the time of the 'Superbowl of Strength', when she was in contest shape at about 5'2" 130 pounds. This was the first time she hit bodybuilding poses, but took to it right away and posed in several swimsuits and dresses, worked out heavy in the gym and was interviewed. Some of this footage is also on her WPW-151 compilation DVD (featuring some of her footage from WPW-45 and WPW-66 also), but her original videos are the most comprehensive for this interesting woman. Video runs about 1 hour. |
The entire WPW-24 is now included on WPW-146.
We met Chris in the gym while taping Doughdee Marie, and like Doughdee, Chris was a professional skater, resulting in incredible thigh development for the time. She had just competed in the 'Superbowl' bodybuilding event, and was in terrific contest shape at 5'2" 135 pounds. This entire video, featuring posing in different outfits, gymwork and interview, is now included on WPW-146, featuring Renee Casella as well.
WPW-25 1984 Superbowl Strength Contest (Set of 3 DVDs) |
This was the first contest we ever taped and nearly all of it is actually very good quality. Wally Boyko promoted this, and the 'Strength Expo' contests, and we taped several of them until the time that the Extravaganza Strength Shows were held in New Jersey starting in 1987. Women competing in the strength show included Sue Ann McKean, Karen Meade, Deanna Panting, "Pillow", Joan Wood, Vicki Steenrod, Sally Sims and Gail Murphy. The lifts include the battery hold, 45 pound plate carry with 'pinch grip', dumbbell carry, beer keg lift, bench press and tug-of-war. The bodybuilding event featured, among others, Rose Byrnes, Chris Porter, Marsha Hall-Radford, Michelle Thomas, Peggy Bertelsen and Doughdee Marie. Also in the bodybuilding show was 17 year old Claire Bullis, who is still competing at a very high level in 2010 as Claire Rohrbacker! Also, there was a couple's event (man and woman pose together). And, in addition, check out these guest posers- Kay Baxter, Sue Ann McKean, Carla Dunlap, Lesley Kozlow, Tina Plakinger and Diana Dennis. This is a 3 DVD set, running a total of almost 5 hours. The strength show and bodybuilding finals are on two of the DVDs- the third features the bodybuilding prejudging only- the picture quality is good, but there are some 'bad edits' as we didn't really know what we were doing yet. However, the historical value of including this is very worthwhile. Video runs about 5 hours. |
Kay, and Georgia Fudge, were the first two bodybuilding stars WPW did work with, shooting Super 8 film of them as early as 1979. All of Kay's Super 8 transfer footage, taking each year from 1979-1984, is on WPW-1. We did our first 'real video' with her in 1985, and that footage is here- gymwork, posing in many outfits and an interview, and the video quality is pretty good. Some of this footage is on her WPW-155 DVD Compilation, along with selected footage from our other sessions with her. WPW-155 would be the best value, but if you want all of her footage, you will want to get the original releases. Video runs about 1 hour. |
WPW-27 Stars of 1984 (Super 8 transfer) |
Though originally released in 1985, this was the last footage WPW taped with Super 8 film in 1984. ( WPW-53 contains Super 8 films produced by another company). The eight women featured here were all national caliber, in top contest shape. Included are Sue Ann McKean, Anita Gandol, Krista Parr, Lesley Kozlow, Liz Karp, Jan Beitz, Suzanne Tigert and Norma Steverson. Aside from a few 'light' scenes, the picture quality is actually pretty good for Super 8 transfer, and the women pose in bikinis and dresses, with classical music dubbed on all the posing scenes. Video runs about 45 minutes. |
WPW-28 Debbie Sider & Joan Wood |
Joan Wood was the first 'big, off-season' woman we did work with. The 1983 footage is Super 8 film transfer, but the 1985 material was taken by 3/4" video and the quality is pretty good. For Debbie Sider, we have some contest-shape material from 1984 Super 8 transfer) but the 1985 footage of her in massive off-season shape was taken by real video. Both women pose in many outfits and there is gymwork and interviews. Video/DVD runs about 100 minutes. |
WPW-29 1984 U.S. Championships |
1984 was the first year of our contract with the NPC for taping their national shows, and that lasted through 1999. We taped two shows in 1984- the first was this USA contest, then also the Nationals. In future years we would tape those two shows along with many Jr. Nationals and Jr. USA contests. This was a great way to start as the contest featured most of the top name women of the time including Janet Tech, Penny Price, Mary Ellen Jerumbo-Warman, Krista Parr-Anderson, Debbie Sider, Mona Krause, Janice Graser, Karen Marin, Candis Caldwell, Jeanne Splittgerber, Clare Furr, Karen Pica, Peggy Bertelson, Lesley Kozlow, Velma Buckels, Elaine Craig, Diana Dennis, Sue Ann McKean and many, many others. In addition, 'Couples Posing' was a popular event at the time, and there were about 10 Couples routines, including those of Sally Sims, Jeannie Splittgerber, Peggy Bertelson, Janice Graser and Diana Dennis with their respective partners. The entire prejudging and finals are included on this 2 DVD release and the video quality is very good. Running time about 4 hours. |
WPW-30 1985 California Bodybuilding Championships |
WPW started taping the NPC contests in 1984, and taped nearly all their top national contests through 1999. This is the second event we taped (The 1984 Superbowl of Strength, on WPW-25, was first) and runs a full 3 hours on two DVD discs. The entire pre-judging and finals are included and the picture quality is very good. Many of the top women of era were in this show including Rose Byrnes, Nancy Lewis, Esi Rainwater, Rene Casella, Mishay Santos, Lorraine Gari, Laura Beaudry, Cathy Palyo, Marya Curry, Karen Meade, Mimi Hitzman, Kathy Moore and many others. DVD runs 3 hours. |
The entire WPW-31 is now included on WPW-139.
Mishay was a rising star in California in 1985 when we had our first video session with her. She did gymwork, posed in many outfits and was interviewed, all in lean, contest shape. All of this footage is now on WPW-139, which also features the best footage of Sherry Thompson.
Deanna was Canada's best bodybuilders during the mid-late 80's. She was also one of the best teen women ever, as she was only 19 in 1984 when we did the Super-8 video film of her.The 1985 sessions with her were taken with our first video equipment, so the overall picture quality is good but not perfect. She was in contest shape and off-season, and posing, gymwork and interview are all included. Video/DVD runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-33 Sue Springsteen, Teagan Clive and Marya Curry |
Sue Springsteen was the biggest star of the three- a top name in both powerlifting and bodybuilding. This footage was taken at the time of the 1985 'Expo Strength' contest, which she was in. At 5'3, 145 pounds, she had size and was also in hard condition, showing off her thick physique in several swimsuits and dresses, lifted heavy (and some repwork) in the gym, and was interviewed. Her footage runs about an hour, and is followed by Marya, who was one of the tallest competitors ever at 6'1". She competed mainly in California, and for only a short period of time, but we had this one video session with her. The 180 pounder worked out in the gym, posed in a bikini and was interviewed. For Teagan, we did Super 8 film with her in early 1984 (and we are still looking for a copy of her WPW-4 Video), and again later in 1984, where she made quite the transition. She was huge but not really cut the first time, but here, she changed from brunette to blonde and was in terrific contest shape. She was planning to do the 1984 Nationals, and would have given Cory Everson a real run for it, but due to an organizational snag, she was not able to compete, but guest-posed instead. Anyway, she hits the shots in a black bikini and white dress, and the film transfer is very good quality. Video runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-34 1985 US Championships (Set of 3 DVDs) |
This was the second national level NPC contest we taped (we are still looking for a copy of WPW-29 - the 1984 USA) and the video quality is actually pretty good quality. The video we had to master our DVD had a very slight flutter at the very top of the picture for some of the footage, however, due to the historical nature of the content of this event, we felt it very worthwhile to release this as the flutter is not distracting. The 3 DVD set runs about 5 hours and contains all of the prejudging and finals, and nearly 100 women competed. Many 'name' women of the era competed: Susie Jaso, Janet Tech, Dona Oliviera, MaryAnn Duffy, MaryEllen Jerumbo (she is still competing as MaryEllen Warman in 2010!), Lindy Champion, Kay Reich, Cyndie McGowan, Suzanne Tigert, Janice Graser, Liz Karp, Shirley Kemper, Penny Price, Debbie Sider, Renee Casella, Laura Beaudry, Deborah Sorensen, Sue Ann McKean, Sandy Riddell, Tonya Knight, Elaine Craig, Terry Elliot, Margo Allen, Peggy Bertelsen, Linda Wood-Hoyte, Adrienne Foster and many others. A couples competition was also held, where the woman and male competitor posed together. Video runs about 5 hours. |
WPW-35 MaryAnne Duffy, Dona Oliviera & Suzanne Tigert
Dona, Suzanne and MaryAnn were top women during the mid-late 1980s and all were in top contest shape in 1985 when this work was done with them. For Dona, we lead of with gymwork and posing in bikini and dress when she was in off season condition, but she and the other two were in great shape for the rest of the work, done at the '85 US Championships. MaryAnne and Suzanne do tandem gymwork, then all three pose in bikini and dresses, and all three are interviewed together. NOTE: for some odd reason, there was a camera glitch and the posing scenes at the USA came out in black and white! So, make note of that. In addition, the opening footage for Dona is average quality, but the rest of the tape is very clear quality, even the black and white sequence. Video/DVD runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-36 1985 "Expo Strength" Contest |
Wally Boyko was ahead of his time as a promoter in the early-mid 80's- he was running local shows until late 1984 when he began running his 'Superbowl' contests, featuring strength and bodybuilding physique contests for the women. The first one was the 1984 Superbowl, and that is on WPW-25; this was his second, renamed the 'Expo', in 1985, and this was followed by the 1985 Superbowl on WPW-43 and the 1986 version on WPW-61. After that, Wally started to get more involved in the Miss Fitness shows, and WPW began taping the Extravaganza Strength/Physique events in New Jersey starting in 1987.
For this event there was a bodybuilding contest, but that was really a side event to the strength contest. The bodybuilding event featured mainly local women, though a few 'name' women traveled to compete- a 19 year old 'Athena', Lindy Champion, Yolanda Hughes and as far as we know, this was the only contest Doughdee Marie was in, lean and with deep abs ! The strength event featured 10 women doing 8 lifts. Sue Springsteen, Vicki Steenrod, Diana Rowell, Mary Ryan-Jeffrey, Raye Hollitt, Dorothy Herndon, Kelly Pehrson and a few others competed against each other for dips, leg-press, curls, squats, bench press, deadlifts, leg extensions and chinups. In addition, how about this list of guest posers- "Pillow", Kay Baxter, Cory Everson, Deanna Panting and Mary Roberts ! NOTE ABOUT THE QUALITY: The picture quality is 'so so' as the lighting was not the best, and for one 20 minute segment the color turns to black and white, but overall the video is quite viewable, and a great piece of history on two DVDs. Running time is 4 hours.
WPW-37 Kelly Pehrson and Dorothy Herndon |
Kelly (shown in guide photos) was competing in local/regional contests in Oklahoma, and Dorothy was climbing the ranks in California, when both were invited to compete in the Expo Strength Contest in 1985. This contest is on WPW-36, and we are still looking for a copy in order to release on DVD. We had a tandem photo/video session with them after the show and the two women work out together in the gym, pose in bikini solo and tandem, pose in one dress each, and are interviewed. Both were in off season shape. Kelly dropped out of the scene soon after this, but Dorothy continued to do well on the national bodybuilding scene, gaining fame as one of more massive women on the scene. We have Dorothy in top contest shape on WPW-90. This DVD/Video runs 1 hour. |
1985 was the first year fof our contract with the NPC to videotape their national contests. We have that year's second best amateur contest, the U. S. Championships on WPW-34, and here we have the top show of the year, with more than 100 women competing in this bodybuilding event. Included is the Couple's Contest (very popular back then), then introductions for all the competitors, 10 prejudging routines for all four classes, finals routines and awards. Many top name women of the time competed here, including Diana Dennis, Chris Porter, Velma Buckels, Cathy Palyo, Sue Ann McKean, Janice Graser, Mona Krause, Margo Allen, Mary Ellen Jerumbo, Debbie Sider, Lindy Champion, Marianne Duffy, Kay Reich, Nancy Lewis, Susie Jaso, Chris Glass, Janet Tech, Krista Parr-Anderson, Valerie Basilone, Candis Caldwell and Jackie Paisley, all of whom posed. The picture quality is decent for the time, but the sound system for the music was way too loud, resulting in horribly distorted music, so we sadly had to dub light synth music over the routine music. The MC microphone was OK, so you do hear him introduce the women, etc. A terrific, historical contest tape on two DVDs. Running time is 4 hours.
We have been looking for a copy of this video for a long time in order to make a DVD master and to also be used to make a Diana Dennis Compilation with no gaps. This video runs about an hour and features Diana in top contest shape at the time of her big victory at the 1985 Nationals. She opens up with gymwork in a leotard, poses in two bikinis and two dresses, and is interviewed. As for some of our early videos, the picture quality varies- the lighting for the gymwork is excellent, but the posing in the hotel living room is not quite as bright, though certainly viewable. Regarding a Diana Compilation DVD- we now have all of her material from all of her many WPW and RM videos, and plan to edit scenes from all of them for release sometime in 2012. Meanwhile, all of her original full length DVDs are now available. Running time is 1 hour. |
Jill was a top competitor in the 'other' bodybuilding organization, the AAU, and she won that overall title at least once in the mid 1980's. This footage was taken in 1985 when she was in near contest shape, featuring great muscle shapes, size and definition for someone still in her early 20's. She did repwork in the gym, posed in several swimsuits and dresses, and was interviewed. A few of the posing scenes are on WPW 130, but the original title here is the way to go if you want it all. This was our only session with her, and she dropped from the scene soon after this. Video runs about 1 hour. |
This was the second time we did 'real video' with Cory, after doing Super 8 filming in 1982-1984. The first real video was done with her at the 1984 Ms. Olympia, and here we have more of her in top contest shape at the time of the 1985 Ms. O. Since the show was held in November, it was too cold to go outside, so footage includes Cory working out and posing in two bikinis in the gym only, and an interview is also included. Please note that all of her previous footage- the Super 8 and 1984 video footage, originally released on WPW-22, is included here. Note also that some of this footage is also on Cory's WPW-137 compilation DVD, which would probably be the better value. Video runs about 1 3/4 hours. |
The entire WPW-42 is now included on WPW-138
Clare was one of the top pros in the sport during the mid-late 80's, and this work was done with her at the time of the 1985 Ms. Olympia when she was in great shape throughout, but she was always known for her thick and defined upper body, particularly her biceps. She does rep gymwork, then poses in several swimsuits and is interviewed. The picture quality is only average compared to our later titles, but certainly viewable. We did have another session with her on WPW-68, but too bad this beautiful woman did not stick around much after that. Video/DVD runs about 1 hour.
WPW-43 1985 'Superbowl of Strength' Contest (Set of 2 DVDs) |
This was the second 'Superbowl' strength contest we taped, and we are still trying to get a video copy of WPW-52, which featured the 1983 contest. The stage lighting at this event was not the best, so the video quality here is only fair, even for the era, and there are some 'dropouts' during the bodybuilding event. But, the 4 hour event is viewable and we are releasing it due to impressive field of women and historical value. The events in the strength contest include the dumbbell carry, leg press, battery hold, bench press, chinups and tug-of-war. Women participating include Rhonda Lundstedt, Sandy Riddell, Terry Elliott, Mimi Hitzman (who did the bodybuilding contest also), Raye Hollitt and Sue Springsteen. Those in the bodybuilding event featured Sandy Kamberger, Elaine Craig, Celia Walsh and others. Guest posers include Carla Dunlap, Chris Porter and Sue Ann McKean. Video runs about 4 hours. |
WPW-44 Rhonda Lundstedt and Sandy Kamberger
We met Rhonda at a national contest in 1985, and she was invited to take part in the 1986 'Superbowl of Strength' contest in early 1986, when this footage was taken. She was invited to that show based on her considerable strength, and she shows that off during her gymwork here, followed by posing in two dresses and her interview. Please note that the dress posing, but not the gymwork nor interview, is on her 'compilation' video, WPW-188. Sandy was in the Superbowl Bodybuilding event, and the beauty from the northwest showed off a lean, defined physique while doing repwork in the gym and posing in her bikini and two dresses. An interview also included. Note that the posing in one dress and her bikini are also included on WPW-130, featuring other women as well. Also note that one small dress scene is poor quality due to darkness, but the rest of the video is very good quality. Video/DVD runs about 1 3/4 hours. |
WPW-45 Doughdee Marie & Raye Hollitt |
This was our second release for Doughdee, and first for Raye. We paired them on this release as they had similar style physiques- both were in impressive off-season condition. Doughdee was about 5'2" 160 and Raye checked in at 5'6" 155, and each showed off their strength during their gymwork, followed by posing in swimsuits and dresses and interviews. Both were very famous during the 80's and 90's- Doughdee with her strength/adagio act and Raye became well known as the Gladiator, "ZAP". NOTE: Some of the footage of Doughdee here is also on her WPW-151 compilation DVD, and same for Raye on her WPW compilation DVD-150. But, for those fans who may want the two different women on one tape, and to have all the footage, we offer the original release here as well. Also note that we were still using our first video equipment at the time of these sessions in 1986 and the picture quality is only average, though very viewable. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
We taped her with our Super 8 film equipment in the very early 80's when she was Elaine Wright (on WPW-20, but not included here), and it is now a few years later, in 1986- Elaine got married and was at the start of her impressive career which lasted through the 1980's. She, along with fellow rival Peggy Bertelsen, was one of the biggest women on the national scene (about 5'9" 160+ pounds) and the Washington State resident had many high placings in top shows. After her retirement from the stage, she began running The Emerald Cup contest, which to this day is one of the best regional shows in the country. Here, Elaine was in top contest shape and works out in the gym, poses in several outfits (showing off the largest arms at the time) and is interviewed. The picture quality is mostly decent, but there is one scene which is poor quality (dark)- we did get new equipment within about a year after our early 1984-1987 tapings. Video running time about 1 hour. |
Juliette started her career as Juliette Meyer and was the top woman in Holland in the early-mid 80's, then became one of the top women in the world during the time of our first video sessions with her here in 1985 and 1986, when we had three different sessions with her. In fact, many considered her to be a real challenge to Cory Everson once they would meet head-to-head in the IFBB pro shows. Well, Juliette never beat Cory, but had an impressive pro career nonetheless, retiring from the stage in the early 90's, only to make one comeback several years ago, around 2005 or so. Here, Juliette works out in the gym, poses in several outfits and is interviewed twice. She ranged between being in top contest shape to somewhat off-season. NOTE: Some of the posing footage is on her WPW Compilation DVD-118, but if you want all the posing, gymwork and interviews, Juliette fans would want this original video. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-48 Hannie Van Aken, Leny Tops and Peggy Ouwerling (2 DVD set) |
Along with Juliette Bergmann, Hannie, Leny and Peggy were the top Dutch competitors of the mid-late 80's. As for Juliette, Hannie was able to turn IFBB pro in the latter part of the 80's and had a good stage career in the early 1990's as well. Leny and Peggy did not stick around long, and although they might have attained pro status by winning top shows in Holland, they did not have an international career. WPW Magazine editors Steve Wennerstrom and John Nafpliotis made a few trips to Europe around this time, and in 1986 taped all three women in top contest shape. Our 3/4" pro equipment was too bulky to bring overseas, so John used a good quality camcorder and taped all three women working out in the gym, posing in several outfits each, and all three were interviewed. We did have one more taping with Leny, on WPW 68, and two more with Hannie (on WPW-85 and WPW-186), but this was our only work with Peggy. This is a two-DVD set, with Peggy and Leny on 48-A and Hannie on 48-B. Video running time about 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-49 Connie McCloskey & Cathy Butler
Connie was a top AAU competitor in the early/mid 80's, winning that organization's 'Ms. America' contest, then switched to the NPC where she had success as well. Cathy was an elite powerlifter who competed in bodybuilding shows on occasion. Footage here is from 1985/1986 and includes repwork for Connie and heavy lifting for Cathy, then both women pose in different outfits and are interviewed. Footage includes off-season and contest shape, including video ending camcorder scenes with Connie posing at Gettysburg National Park, near where she lived. Video picture quality ranges from fair to good. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
WPW-50 Jennifer Lennon & Jane Phillips |
Jennifer and Jane were both national caliber physiques in the mid-80's, but as far as we remember, neither stuck around long enough to make a mark in any national shows. Both women were in strong off-season shape here, with Jane checking in at a lush 5'2" 145 and Jennifer at 5'8" 170 pounds. Jennifer, who we think lived in New England somewhere, lifted heavy in the gym, including 8 reps with 135 pounds for curls (a very difficult lift back then, and even now) then poses in several outfits, showing off a physique which is very hard and lean for her off-season size. Jane, from Arizona, was one of few women at the time known more for her lower body than her upper, including incredible calves. She does a mix of reps and strength moves in the gym and also poses in several outfits. These were our only sessions with them, and the footage, taken in 1986, is very good quality. Each woman had a different 'look', but both were very impressive and could have done some real damage on the national scene had they continued. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
The entire WPW-51 is now included on WPW-138
After several Super 8 sessions with Janice in the early 80's (and all of that footage from WPW-18 is included here), we finally were able to tape her with 'real' video in 1986. And, since the Super 8 days, Janice was able to turn IFBB pro, with this work done with her in top contest shape at the time of the 1986 Pro Worlds. Janice did repwork in the gym, was interviewed, and posed in several outfits. For her 'fishnet tights/black halter' scene at the Palisades in Fort Lee, NJ, we did use our camcorder 'on location', and the picture quality is decent. None of the footage here is on her WPW DVD-177, which features the best of our sessions with her from 1990-1993. Janice Ragain: 'Mary Tyler Moore/Sally Field with muscles'- terrific size, definition and shape topped off by facial beauty. Video running time about 100 minutes.
WPW-52 1983 Superbowl Bodybuilding Contest |
This may have been the first contest California promoter Wally Boyko ran, and it was a physique show only. Upon learning that he would be running a larger shows starting in 1984, featuring the physique show and adding the strength show, we agreed to tape them, and they are on WPW-25, WPW-36, WPW-43 and WPW-61. The footage for this video WPW-52 was taped by Wally and given to us a couple years later to release retroactively. The picture quality is very good and the contest featured some famous names from the early days- both competitors and 'staff'. Some of the name women competing includes Diana Dennis, Lesley Kozlow, Judy Grayson, Teri Miladinovich, Missy Sandeman, Leslie Barber, Charlotte Yarborough, Audrey Perryman, Sandy Signona and Annie Hess. Sadly, the videographer must have been changing his tape and Dennis' routine is not shown, though you will see her in the posedown and awards. The legendary Claudia Wilbourne is shown in close ups as the MC and Carla Dunlap hands out the awards. Dr. Lynne Pirie guest poses and the tape ends suddenly after that. This is a great piece of history, but it only runs about 40 minutes, so it is being offered for $11.95. Running time 40 minutes.
WPW-53 "Lady Athlete Films" (Super 8 Transfer) |
A WPW colleague did a small newsletter in the early 1980's called Lady Athlete, mostly featuring competitive bodybuilders. They also released some Super 8 films during that time, but never had them transferred on to video. We are not even sure how many films they did, but we 'bought the rights' to the ones featuring the 12 women here. Footage was taped 'WPW style' and show the women posing in different outfits with some occasional gymwork. Classical music was dubbed over all posing scenes. Appearing in order on the video are: Gayle Olinek (who was a famous Olympic track athlete in the 1970s), IFBB pro Lynn Conkwrite, Chris Dawkins, top pro Carla Dunlap, Joanne Cameron, Lisa Elliott, Gayle Schroetter, Dinah Anderson, Anita Gandol, Debbie DeWitt-Poston, Corinne Machado and Ileana Vajakas. The picture quality for these transfers ranges from above average, to pretty good, to very good. Video running time 2 hours. |
WPW-54 Tara Dodane, Tonya Knight and Karen Rodriguez |
These three women were top national competitors when we had our photo/video sessions with them in 1986. All three were in top contest here- for Tara, there is posing in many outfits, some gymwork and an interview, but please note, all of this footage of her is also on her WPW-144 DVD, which has later material of her as well. We only had this one session with Tonya, who was still barely in her 20's and had not become a superstar yet (she was a top IFBB pro and a Gladiator a few years later), and her footage includes posing in a bikini and three dresses and an interview. Karen poses in a bikini, one-piece and dress. Note also, that some of the Tonya/Karen footage is on WPW-128 Video/DVD. So, if you do not have WPW-144 or WPW-128, this is a great look at three of the best and most beautiful competitors of the late 80's. DVD runs 2 hours. |
The entire WPW-55 is now included on WPW-139.
Sherry was from the south New Jersey shore area and we had two sessions with her in 1985 and 1986- all of that footage is now on WPW-139 along with some of her scenes from WPW-96 and some of Mishay Santos also. Sherry was a top regional competitor with some success in national shows, and was also very strong for her 'look', competing in one or two of the Extravaganza Strength Contests.
WPW-56 Kathy Moore and Peggy Bertelsen |
Kathy (in guide photos) and Peggy were paired here for reasons- both were top competitors for a few years in the mid-80's, and both were among the largest women of the time- each was about 5'8" 160-170 pounds. We had two sessions with each women in 1985 and 1986 when they were in top shape and then off-season. Gymwork is included for Kathy, both women are interviewed and there is a small bit of their Super 8 footage from a couple years earlier. Both women hit the shots in contest shape and off-season in bikinis, one-pieces and dress items. Please note that our first video equipment was used from 1984-1989 or so- the picture quality is good, but not as good as our quality from about 1990 onwards. DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-57 Athena Annis & Lisa Spitzer |
We were hoping to get two teenagers on a video together, but both Athena (Annis) and Lisa had just turned 20 when this work was done in 1986. Athena was a NYC area competitor, Lisa was from Virginia, and both were in in NYC for a local contest, so they were in contest shape here. Athena already had some impressive size for her age- a preview of things to come in later DVDs with her (WPW-95 and WPW-191), whileLisa showed off a taller, leaner look with good definition throughout, but featuring an very impressive 6-pack. The women are interviewed together, there is contest footage for both, gymwork for Athena, then each pose in one bikini and one dress. Some footage is a bit soft, but most of it is fine considering we were using our first video equipment at the time. Video/DVD runs about 80 minutes. |
We had several video sessions with the big Texan Brenda during 1985-1986 and nearly all the footage is very good video quality, though there is some camcorder footage of her 'on location'. She was in terrific contest shape for most of the footage, and she was in very decent shape for the off-season session as well. Brenda poses in many outfits for all sessions and there is live gymwork and interview. Video/DVD runs 2+ hours. |
Mary Hovey, Laura Craevalle, Lisa Daniels & Alicia Lippmananchor
During the 80's we tried to tape as many women as possible at the contests, and in many cases the videos released then feature posing only, no gymwork or interviews. Such is the case here, where we taped these four top women at the time of the 1986 US Championships. Mary, Lisa and Alicia were very good amateurs but did not stick around the scene long. Laura, of course, became a very top IFBB pro soon after. Video picture quality is good here and features Mary hitting the shots in one-piece/dress, Laura in bikini only, Lisa in bikini/dress and Alicia in two swimsuits and two dress items. Video/DVD runs about 1 hour. |
WPW-60 Mishay Santos, Sue Springsteen, Sandy Kamberger, Dona Oliviera, Samantha Madsen and Suzanne Tigert |
This was a 'superstar update' video as it features six women with whom we had already done work with once before. All footage (aside from Dona's) was taken at the time of national contests in 1986 and features all the women posing only, no gymwork. And, only Santos was interviewed. So, Santos' footage runs about 35 minutes and the other five women get about 15 minutes each. All six women had brief, successful stage careers, but only Dona took it a step further, competing as an IFBB pro for a while. Again, six top women are featured here- five in very top contest shape and Dona off-season. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-61 1986 Superbowl of Strength/Bodybuilding Contests |
California promoter, Wally Boyko, ran four strength/bodybuilding contests from 1984-1986, and this version was the last one we taped. We have the three other contests on DVD as follows: the 1984 Superbowl is on WPW-25, the 1985 Strength Expo on WPW-36 and the 1985 Superbowl on WPW-43. The bodybuilding event generally featured local/regional competitors, but some name women did travel to the show, including Rhonda Lundstedt, Marya Curry, Tami Imbriale, Diane Carideo and Leny Tops for this one. The strength event featured 10 women competing against each other for dumbbell carry, leg press, battery hold, bench press, chins, curls and tug-of-war. Competing were many 'famous' strength athletes: Sue Springsteen, Jan Harrell, Donna Barrentine, Reggie Bennett, Trish DeHall, Mimi Hitzman, Raye Hollitt, Karen Pica, Theresa Summers and Linda Poulin, who was in the bodybuilding contest also. Due to a quirk in the judging, no matter who did the best up to the tug-of-war, it was that event only which decided the winner, and for some reason the awards were not taped, so we will include the final three with the DVD. In addition, the entire event lasted forever, so most of the dumbbell carry was deleted in order to fit this on a 4 hour video. The picture quality varies from good to average. Guest posers include more top women of the era- Kay Baxter, Chris Porter, Mishay Santos, Sue Ann McKean and Carla Dunlap, topping off a terrific and historical event. For several reasons, we stopped traveling to California to tape these, as Wally was getting more involved in his Ms. Fitness shows and New Jersey promoters Bob Bonham and Ken Kassel began running the Extravaganza Strength and Bodybuilding contests starting in 1987, and we have all of those, starting with WPW-86. Running time 4 hours on two DVDs. |
WPW-62 Karen Pica (now on WPW-109) |
The entire WPW-62 is now included on WPW-109.
Karen was one of the best regional competitors from New Jersey at the time of our two video sessions with her in 1985, and soon after this she started to do well in national shows. We taped her in ripped contest shape, then somewhat off-season, and all of the footage is now on WPW-109 together with more of her taped in 1988.
WPW-63 Rhonda Lundstedt (now on WPW-188) |
The entire WPW-63 is now included on WPW-188.
We had many photo/video sessions with Rhonda from 1985 through the early 90's, and her Compilation DVD WPW-188 contains the best footage from her 1985-1990 sessions. For WPW-63, though, all of the footage is on her compilation video. Later footage taken in the early 90's is on WPW-207. Rhonda was one of our favorite models during that era as she combined it all- a lean contest ready physique, beautiful looks and hair and was very strong, having competed in several of the strength contests, including an early Superbowl of Strength- one of the best total packages ever.
WPW-64 Kay Baxter and Cammie Lusko |
We had many sessions with Kay starting in 1979, and this one in 1986 was our last. The 1986 footage shows Kay posing in a red bikini and gold dress, and that footage is on her WPW-155 compilation video. Added to this is Jerry and Norm Cohen's camcorder footage of her in 1979 when she was in her early 30's, but looks about 20 here! This is worthwhile as the video is 'live', unlike our Super 8 transfer of her on WPW-1, as Kay posed in many outfits at several locations, and did repwork in the gym. As an added bonus, Cammie Lusko is also shown posing and doing some of her heavy 'odd lifts' in the gym. The overall picture quality of both the 'real' video and camcorder is OK compared to our current stuff, but is totally viewable. Historically, this is interesting footage as it shows a relatively slender bodybuilder just starting out in 1979, then, at the end of her career. For all of the inbetween work when she was at her best, check out WPW-155. Sadly, Kay was killed in an auto accident in 1988. Video running time about 2 hours. |
Kay Baxter was the 'point of comparison' for a woman bodybuilder in the early 80s, but starting around 1983-1984 other women started to pop up challenging Kay for the title of 'most muscular competitor'. One of them for sure was Sue Ann, who was a martial artist, developing her physique largely through that activity early on. We had two fairly long Super 8 film sessions with her in 1983 and 1984, which was originally released on WPW-27, and that entire 40 minutes is now included here. The 'real' video session was done at the time of her appearance in the 1986 Ms. Olympia and features gymwork, posing in several outfits and an interview. Her physique showed a lot of size, vascularity and hardness, with unreal arm, chest and back poses in particular for the era, making her the point-of-comparison at this time, but watch out, Renee Casella was making her emergence on the scene ! The Super 8 transfer quality is pretty good and the real video is decent quality, but not perfect. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-66 Doughdee Marie, Raye Hollitt, Shari Venturi & Connie McCloskey
We met Raye and Doughdee around 1983, and they were two of the first women to become noted for getting huge during the off-season. That look was popular so we pursued the off-season look for tapings once the contest season had ended. Footage here features two sessions with Doughdee in 1986, including the first one where she WAS in contest shape for the only time in her long career, showing off impressive definition, including a great sixpack of abs! She was in off-season shape for her second session, as were the other three women. Doughdee poses in two bikinis and many dresses for her two sessions and Raye poses in four outfits. We did much more work with them after this- well into the 90s. We had only one session with Shari, and she was a nice combination of good definition/off-season look. The ex-ballerina showed off a very impressive lower body when posing in four outfits. Connie is back again, this time in huge off-season shape, lifting heavy in the gym, then posing. No interviews and the video picture quality ranged from fair to very good. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
Valerie was famous in the bodybuilding world for at least two reasons- the Indiana native was a top national competitor for a few years in the late 80's but more interestingly, and not well known even at the time, she was Julie McNew's sister. Julie was one of the top pioneers of the sport- we did Super 8 film of her on WPW-14, but she never got the 'real video' treatment that her sister Valerie got in 1986-1987. We had two sessions with Valerie- the first at the time of the 1986 Nationals when she was in top contest shape, then in early 1987 when she was off-season. Footage includes gymwork, posing in many outfits (showing off the 'McNew family biceps genes) and is interviewed. Video running time about 1 hour. |
WPW-68 Cory Everson, Clare Furr and Leny Tops |
We did Super 8 work with Cory in 1982-1984, then had 'real' video sessions with her at the time of the 1984, 1985 and 1986 Ms. Olympias. This was our final work with her, and she never looked better than she did in 1986- in top contest shape throughout topped off by a very attractive blonde highlighted hairstyle. She posed in a green bikini (one photo from this scene made the cover years later on the Winter 1991 WPW print magazine) and black leotard, and was interviewed. Clare was also in the 1996 Ms. O and was in fabulous shape, posing in two swimsuits and two dresses- a complete physique including a very densely muscled upper body and a beautiful face. Clare was living in New Jersey at the time, but soon after left the sport and moved back down south where she grew up. The footage of Dutch star Leny was taken at the time of the 1986 'Superbowl' bodybuilding contest, where she also was in very hard and defined condition, posing in three outfits. Note that Cory's footage here is also on her WPW-137 compilation video. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-69 Anja Langer (now on WPW-140) |
The entire WPW-69 is now included on WPW-140.
To put it mildly, Anja was the top German star of the era, with all the muscle magazines thinking she would overthrow Cory as Ms. Olympia. Well, that never happened (it was done by Lenda Murray), but Anja made quite the impression during her brief career. We had our only photo/video session with her at the 1987 Pro Worlds, and she never looked better- the famous 'Cory shapes' were there and her physique was totally balanced, including very deep cut abs. She posed in several outfits and was interviewed, and all of that footage is now on WPW-140 along with Lupita Lugo and Leny Tops.
WPW-70 Lupita Lugo (now on WPW-140) |
The entire WPW-70 is now included on WPW-140.
Lupita was the Mexican champ in the mid-1980s and made her way to the pro shows by 1987, where we met her and had our only photo/video session with her. She was in top contest condition- not huge, but great looking shapes and very cut, featuring terrific calves, all topped off by extreme facial beauty. She posed in several outfits and was interviewed, and all of this footage is now on WPW-140 along with Anja Langer and Leny Tops. Sadly, she dropped from the competitive scene soon after this.
WPW-71 Deanna Panting & Juliette Bergmann |
We located a video copy of this title and it is now available in DVD format, featuring our 1987 video sessions with Deanna Panting and Juliette Bergmann. Deanna was in off-season shape at 5'8" 160 pounds and she poses in two one-piece outfits and three dresses, plus an interview and heavy and repwork in the gym. This was supposed to have been the first part of a two part video for the Canadian Champ, but injuries kept her from coming back to compete again, so we paired her footage with Juliette's, and she was in top contest shape here at the time of the Pro Worlds. She hits the shots in a bikini, one-piece and two dresses and there is an interview. NOTE: All of the 40 minutes of Juliette here is now on WPW DVD 118 as well. For more of Deanna, we have her in lean contest shape on WPW DVD 32. Running time for this DVD 1 3/4 hours.
We did several Super 8 film sessions with Diana from 1982-1984, and all of that footage, originally released on WPW-5, is included here. The 'real' video was taken of Diana in top contest shape at the time of her 1987 Pro Worlds contest, then a small amount slightly off contest shape during the summer, when we also taped her 'Diana Does Delaware' on WPW-73. At the contest she poses in swimsuits and dresses, showing off her top pro physique, including perhaps the best lower body of the time. We did the interview and some more posing with her at an old, historic hotel in New Castle, Delaware, before embarking on her 'Delaware' video. She was one of the best pros ever, and was known as the most innovative poser as well- for us, we could point the camera and she would take it from there. Diana is pushing 60 now (in 2010) and looks as beautiful as ever- she can be seen on her website and sometimes at booths at the big contests. NOTE: We are still looking for a copy of Diana's WPW-39 video, in order to do a complete 'compilation' video of her- if anyone has a copy, please let us know! Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
This video was co-titled "Diana Does Delaware' as we followed her around and taped her at many interesting locations in that state, most notworthy, 'old' New Castle. A camcorder was used (no portable digital back in 1987), so the picture is not quite as good as for our other videos of the time, but we never had any complaints when the video was originally released. Diana was in great shape and poses in many outfits, with some 60's pop songs used for 'scoring' some scenes. Video/DVD runs about 1 hour. |


Sharon started competing in Maryland in 1986 at the age of 22, and a year later, when we had our first photo/video session with her, she was already national caliber as she won the 1987 Junior Nationals contest overall as a lightweight. We had two sessions with her around this time, one at her contest weight of about 120 pounds (she is 5'3") then shortly after that when she was maybe 10 pounds up in weight. Sharon grew up in Delaware and was living in Maryland when we did this shooting and the fact that she moved to New Jersey soon after, and varied her appearance over the years, made her our favorite WPW physique model ever. This was our first title with her and the remaining WPW and Ray Martin videos of her are still available and will be transferred to DVD in the future. Here, she does repwork in the gym, is interviewed and poses in many different bikini, leotard and dress items, including a 'camcorder' session with her by the Chesapeake Bay. Video/DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
Joanne was a Brit living in Florida when we met her at the 1986 Nationals where we had a 'photos only' session with her. Fast-forward to 1987- we had two photo/video sessions with her, one in off-season shape (about 5'8" 160+ pounds), then in terrific defined shape at the time of the 1987 U.S. Championships. The contest shape footage features Joanne hitting the shots (including what most believed were the best calves in the sport- ever) in two dresses and a bikini, and she was interviewed. Note that those scenes are also on her WPW-119 compilation DVD, but the off-season footage here is not. For the off-season scenes she works out in the gym and poses in more swimsuits and dresses. Our follow-up video work with Joanne is on WPW-100, but please note: Joanne's WPW-119 compilation video contains all of the contest-shape footage from WPW-75, and nearly all the footage on , making WPW-119 the best value. However, for Joanne's fans who want all the WPW-100 footage, getting WPW-75 and WPW-100 would be the way to go. Video footage runs about 75 minutes. |
WPW-76 Renee Casella (now on WPW-146) |
The entire WPW-76 is now included on WPW-146.
Renee was a top regional star in California in the mid-1980s before really hitting the big time by winning her class at the 1987 US Championships, when we had our only photo/video session with her. Sue Ann McKean, also from California, was considered by many to be the most muscular competitor in 1986, but things were changing fast and Renee quickly became the new 'point of comparison', though Lenda Murray was on the horizon....Renee's footage contains gymwork, interview and posing in swimsuits and dresses, where she showed off a total physique package, but a truly incredible upper body- all of this footage is now on WPW-146 together with Chris Porter's footage from WPW-24.
Phylis was a regional (Ohio mainly) sensation for a time in the late 80's, mainly by virtue of her incredible arms. We had one video session with her in 1987 when she was in very good shape, posing in many outfits, gymwork and interview. Video footage is very good quality. Video/DVD runs about 80 minutes. |
WPW-78 Rhonda Richardson, Leona Bergmann & Lori Thayer
Rhonda, Leona (Juliette's sister) and Lori were all in impressive off-season shape here in 1987. Leona competed for a while in her native Holland for a while, but before and after these sessions with Rhonda and Lori, we never heard about them again. Rhonda is 5'8" 175 pounds here, and showed off in the gym via curling 135 pounds for 10 reps, etc. She then hits the shots in a dress and bikini, showing pretty good leanness for her size. Leona and Lori each hit the bodybuilding shots in three outfits. Note that the picture quality for Leona is excellent, but only fair-to-good for Rhonda and Lori. |
WPW-79 Janet Tech, Kelly Riley, Lisa Lorio, Claudia Mountfort, Kay Reich and Cyndi McGowan |
At contests in the late 1980s and into the 90s we did shorter photo/video sessions with many women, instead of shooting a lot with one or two. At the 1987 US Championships and Nationals we had six such sessions, and each of the women were top national competitors in great shape. This was our only taping with Kay and Kelley, as they did not compete for long, but we did more work after this with the other four as they stayed on the scene, continuing to improve over the next several years. Each of the women pose in 4-6 different outfits, but no interviews or gymwork. For Janet Tech, all of her footage here is also on her WPW-117; Kelley, Kay and Cyndie's footage is on WPW-128; Lisa Lorio's is on WPW-107 and Claudia's is also on WPW-126 - we are not sure at this time why that was done, but for those who would enjoy seeing six different women on one tape, this is the one to get. Video running time about 2 hours. |
Negrita was one of Canada's top women in the late 80's and we had two photo/video sessions with her in 1987 when she was travelled to the NYC area. Some of the posing footage here is on WPW DVD-129 (with other women), but this was the original video, which also contains gymwork and her interview. For her 'off-season' session, she works out in the gym and poses in many outfits. When in her very defined contest shape, she poses in more outfits and is interviewed. We also have some camcorder footage of her posing on location in Fort Lee, NJ, overlooking the Hudson River. Video quality is good, but not perfect. DVD runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-81 Charla Sedacca & Janice Graser |


As far as we can determine, Charla and Janice are the most distinguished “sister act” in bodybuilding history, as each won their class in the 1987 Nationals (Charla won the light class and overall, Janice the middle weights). The sisters, from a small town north of Pittsburgh competed in local/regional shows in the mid-80’s, then both came out of nowhere to win big at the 1987 Nationals. We had two sessions with each, when they were in top contest shape, then tandem when off-season. At the time of all the sessions, Charla was still a young 27 years of age (5’1” and 115 pounds in ripped contest shape) and the 5’6” 140 pound Janice was in her early 30’s. Both were known for their complete physiques though their upper bodies, particularly their biceps, were among the best of their time. Both women pose in bikinis and dresses in contest shape, then when they were off-season, we took our camcorder into the NJ Meadowlands for some more fun posing, then an interview. Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-82 Sandy Ridell, Diane Carideo, Suzanne Johnson, Lynda Messina and Jan Parrillo |
This video features the five women in top contest shape at the time of their contests in 1987. Diane and Suzanne were top national competitors for a few years and Sandy became a very top pro soon after her taping here. Janine and Lynda were regional competitors from New Jersey. Janine and Lynda pose in a bikini and two dresses, Diane in four outfits, Suzanne in five and Sandy in six. We were only able to spend a limited amount of time with each, so it is posing only- no interviews or gymwork. Running time 1 1/2 hours. |
Mona was one of California's top women in the late 80's, placing very high in several national contests. We had two sessions with her in 1987- one when she was in excellent contest shape at the US Championships in the summer, then later in the fall when she was off season. She continued to compete for a while as Mona Arvenites, but dropped out of the scene in the early 90's, only to resurface again recently in Southern California doing Over-50 Masters Bodybuilding shows. Mona had it all- a perfectly balanced physique with very good size, density and definition for the era- and great looks and hair. We are sure she could have turned pro for sure if she hung in there for a few more years. This DVD shows Mona posing in swimsuits and dresses, and she is interviewed. NOTE: All of her contest shape footage is also on WPW-129 (with other women) and her off-season footage is on WPW-127 (also with other off-season women), so be aware of the duplication of footage. The interview is only on this DVD. DVD runs 70 minutes. |
WPW-84 Marissa Brown (now on WPW-106) |
The entire WPW-84 is now included on WPW-106.
Marissa was a top regional star in the mid-1980s, then traveled to New Jersey to compete in the 1987 Extravaganza Bodybuilding contest, winning that show and becoming a force nationally. We had our session with her at this time- no gymwork but lots of posing in swimsuits and dresses- she was not ripped, but showed off some of the best muscle size and shapes of the era. An interview also included. This entire video is now on WPW-106, which contains our 1988 session with Marissa as well.
Hannie appeared on the Dutch scene in the mid-80's and was quite a fan-favorite as she was one of the first women to feature alot of size. We had three photo/video sessions with Hannie, and the first two from 1985 and 1986 are included here (a later session is on WPW-186= we will put that on DVD in the future also). Hannie was off season (about 5'5" 170 pounds, 17" arms) for the 1985 session, which was done by camcorder in Europe. She came to the states in 1986 at a leaner and more defined condition, when we were able to do gymwork also. Other scenes include Hannie posing in bikinis and many dress items for both years, and an interview. WPW Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-86A 1987 Extravaganza Strength Show
After taping Wally Boyko's Superbowl of Strength and the Strength Expo for several years, New Jersey gym owner Bob Bonham and Ken Kassel decided to promote a similar event in New Jersey, and one which remained very popular for about 15 years. This strength portion of the Extravaganza (the physique show is on WPW 86B) featured top name women (Lindy Champion, Sherry Thompson, Sharon Arrildt/Marvel, Raye Holliltt, Karen Pica, Tara Dodane, Phyllis Padur and Liza LaRebeus/Hoen) competing against each other for chinups, dips, bench press, curls, leg press and leg extensions. The weight lifted was a percentage of the woman's bodyweight, so you get to see who was the strongest pound-for-pound. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
WPW-86B The 1987 Extravaganza Bodybuilding Event |
WPW 86A (the 1987 Extravaganza Strength Show) has been available for a while, and we finally got a copy of the bodybuilding event footage in order to release this on DVD now as well. For a 'local' show, the quality of the field here was pretty impressive, and in fact, three of the women in this bodybuilding event- Raye Hollitt, Phyllis Padur and Lindy Champion- competed in the strength show as well- on the same day! In addition to those three 'name' women, this show marked the emergence of Marissa Brown, who incredibly was only 20 years of age at the time (Raye was only 23!). Also competing were future national stars such as Judy Kalvin-Stiefel, Cyndie Meintzer, Eve Ripoli and Velma Buckels. More than 40 women competed in three divisions- the Open (won by Brown), Novice and Masters 35+. All of the prejudging and finals are included, and early 80's star, Georgia Fudge, in lean condition, returned to the stage to guest pose! Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-87 Raye Hollitt (now on WPW-150) |
The entire WPW-87 is now included on WPW-150.
We met Raye at a local contest in her home state of Pennsylvania in the early 1980s, and she went on to having one of the best careers ever by a competitive woman bodybuilder- she was successful in both bodybuilding and the strength contests, then becoming internationally known as the Gladiator "ZAP". Until her appearance in the 1987 Extravaganza Bodybuilding contest she was still rather unknown, but became a national force soon after this. She was largely known for being in 'huge' off-season shape, and some of the footage here shows her at 5'6" 160 pounds, but was in terrific contest shape at 5'6" 145 pounds for the session at the time of the contest. She poses in several swimsuits and dresses and is interviewed, and this entire tape is now included on her WPW-150 compilation DVD.
We had our only photo/video session with Velma in 1987 when she was out to New Jersey to compete in the Extravaganza Bodybuilding contest. The sport was still rather young at the time and there were not many women competing who were pushing 40 years of age, so Velma was unique in that respect. Of course, 20-25 years later it has become very common for women 40-50 to be competing in national contests. We did not get the chance to do gymwork with her, but she posed in two swimsuits and three dresses, and was interviewed. She displayed a balanced physique, but as for many of the women of that time, her upper body was superior to her lower, featuring good size and definition in her biceps, chest and back. Video running time about 1 hour. |
Georgia was for sure one of the sport's pioneers, competing locally in Florida as early as 1978 and becoming a top pro soon after. She stopped competing by about 1983-1984, so all the early work we did with her was taken with Super 8 film- first released as films, then video transfers. Those transfers had been on WPW-12, but all of that footage is now included here. In addition, the promoters of the Extravaganza invited her to guest pose at the 1987 event, and we did some 'live' video with her for the first time. Footage includes posing in a bikini and two dresses, and for the first time fans can hear her voice on her interview. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
WPW-90 Debbie Lobell, Margo Allen, Dorothy Herndon, Jackie Paisley, Adrienne Foster, Teri Elliot & Donna Barrentine
We had two video sessions with New Yorker Debbie Lobell in 1987- off season and contest shape at the time of the '87 USA. Ditto for the other women here, all of whom were in contest shape at that show. No gymwork or interviews, but lots of great posing of the women hitting shots as follows: Lobel in several swimsuits/dresses, Paisley in bikini/one-piece, Allen-Weil in two swimsuits/four dresses, Barrentine in two bikinis, Foster (camcorder) in two swimsuits and two dresses, and one bikini for Lindy Champion. Picture quality is great! Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
Marie was one of our most unique physique models as she was a top martial artist and a national quality bodybuilding competitor as well. In addition, as a byproduct of all her training, she was pound for pound one of the strongest woman we have ever done work with. Marie was in great shape, and hits the poses in bikini, one-piece and dresses, then she really surprised us in the gym where she knocked off 60 chinups (the most we had seen before was about 30 at a strength show), benched 225 for 4 reps, and curled 100 for 7 reps, all this from a 140 pounder ! Then, she works out with the 'heavy bag', and breaks cinder blocks with her hands and feet, then also breaks several wood boards together. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
WPW-92 Della Shahabi-Wagnon |
Many old-time fans remember her as Della Shahabi, but she was married by the time we had our two video sessions with her in 1987/1988. The video picture quality is very good and has the British/American in top contest shape and off-season posing in many outfits and an interview. No gymwork as we did the work with her at contests. Video/DVD runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-93 Cyndie Meintzer (now on WPW-108) |
The entire WPW-93 is now included on WPW-108)
We met Cyndie when she was in defined shape at the 1987 Extravaganza Bodybuilding show, but did not get to do work with her at that time. Fast forward a few months and she was in huge and strong off-season shape at 5'7" 180 pounds. Her gymwork was very strength oriented (very heavy squats, curls, etc), then she poses in several outfits and is interviewed- a perfect 'off-season' physique model. In 1988 we did do a session with her in top contest shape, which is on WPW-108, and all the footage on WPW-93 is now included on that DVD.
WPW-94 Tara Dodane (now on WPW-144) |
The entire WPW-94 is now included on WPW-144)
We had two photo/video sessions with Tara in 1987, in top contest shape at the time of her US Championships and Nationals contests (5'9" 150 pounds), then another in early 1988 when she was in impressive off-season condition at almost 170 pounds. Tara posed in several swimsuits and dresses both times, and is interviewed. All of this footage is now on her WPW-144 compilation video along with previous and future tapings.
"Athena" was one of the best teenage bodybuilders ever and this video of her contains footage taken from 1985 through 1988 when she was 18-21 years of age. Her level of size, shape and definition is still 'state of the art' for such a young competitor and as far as we can remember, only Bethany Howlett was in Athena's league at that age. The brown haired beauty from Brooklyn, NY, possessed a complete physique- from her well shaped 16" arms to her great calves, and had fabulous camera-presence. She poses in many bikinis and dresses, works out in the gym and is interviewed. Later footage of Athena appears on WPW-191. WPW Video/DVD 95 runs about 2 hours. |
WPW-96 Rhonda Lundstedt, Kathy Butler, Sherry Thompson and Juliette Bergmann |
We had full tapings with each of these women in the past, so we considered this 'update footage' featuring the four posing in different outfits and for two- Juliette and Cathey- we had brief interviews. These were our last sessions with Cathey and Sherry, but we continued to do more video work with Rhonda and Juliette as they remained on the scene for a few more years. The tapings were all done at the time of each woman's contest in 1987: Rhonda continued to improve her physique, this time featuring a new blonde hairstyle- she poses in a one-piece and two dresses; Sherry never looked better, and showed off her terrific upper body and good looks in a bikini and dress; Cathey was the most power-packed as she was also an elite powerlifter at the time, and she posed in a bikini and two dresses; and Juliette's scenes include bikini and dress posing. No gymwork this time. Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-97 Debbie McKnight, Rita Hatch & Jodie Osborne |
Of these three women, Debbie had the most distinguished career, winning the 1988 Junior USA Overall, and eventually turning pro. She is in top contest shape here, as the taping was done the day after the contest- same for the footage for Rita Hatch, who was in just incredible shape, very lean and defined throughout, including terrific lower body for the era. Jodie was from Maryland and our two sessions with her here were done in contest shape at the show, and more in near-contest shape shortly after. All three women pose in many outfits and are interviewed. DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-98 Diane Talik |
Diane didn't hang around long on the national scene, and we never got to tape her in contest shape. We did this off-season work with her in 1988 when she was a spectator at one of the contests down south. The video picture quality is very good and has the beautiful blonde hitting shots in all the outfits and an interview. Two of her stage routines (taken by camcorder provided by her) is also included. Video/DVD runs about 1 hour. |
WPW-99 Sharon Arrildt-Marvel |
Our first session with Sharon was in 1987 (WPW-74) and we followed up a year later with two more photo/video shoots, both on this tape. We used our pro equipment for the first shooting, which includes pretty heavy gymwork, posing in several outfits and an interview. We used a camcorder for the second taping as we were 'on location' in the Rappahonnock River in Virginia, where Sharon poses solo in several more outfits, and tandem with Susan Myers for one dress scene. Sharon was off-season both times- the first time at 155 pounds (5'3") and about 15 pounds lighter the second time. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
Our first video release for Joanne is on WPW-75, and this follow-up work was taped in 1988 when she was just slightly off contest shape, though at 5'8" 160 she was still very lean, showing off the best calves in the sport as always. Our pro-quality video camera was used for all but 15 minutes, with the camcorder session done 'on location' where she posed by a classic auto in a dress. The rest of the of video has Joanne posing in swimsuits and dresses, indoors and out. She is also interviewed, but no gymwork this time. NOTE: Most of this footage (except for the camcorder section and interview) is on her WPW-119 compilation DVD, along with half of her footage from WPW-75. For those who want all of her scenes, you should purchase WPW-75 and WPW-100. For those who would be satisfied with having most, but not all of the footage, then WPW-119 would be the best value. Video running time about 1 hour. |

We met Susan Myers in 1988 at the DC Grand Prix contest, a show held mainly for residents of that area – Susan was from Maryland. At that time it was difficult to meet a newcomer that good even at the top national shows, so it was astonishing to meet a “state of the art” physique at a local show. It is also hard to believe she was only 26 years old at this time, as the 5’2” 120 pounder was dense with muscle and ripped. At that time many women had chiseled upper bodies, but there were very few who had this kind of muscle shape and definition in the thighs. We had three video sessions with her in 1988 – one was the day after the show when she was in fabulous shape, then some at the 1988 Junior Nationals and finally we had a tandem camcorder session with Sharon Marvel, at a river setting (when both were off-season) – all are included on this DVD. Susan quickly won the National Shows and competed as a pro for a few years into the early 1990’s, before fading from the scene. In the late 80’s, it would be hard to point to another woman who had Susan’s combination of unreal physique and very cute looks. DVD/Video runs 120 minutes. |
WPW-102 Cheryl Rath-Rivers, Linda Bevelander & Judi Benz
Cheryl, Linda and Judi were all top level national competitors in 1988 when we taped all three in contest shape, with one off-season session with Cheryl also. Cheryl leads off with her contest-shape posing in two swimsuits and two dresses, followed by her off-season footage. She was from the mid-West and competed for a few more years as Cheryl Rath-Rivers until she then disappeared from the scene. Linda and Judi were both New Englanders who were both in very lean, defined shape here- Linda's biceps were considered the 'best peaked' ever, and Judi was known for her impressive back. Both women hit the shots in bikini and dresses, but no gymwork or interviews. Video/DVD runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
Liz lived in the NYC area and we had two photo/video sessions with her in 1988- in near-contest shape at about 125 pounds, then 10 pounds heavier. She poses in many outfits, both indoors and outside (including some camcorder footage 'on location' by a stream), though for some reason we did not do gymwork or interview, so it is all posing, with most of it 'live'. One of the photos taken during the camcorder scene was used on a cover of our WPW print magazine. Liz competed only for a short time, and retired from the stage soon after this work was done. DVD runs about 1 1/2 hours. |
Every year or so during the 1980's another 'state of the art' physique arrived on the scene...from Kay Baxter to Pillow to Sue Ann McKean to Renee Casella, etc...around 1987, Tommie Moreau arrived on the national scene, and we caught up with her twice in 1998 for two full photo/video sessions. In the summer, the Cohen Brothers did video work with her in top contest shape (ripped at 5'4" 150 pounds!) They used a camcorder so the picture is not as good as when we used our regular WPW video for the off-season work a few months later, but you clearly would want all footage included here. Tommie poses in many bikini/one-pieces and dresses showing off tremendous size, definition and vascularity which would put her among the best even 20 years later. In addition, she was a 'southern belle' who was very particular about her grooming, so it all adds up to one of the best physique models of all time. We did have one more session with her, which was on WPW-125 (with Eve Ripoli and some with Janice Ragain), but for some odd reason we deleted this video from catalogue- we will remaster it for DVD release in the future. Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-105 The 1988 Nationals Bodybuilding |
For the past 30 years the NPC Nationals has been the top amateur contest each year. For this event, the entire prejudging and finals are included on two DVD discs, for a total of about 4 hours. The video picture is very good and the field of women includes some well-known names from the past, including Janet Tech, Sharon Lewis, Diane Carideo, Vicki Sims, Judy Miller, Lisa Lorio, Carol Mock, Donna Barrentine, Debbie Sider, "Athena", Renita Harris, Sherry Thompson, Laura Beaudry, Karen Pica, Kathy Unger, Adrienne Foster, Debbie McKnight, Tara Dodane, Cindy Meintzer, Rhonda Lundstedt, Marissa Brown and many others- all in top contest shape! Running time 4 hours. |

Marissa Brown had been competing successfully in local northwestern US contests and in 1988 she started hitting the national contests. She is very strong, so in 1987 she was invited to compete in the first Women’s Extravaganza Strength Contest, and we did our first video session with her at that time – a year later, we did more work with her at the time of the 1988 Nationals, and both sessions are on this DVD. You think Bethany Howlett was good as a 20 year old? Well,,, check out Marissa’s physique – at 5’6” and 160 pounds, she was way ahead of her time for someone who was 20-21 years old for these video sessions. She was known for her awesome biceps, triceps, back, chest, abs and calve shots…her thighs were very muscular and hard, and it was all topped off by remarkable facial beauty and glamorous hair. Marissa had some high placings in the top shows, though never won so she never had a pro career, and faded from the scene nearly as quickly as she entered it. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |

Lisa Lorio grew up in Louisiana and competed in the Texas area before entering the national scene in 1987, when we had our first video session with her. This was followed by sessions in 1988 and 1990 and she was in top contest shape for all three shootings, and all three are included here. As a 26 year old, she won her Middleweight Class at the 1988 Nationals and had a brief career as a pro before calling it quits in the early 90’s. At 5’2” and 120 pounds (she looks much larger than that) she had it all – the muscle shapes, good size and the perfect amount of definition – an overall look that the contest judges of today would fawn over. Every body part was dialed in and more than any other model she really dwelled on her makeup and hair, making for one of the most beautiful women bodybuilders of all time. Video/DVD runs 120 minutes. |
There have been many women in the sport who arrived on the competitive scene like a comet, then left just as quickly. Perhaps the best woman who did that was Cyndi Meintzer, who in 1998 impressed fans with her fabulous look, both in contest shape and off-season. Our first session with her was in February 1998 when she was a power-packed 5'7" 180 pounds, and her footage includes very strong gymwork (reps with 135 pound curls and 405 pound squats, etc), posing in several outfits and interview. This was originally released on WPW-93, but all of that footage is included here, together with her September 1988 scenes when in top contest shape- no gymwork this time, but lots of posing in a bikini and many dress items, showing off very impressive size, shapes and definition, including great arms, chest and back. Cyndie competed in the 1988 Extravaganza Strength show (on WPW-110), but soon after that, she left the scene for good. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
Karen was a very top regional, then national competitor in the late 80's,and the New Jersey native also did very well in a couple of the Extravaganza Strength Contests. We had two photo/video sessions with her- in 1986 when she was in her very early 20's, then in 1988- footage features ripped contest shape and some off season. The 1986 session was originally on WPW-62, but all of this footage, including gymwork, posing in bikini/leotard and interview, was added to the 1998 material long ago. The 1988 session included more posing in five different outfits. Karen had a very impressive physique for her age and that era, including one of the best chests of all time. Some of the footage is slightly soft, but for most of the DVD the picture is very good. Video/DVD runs about 100 minutes. |
1988 Extravaganza Strength Show
This two-DVD set runs a full four hours and features the entire Extravaganza event- the three bodybuilding contests (novice, open and over 35) and the strength show. The bodybuilding field featured regional and some national women such as Julia Kover, Nina Schoenbaum, Tracy Nelson, Karin Mitchell, early Annie Rivieccio, Lori Grannis and many other local women. Women in the strength show included Mary Ryan-Jeffrey, Raye Hollitt, Karen Pica, Rhonda Lundstedt, Tazzie Colomb, Tara Dodane, Cyndi Meintzer and Joyce McDevitt- they squared off for the following lifts as a percentage of their bodyweight: chinups, dips, leg extensions, leg press, curls and bench press- all to see which of those famous women was the strongest pound-for-pound. Video/DVD runs about 4 hours. |
We met Taz at the 1987 Junior Nationals when we had our first of many photo/video sessions with her, and she was barely 20 years old at the time, probably making her the best woman ever at that young age. She was in top contest shape then, and we followed that up with off-season footage a few months later. We can't explain now why there was no gymwork during the off-season session, but an interview was included along with a lot of posing in many outfits for both tapings. In addition, Jerry and Norm Cohen did some 'amateur style' camcorder footage with her around this time, posing in three more dresses. Tazzie continued to compete as a very top amateur for a few years, got her IFBB pro card, and still continues to compete in her 40's at a very high pro level in 2010. NOTE: All of this footage, except for the Cohen camcorder scenes, is now also on Tazzie's WPW-183 compilation DVD, along with other footage of her. If you want all of her footage, you should get this WPW-111, if you would be satisfied with her best footage from different tapes on WPW-183, that would be the better value- your choice ! Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-112 Denise Rutkowski, Cathey Compton and Peg Ouwerling |
Denise was competing locally in Texas, then California, when she traveled to New Jersey to compete in the 1988 Extravaganza Strength Contest- she was in huge shape at 5'6" 165 pounds. We did our first of several photo/video shoots with her at this time and she posed in four outfits and was interviewed. NOTE: All of this footage, except for the interview, is on her WPW-195 compilation DVD, which contains the 'best of' Denise from a few other videos as well. We had a session with Peg a few years ago- camcorder taken when WPW videographer John Nafpliotis was in Holland. Though not in contest shape this time, many thought she looked better here when off-season! She displays a lot of thick muscularity while posing in four outfits, and she is also interviewed this time. We are unsure where we met Cathy, but this was our first of two photo/video sessions with her, and she was in the kind of off-season shape that challenged even Doughdee Marie. In fact, at 4'11" and a fairly hard 160 pounds, Cathey was the heaviest/thickest woman, weight per height, that we had done work with. She works out in the gym and poses in five different outfits, showing off outrageous size, shapes and hardness, particularly for her back and legs. An interview also included. NOTE: All of this footage of Cathey is also included on her WPW-184 compilation video, which also includes our contest shape session with her. So, to help you make your purchasing decision- if you want the variety of three women on one video, this WPW-112 is the way to go. If you only want Denise, WPW-195 would be the best value, and if you only want Cathey, WPW-184 is the best value- your choice! Video running time about 1 1/2 hours. |
WPW-113 Annie Rivieccio, Lori Grannis & Marci Fraser |
This work was done at the time of the 1998 Extravaganza Contest- two of the women here competed in the show- Lori Grannis flew in from Oregon and was in top contest shape, as was Annie, who was competing in one of her first contests (and she is still going strong today as a top IFBB Pro). Marci was not in the show, but was a local NY bodybuilder who was in near-contest shape. The three women pose in different outfits and are interviewed. The video/DVD runs about 1 1/2 hours and is very good quality. |
Joan was another of a long line of 'comets', who for a couple of years had a 'state of the art' physique, then disappeared from the competitive scene during her prime. We had two session with her in December 1988 when she was in top contest shape- the first hour features good quality camcorder work with her in the gym, the day after her contest, and the rest was done two weeks later with our regular professional equipment, and she remained ripped. She hits the shots in a bikini, one-piece and six dress items, and is interviewed. One stage routine is also included. Joan was as good as there was then, and looking at the photos now (including remarkable lower body size and cuts...rare then...) there is no doubt she could win a national contest 20 years later. Great physique and great looks for this Long Island, New Yorker!! Video/DVD 114 runs 2 hours. |
WPW-115 Carol Mock, Donna Barrentine, Mimi Hitzman, Jackie Paisley, Lindy Champion & Teri Elliot
Of the six women featured here, two had full contest shape sessions in 1988, and the other four women's posing scenes are taken from the long-defunct Video Views company- footage from 1986. Carol Mock arrived on the national scene in 1988, but did not stick around long. We had this one session with her at the time of the '88 Nationals, where she place an impressive 2nd to Lisa Lorio in the MW class. She was in fantastic shape, with size shape and definition throughout, and she hit the shots in many swimsuits/dress items and was interviewed. Donna was 4th in the same class and our contest-shape footage here includes posing in three outfits. We also have off-season footage of Donna from 1986 as well as for contest shape scenes with Mimi, Jackie, Lindy and Terri, all of whom pose in one swimsuit and dress. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
This work with Diana was done in 1988 when Diana was again in lean contest shape. She poses in 'regular' posing scenes in bikini and dresses. Then, in sort of an early 'Ray Martin' type scenario, Diana participates in a skit called 'Little Town Flirt' where she interacts with two photographers in a plot revolving around a railroad diamond (this portion taken by camcorder) where she poses in several more dresses- fun tape featuring one of the best and most talented women in the sport's history. WPW-116 runs 75 minutes. |
WPW-117 Janet Tech (now on WPW-211) |
The entire WPW-117 is now included on WPW-211
Our first photo/video session with Janet in 1987 is on WPW-79, and all of that footage is on this video, together with her 1988 session. BUT NOTE: All of the footage from WPW-79 and WPW-117, except for one interview, is now on WPW 211, featuring our taping with her that year also. In view of that, we will not release WPW-117, so you have two better choices for Janet- get WPW-79 which features five other women also, or if you are only interested in Janet, WPW-211 has it all, including that year's posing and interview.
WPW-118 Juliette Bergmann |
Juliette needs no formal introduction to long-time fans of the sport- she is probably the best and most famous Dutch woman in the sport, and one of the top women of all time. This was our third video of her and contains the best footage from her two earliest videos ( WPW-47 and WPW-71, which we may put on DVD sometime in the future) from 1986 and 1987. Added to this was her 1988 session the day after that year's Ms. Olympia in NY. Juliette competed from the mid-80's to about 1990, then took some time off, and made a very successful stage comeback in the early 2000's. For all three sessions here, she poses in bikinis and dresses and is interviewed each year. The 1986 footage is average picture quality, but the 1987 and 1988 footage is fine. Juliette is also featured on WPW-191 and WPW-229. DVD runs 2 hours. |

Though Joanne’s physique is complete, she will always be known for having the best calves in bodybuilding. We taped her many times from 1987 through 1989 and all the best material is here, most of it in top contest shape, with some “off-season”. At either look, she was one of the best 5 or so women of her time, with dense, defined muscularity all over. She poses in many outfits, but we are betting you will like best the footage of her showing off her huge calves in the miniskirts with high heels. Video runs 2 ¾ hours. |
This was our third video release in three years for Sharon- WPW-74 and WPW-99 were her first two. For this video we had three different and very short photo/video sessions with her in 1989- twice in lean, defined shape and once in inbetween shape, which was unusual for her, but it was a very glamorous look. She poses in many swimsuits and dresses and an interview is also included. NOTE: Most, but not all, of the footage here is also on WPW-161, featuring more of Sharon. The best value is to simply get WPW-161, but for fans or collectors who want all the footage of her, we have made WPW-120 available as well. Video running time about 1 hour. |
WPW-121 Nikki Garner-Fuller (now on WPW-187) |
The entire WPW-121 is now included on WPW-187.
Nikki Garner was a top regional competitor in the northwest during the late 1980s, then went 'national' at the 1989 Junior USA, where we did our first session with her in contest shape at 5'8" 165 pounds. We followed that up with off-season work with her at about 180 pounds- she really showed off in the gym, including reps with 275 pounds for bench presses- not too shabby for a 20 year old! Soon after this she starting using her Nikki Fuller married name and was a top pro for many years. She can currently (2010) be seen in TV ads for t.mobile cell phone! All of the footage on WPW-121 is now on WPW-187, which also contains her 1990 session as well.
Julia was from Hungary but lived in New York City during the late 1980's when she competed locally. She was one of the smallest women we ever did work with (about 5' 110 pounds), but pound for pound, one of the strongest. She poses in many outfits in contest shape, and her strong gymwork was taped when off-season, maybe 5-10 pounds heavier. Interview also included. Video is good quality. Video/DVD runs about 1 hour.
WPW-123 1989 Junior USA Bodybuilding Contest |
This contest featured many regional quality women, some of whom were on the verge of going national big time. Among those who continued to do well includes Sharon Canady, and particularly Vicki Gates and Nikki Garner-Fuller, both of whom became very top pros. An interesting note: Nikki was not in the top-five here, but very soon after she became one of the best women ever- and, as we are typing this in 2010, she is featured in a national TV ad for t.mobile cell phone company! The picture quality here is excellent, featuring all of the prejudging and finals, and other women in the show includes Debra Battjes, Brenda Hoiles, Charmaine LaChappelle, Jackie Rogers, Debbie Tyler, Danielle LeRoy and many others. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-124 Bernie Price & Wendy Jeal |
We are not sure now why these two women were paired here, as they have vastly different looks despite being the same size (5'5" 140 pounds) and age (28). WPW videographer John Nafpliotis taped Bernie after she won a NABBA show in 1986 in her native England. Her four posing scenes in swimsuits and dresses display one of the most attractive physique models of all time- excellent size, shapes and definition topped off by startling facial beauty and great hair. NOTE: all of Bernie's footage here, which was taken with good quality camcorder, is also now on WPW-692 with two other women. If you are only interested in Bernie, WPW-692 would be the best value. For Wendy, we can't remember many details, but she was a very top track star, and her leg development from that sport rivaled or exceeded most of the top women bodybuilders of the time. Her footage, taped by camcorder also, features her sprinting and hurdling at a track, training her legs in the gym, and doing some bodybuilding style posing in a one-piece. The muscularity and definition in her thighs and calves are clearly shown at the track and in the gym. No gymwork for Bernie, and no interview for either, just a lot of good posing. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
WPW-125 Tommie Moreau, Eve Ripoli & Janice Ragain
Of the three women featured here, Janice was by far the best known and went the farthest in the sport- we had several video session with her before and after this one in 1989. She was in off-season 'for her', as she never was one who got huge, but at 5'3" 135 pounds she was about 10 pounds over her contest shape. She poses in a one-piece and three dresses, showing off her classic bicep shots and overall beauty. Janice was a top IFBB pro, and Tommie was considered by many to be the most muscular woman on the amateur scene at the time- check out our contest-shape footage of her on WPW-104. Here, Tommie was off-season at 5'4" 165 pounds, featuring very impressive size, shapes and hardness- she poses in two swimwear and two dress items. The least known of the three was Eve Ripoli- she competed mainly in local/regional Maryland shows but based on her off season look here (5'3" 165) she had the potential to be a force in the sport. We were able to catch up with Eve only one time for video, here also in 1989 when she was in very lush shape, showing off size and shapes not often seen. She poses in bikini/one piece and dress items, and is interviewed. Video/DVD runs about 1 1/2 hours.
WPW-126 Brenda Herrera, Samantha Madsen, Jane Phillips & Claudia Mountfort |
We started to 'repackage' some videos in the early 90's, so some of this footage had already appeared on earlier videos, though aside from Herrera, none of those are yet available. Claudia had the longest career and was the most well known, the other three women competed for a brief time only. All footage here was taken from 1985-1987, and each woman is in contest or near-contest shape and poses in 3-4 different outfits No gymwork or interviews. Picture quality is good, but not our normal great. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours.
WPW-127 Peggy Bertelsen, Kathy Moore, Elaine Craig, Shari Venturi, Kelly Pehrson, Mona Krause
This is a 'compilation tape' featuring posing footage taken from the original releases which we had deleted from stock at the time. Peggy and Kathy pose in five outfits, and Elaine two, all from their 1986 tapings. Kelly hits the shots in bikini/dress from 1985, Mona in three outfits and Shari in four, all from 1987. Again, the original footage also appears now on our re-released ' Archive DVDs', so be careful of duplication. Gymwork and interviews are not included and the women vary between contest shape and off-season. Video/DVD runs about 100 minutes.
WPW-128 Cyndie McGowan, Kelly Riley, Kay Reich, Tonya Knight, Karen Rodrigues, Valerie Basilone |

These six women were taped in 1986/1987 when they were all in contest shape at the time of their shows. It seems odd now, but it appears that we had 1-2 hour sessions with each of them- posing in one swimsuit and 1-2 dresses, but with no interview. Anyway, this video has not been in catalogue for a long time but we are now offering it on DVD only as it gives the viewer an interesting idea of what most of the top women of the time looked like- good level of muscularity with good definition (but not massive) with terrific grooming. Tonya Knight is by far the most famous of the six, as she had a short career as an IFBB pro, but the others competed for a few years, then dropped out. As a side note, Valerie Basilone is Julie McNew's (early-mid 80's...) sister. DVD (only) runs 2 hours. |
WPW-129 Mona Krause, Negrita Jayde & Phyllis Padur
This is a 'compilation tape' featuring posing footage taken from original releases which we had deleted from stock at the time. Negrita and Mona were top national stars at the time and Phyllis was a popular regional competitor. All three women are in top contest shape for these 1987 sessions- Mona poses in four outfits and Phyllis and Negrita pose in seven each. Some footage of Negrita taken 'on location' with a camcorder. Again, the original footage also appears now on our re-released ' Archive DVDs', so be careful of duplication. Gymwork and interviews are not included. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours.
WPW-130 Alicia Lippman, Suzanne Tigert, Velma Buckels, Sue Springsteen, Sandy Kamberger, Jill O'Connor
This is a 'compilation tape' featuring posing footage taken from original releases which we had deleted from stock at the time. The six women featured here were all top national stars in the mid-late 80's and they are all in contest shape. Jill poses in four outfits during her 1985 session. The following four were taped in 1986- Alicia Lippman (four outfits), Suzanne Tigert (two), Sue Springsteen (two) and Sandy Kamberger (four). Velma's four outfits were taped in 1988. Again, the original footage also appears now on our re-released ' Archive DVDs', so be careful of duplication. Gymwork and interviews not included. Video/DVD runs about 100 minutes.
WPW-131 Crystal Pember, Chris Clausen & Tanya Hnaticion
We met Crystal, Tania and Chris at the 1989 Junior Nationals, where we did all of this work with them. All three were top national women at the time but left the scene soon after. We were never able to work with Crystal and Tania again, but we do have some very nice off-season footage of Chris on WPW DVD-157. Crystal, from Virginia, was in very tight shape here and poses in three outfits. Tania was from South Carolina and also poses in three outfits, with the mid-Westerner Chris hitting the shots in four. No gymwork, but all three women are interviewed. Video/DVD runs about 100 minutes.
WPW-132 Illona Pagan & Virginia Brady |
When we did this work with Virginia and Illona in 1988 it was noteworthy to mention that each were 'mature' women in the sport, despite both being only 35! Obviously times have changed as there are tons of women competing at age 35, 45 and older competing now, it is common, particulary at the Masters Nationals. Norm and Jerry Cohen did the camcorder session with Virginia, and she was in top shape, posing in four different outfits and an interview. A few years after this, the regular WPW crew taped her with pro equipment (on WPW-192) when she was still 'Virginia', but she changed her name to Carmen soon after, and has remained on the competitive scene since, recently winning the 2010 Master Nationals 55+ Class! Despite her name, Illona was an Irish-American from New Jersey, though she had moved to California by the time we met her at her contest in 1988. We taped her with our pro equipment at the contest, when she was in terrific, lean shape. Then, a few months later, when she was up 10 pounds, we did some camcorder footage of her in her former back yard in NJ. No gymwork, but interview included. All of the camcorder footage is good quality, but note- the video copy we had to make our DVD master had a few 'glitches', where the picture 'rolls', but the problem does not last long. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-133 1989 Teen, Collegiate and Masters USA
This event was held during the 1980's, but this was the last year of this show- since then, the national show for Teens, College women and Masters is The Nationals. This event featured 20+ teen, college and master competitors, and the finals only is featured. Among the more interesting competitors were 19 year old sensation Jennifer McConnell (2 photos shown here) and a teen-age Carey Hensley, who we did work with a year later, with that footage on WPW-233 with Melissa Coates. Video/DVD runs 1 hour. |
WPW-134 1989 Junior Nationals Bodybuilding Contest |
The Junior Nationals has always been a great show to find new national level talent, but the 1989 version was particularly noteworthy as it introduced Lenda Murray to the national scene. She demolished the field here, but other noteworthy women included Lori Sarkisian, Pam Wascher, Tracy Gillespie, Illona Pagan, Gisele Sass-Haddad, Linda Bevelander, Paula Piwarunas, Jannell Ennis, Danielle LeRoy, Christina Petrarca, Anita Briggs, Kim Robinson and many others. The entire prejudging and finals are included, and the video quality is great. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-135 1989 US Championships (2 DVD Set) |

The U.S. Championships (the USA) has been the second best amateur contest of the year since 1980. We located a video copy of the prejudging and can now offer this as a two DVD set, featuring many of the top women of the era. The entire prejudging and finals are included, with line-ups, comparisons and prejudging and finals' routines- and the picture quality is excellent. There are a total of 30 routines including 'name' women such as Drorit Kernes, Julia Kover, Crystal Pember, Donna Barrentine, Shari Scadron, Erin Maldonado, Yolanda Hughes, Betsy Hoffman, Kim King, Debbie McKnight, Liza Laribeaus, Chris Clausen, Kim Robinson, Melissa Dick, Karen Therriault and Kay Reich. Also competing were Virginia (Carmen) Brady and Michelle Ivers, who are still going strong 20+ years later! Running time is 4 hours on 2 DVDs. |
WPW-135C 1989 US Championships Backstage (DVD Only) |

This was our first 'backstage pumpup' video and it shows nearly all the women in the show, whether they were in the finals or not. A camcorder was used, but the quality is very good as we did a lot of close ups as well as full length. Most of the women listed for WPW-135B are shown as well as many who were not in the finals, and they are seen pumping up and hitting shots, and many are identified. Video/DVD runs about 100 minutes. |
WPW-136 1989 AAA Arm-Wrestling Championships |
At the time, the AAA was the top amateur arm-wrestling contest of the year (we think the Petaluma contests were for pros). This was the only arm-wrestling show we taped, but we do admit to doing a very nice job here as we used our pro video equipment as the upfront camera and patched in close-up views with a roaming camcorder. Top amateur Grace Swift was the big star in the show, but Laura Robinson, a former ballerina and future figure/fitness woman also competed. (Note that WPW-163 features Grace and Laura training and posing). All quarter finals, semi-finals and finals are included, as well as awards. A total of over 20 women competed, and the action was intense! Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |

For long time fans of the sport, Cory Everson does not need much of an introduction, as she is one of the two most distinguished women in the history of the sport, the other being Lenda Murray (WPW-196). We had photo sessions with her every year from 1982 through 1986 and it is all here on this 2 hour release. Note that the early footage was taken with Super 8 film (she was knows as Cory Kneuer then) so that footage is not of equal quality to the video taken of her 1984-86, but it is included for historical reasons, and you can see the unreal strides she made in her physique from her first session, when she was in her early 20’s to her incredible look of 1985 and 1986. Cory hits the shots in many outfits and we have one interview with her. |
WPW-138 Janice Ragain & Clare Furr |
We just received a copy of this video and it is now available for the first time in DVD format. The footage here contains all of Clare's scenes from WPW-42 and all of Janice's scenes from WPW-18 and WPW-51. If you accidentally order one of those three, you will automatically receive this WPW 138. Note that Clare's footage here is also on WPW 68, but with two other women, so some may want that title also. OK, what we have here is both sessions with Clare in great shape at the time of the 1985 and 1986 Ms. Olympia including some repwork in the gym, posing in many outfits and an interview. Note that the picture quality is not that good for the 1985 session, but the 1986 stuff is fine. For Janice, we start off with her Super 8 film transfer from 1984, then 'real' video sessions from 1986 and 1988 which is very good quality for then, featuring posing in many swimsuits/dresses, some gymwork and an interview. Janice's 1988 session is also on WPW-125, a compilation tape featuring two other women also, but her footage on WPW-177 and WPW-207 is unique to those DVDs. If anyone has any questions regarding the Furr/Ragain titles, please ask us. Clare and Janice were paired here as most who followed the sport in the mid-late 80's thought the two looked much alike facially and physique-wise, and so did we- two of the best and prettiest women on the scene then. Running time almost 3 hours.
WPW-139 Sherry Thompson & Mishay Santos |
Sherry lived in southern New Jersey and was a fixture on the regional scene in the late 1980s. We had three photo/video sessions with her during 1986 and 1987 which featured gymwork, posing in many outfits and an interview. One of the sessions was in top contest shape (she was known for her peaked biceps and great abs), and she was only a bit off-contest shape for the other two shootings. Some camcorder was used 'on location', but we used our good equipment otherwise, for great quality.The footage here was originally released on WPW-55 and WPW-96. Mishay was from California, and competed during the same era, though she was doing national shows at the time. This footage of Mishay was originally released on WPW-31 in 1985, and though we used our first video equipment here, the picture quality is fine. Mishay was quite popular at the time as she had a well defined physique (including for the lower body, which was not common back then) combined with exotic looks. Mishay works out in the gym, poses in a bikini and several dresses and is interviewed. Sadly, Mishay passed away several years ago. DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-140 Anja Langer, Lupita Lugo, Leny Tops |
The footage of Anja and Lupita was taken at the time of the 1987 Pro Worlds in Canada, when both were in very top contest shape. Anja's footage was originally on WPW-69 and Lupita's on WPW-70, but we combined all of that footage here a few years later along with some 1986 footage of Dutch star, Leny Tops. Anja needs no introduction to long time fans, as she was always supposed to be the next Cory Everson, though she never quite reached that lofty goal. Lupita, from Mexico, made a huge splash at this show, but that was pretty much it for her, she faded from the scene soon after. Anja poses in several bikinis/one pieces and Lupita in dresses also, and both are interviewed, for a total of 40 minutes for each. Leny's footage runs about 20 minutes and she poses in several outfits, in off-season shape, but very lean. Video/DVD runs 100 minutes. |
WPW-141 Lenda Murray, Carol Mock and Adrienne Foster |
We had our first of several photo/video sessions with Lenda at the time of her big win in the 1989 Junior Nationals. The future superstar, who took over the Ms. Olympia crown from Cory Everson, posed in two swimsuits and two dresses, and was interviewed- no further intro needed! For Carol, the footage here was originally released on WPW-115- she posed in four different outfits in very top contest shape, and was interviewed. All of the footage so far here was taken with our pro equipment, and added to that was a brief camcorder session with the top New Yorker, Adrienne Foster, which was originally on WPW-90. So, if you want the variety of three different women on one tape, WPW-141 would be the good choice. If you are only interested in Lenda, her WPW DVD-196 would be the best value by far, as it includes all of the footage here as well as our two tapings with her in 1991- in contest shape and off-season. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-142 Liz Karp & Cyndie McGowan |
Both women were top national stars when this work was done in 1989, though Liz had the higher contest placements. Both women pose in many outfits and are interviewed, and there is gymwork for Liz. The video quality is very good, though we also included some Super 8 film transfer of Liz from 1984, which is fair quality, with a small amount of transfer distortion. Overall though, a high quality video of two very attractive physique models. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours.
WPW-143 1989 Bodybuilding Nationals |
If you are a nostalgia buff, this is a great contest tape from 20 years ago, featuring many of the top women of the time: Tami Stark, Judy Miller, Vicki Sims, Sue Gafner, Drorit Kernes, Susan Myers, Sally Gomez, Cyndie McGowan, Connie McCloskey, Donna Barrentine, Sharon Arrildt-Marvel, Rita Hatch, Carol Mock, Crystal Pember, Linda Wood-Hoyte, Liz Karp, Karin Mitchell and many, many others. In addition, Lenda Murray and Bev Francis both guest pose ! The picture quality is perfect and this four hour DVD- on two discs- features the entire prejudging and evening finals. We will be releasing all of our contest videos from the 80's and 90's in time, but this one for sure is one of the best. DVD runs 4 hours. |

Tara was a top national competitor during the late 90's, and we had several photo/video session with her in contest shape and off season. This was released as a 'Tara Compilation' video, as it took the best footage from her two earlier released videos. Tara placed high in a few national contests, and was a photographer-favorite based on her high quality physique and wholesome good looks (she was a kindergarten teacher!!). Footage includes posing in many outfits during our 1986, 1987 and 1988 sessions, and an interview. In addition to being a most attractive physique model, she was also very strong, competing in the 1987, 1988 and 1989 Extravaganza Strength contests. The 1989 Strength Contest is available as WPW-154 (4 hours), and we will have all other strength contests on DVD in the future. Video/DVD 144 runs 2 hours. |
We need a video copy of this title to make a DVD master. If anyone has one, please notify us.
Meanwhile, all of the footage on this 'Rhonda Compilation' was taken from the following three previous videos with her, and they are available in original form: WPW-44 (with Sandy Kamberger), WPW-63 and WPW-96 (with 3 other women). |
WPW-146 Chris Porter & Renee Casella |
This video contains all of our original video of Chris ( WPW-24) and Renee ( WPW-76), packaged on to this one tape. Both women were among the most 'outrageously muscled' women of that time- Chris famous for her unreal legs and Renee for her unreal upper body. The 1985 footage of Chris features live gymwork, posing in bikini and dress and an interview. Renee works out in the gym, poses in four outfits and is interviewed. Picture quality is very good. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours.
WPW-147 Debbie McKnight and Kim King |
This video runs a full two hours and features all of the 1988 footage of Debbie taken from her original video, WPW-97, then new footage of Kim King taken in 1989, both in ripped contest shape and off-season. Please note that all of Kim's footage here is also on her 'compilation' video, WPW-203, and that would be a better choice if you just want Kim. Each woman poses in bikini and dresses and are interviewed, and for Kim, there is excellent gymwork where she shows off her strength, particularly for her lower body. Debbie was from down South, and Kim from Pittsburgh, and each won national contests soon after this and competed as IFBB pros for a few years before retiring from the sport in the early 90's. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours.
Lori competed on the national scene in the late 80's-early 90's, and we got her in very top contest shape, then also nice looking off-season shape during 1988 and 1989. We did not do gymwork, but instead had a full day of shooting 'on location' using a camcorder (decent quality), but the rest of the off-season posing and contest shape posing, where she was really ripped, the picture quality is very good. Interview included. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
We posted this in our Archive DVD section before, but discovered there was too much interference in the source video. We were able to obtain a very clean video copy, so we are now able to offer this DVD of the most impressive Joan Lauth once again, featuring her in very top contest (5'4" 140 pounds) shape and off-season (160). At the time (1989), Joan was one of the most muscular competitors on the scene, about on a par with Tommie Moreau. She displayed a lot of size and was ripped in her contest shape footage (incredible uppper body, featuring some of the best biceps of all time) and showed off considerable strength in the gym when off-season. Joan posed in many outfits for both tapings, and was interviewed. Joan, from Florida, also did well in one of the Extravaganza Strength contests, but disappeared from the scene shortly after this. Video/DVD runs about 100 minutes. |

Along with Rachel McLish, Cory Everson and Lenda Murray, Raye has been one of the most well-known and popular women bodybuilders ever. Some of that was a result of her bodybuilding career and success in the Extravaganza Strength Contests, but she gained even more fame as the Gladiator 'ZAP' as well as for a few roles in feature movies. We met her as a very young amateur in the early 80's, then she started to really put some size on a few years later. This title features the best of our tapings with her from 1985 through 1987 where she was usually in big off season condition, but was in great contest shape for the last of three sessions in 1987. There is gymwork, posing in many outfits, interview and her bodybuilding routine and her strength lifting in the strength show, now on DVD for the first time. WPW Video/DVD 150 runs 2 3/4 hours. |

We had several photo/video sessions with Doughee from 1984 through 1986, and the best footage from those years is here. She was a famous stunt skater during the 70's and turned to bodybuilding in the early 80's. We met her in 1984 when she was watching that year's Nationals and we have about 5 minutes of Super 8 film transfer from then before moving into the 1984, 1985 and 1986 video work. For these sessions her weight varied between 140 and 160 pounds (at 5'2"), though most of the footage was at the off-season weight. She competed only twice and we do have contest shape material here also, along with two different gym sessions (some reps, some heavy, including four one-arm chins!), two interviews and lots of posing in many outfits. Wehave a total of four videos available for Doughdee- two (this and WPW-189) are now available on DVD and the other two will be transferred to DVD in the future. Women bodybuilders have come and gone, but there will never be another Doughdee Marie. Video/DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
Kris had been competing in regional shows in the northwest in the late 1980's, then flew out to New Jersey to compete in the 1990 Women's Extravaganza Bodybuilding Contest, which she won, starting her on a successful career which lasted for a few more years. She combined having an incredible physique and good looks with superior strength better than just about any woman in the sport ever. Here, we concentrated on repwork in the gym since she was dieting, then wore her out by posing her in no fewer than nine different swimsuits and dresses, and an interview is also included. Her physique was one of the best in the sport at the time, featuring very good lower body poses but truly superior upper body shots, all topped off by blonde beauty. As far as her strength level, we took care of that in a video later in 1990, when she had an unreal tandem lifting session with Shelley Beattie, when both were in off-season shape- that is on WPW-160. NOTE: About half of Kris' footage on WPW-152 is also on her WPW-209 compilation DVD, which also contains her footage on WPW-160 with Shelley as well. So, while WPW-152 is worthwhile as it includes all of her scenes, WPW-209 would be the best value as it has the best from WPW-152, WPW-160 and newer material. Video running time about 1 3/4 hours. |
WPW-153 1989 Extravaganza Bodybuilding Contest |
New Jersey promoters Ken Kassel and Bob Bonham started running the Extravaganza contests in 1987. The main event was the strength contest, but amateur bodybuilding contests were also held, and in the early years the field of women was very strong. The field this year featured Kris Luebke and Claudia Mountford-Wagner (pictured here), and other national caliber women such as Nicole Bass, Betsy Hoffman, Erin Maldonado, Cheryl Rath-Rivers, Yvonne Vasquez, Maro Bchakjian and many other regional quality women. Most of the prejudging is included, all of the finals and guest posings by Lenda Murray and Gillian Serrette-Hodge! Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-154 The 1989 Extravaganza Strength Show |
We took over 7 hours of video at this show, and edited that down to 4 hours for this 2-DVD set. Seventeen top name women competed against each other for the following lifts: leg press, chinups, leg extensions, dips, curls and bench press. As always, gym owner Bob Bonham and Ken Kassel invited top notch national women, this time including: Sharon Arrildt/Marvel, Raye Hollitt, Tara Dodane, Cheryl Rath-Rivers, Liza Laribeus-Hoen, Linda Staufenberger, Pat Anderson, Karenanne Stanley, Goldie Pedwell, Elise Nelson, Laura Binetti, Mary Messite, Joan Lauth, D'Lynne Miller-Kritsky and Karin Mitchell. Video/DVD runs about 4 hours. |
Simply put, Kay was the best, and most popular, woman bodybuilder of the early-mid '80s. We had numerous photo/videos sessions with her from 1979-1986, and the best of her material is here, culled from earlier video releases. We did not get our real video equipment til late 1984, so the footage we shot nearly every year from 1979-1984 is Super 8 film transfer. Kay (and Cory Everson) was the first two women we did real video work with (at the 1984 Olympia), so that and the 1986 footage was real video. In addition, we have some camcorder of Kay from 1985, shot by one of her fans. Kay was 'before her time' in many ways, but one was her ability to pose for the camera without being prompted, so you will enjoy her posing in many, many bikinis, one-pieces and dress items here. Kay is interviewed and we also have two 'tribute collages' for her, one in video,the other a photo collage, which were done after her untimely death in a car crash in 1988. Video/DVD 155 runs a full 3 hours. |
WPW-156 Betsy Hoffman, Erin Maldonado, Jan Keenan |
All three women were taped in very top contest shape at the 1989 US Championships. Betsy was the most well known of the three, and she poses in a bikini and several other dress outfits. There is some gym footage and an interview. Erin, who later competed as Erin Wieda, was from New Jersey and one of the few 6' women in the sport- she poses in five outfits and is interviewed. All of their footage is great quality, but the Jan Keenan footage was taken with a camcorder, though the footage is decent quality. Jan was totally ripped and poses in a bikini and three dresses. Video/DVD runs about 2 1/4 hours. |
WPW-157 Lori Fetrick, Karen Therriault, Sharon Eckel, Chris Clausen |
The four women featured here were all national caliber women when we did this work with them in 1989. Two of them (Karen and Sharon) were taped in contest shape at the time of a contest, and Chris and Lori were taped in off season shape. Karen was in very impressive contest shape and reminded us a lot of Marissa Brown. This was our only session with Karen, and we only had these one sessions with Sharon and Lori as well, as all three dropped out of the competitive scene in short order. After her posing days were done, Lori did go on to some fame as one of the women Gladiators. Chris stuck around a bit longer, and we have her in top contest shape on WPW-131. Each woman gets about 1/2 hour here, featuring posing in several outfits each, and brief interviews. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours. |
WPW-158 The 1990 NPC Junior USA Bodybuilding |
Twenty women competed in this event, including Julia Nichols (LW winner), Tory Masonis (MW winner), Christina Petrarca (HW and overall champ), Clifta Coulter, Janelle Ennis, Linda Bevelander, Erin Maldonado, and future stars Robin Parker and Karla Nelson ! All prejuding and finals are included, and Sharon Marvel looked great for her guest posing. Running time is an hour. |
WPW-159 Karla Nelson, Jackie Paisley, Margo Allen & Dorothy Herndon |
At nearly 6' and 180+ pounds during her career, Karla was one of the largest women in the sport. This was our first session with Karla (our second one is on WPW-235), and she was in top contest shape. She does repwork in the gym, poses in four different outfits and is interviewed. Her footage runs about an hour, and to fill out this release, we had taken a few posing scenes of Jackie, Margo and Dorothy from WPW-90, which had been out of stock at that time. All three of these women were in contest shape also and pose in several outfits each. Please note that WPW-90 is available again as an Archive DVD, so consider the possible duplication of scenes, but Karla is only on this WPW-159. DVD runs 2 hours.
WPW-160 Kris Luebke and Shelley Beattie |
Kris and Shelley were both top regional competitors in the northwest in the late 1980's, and we were fortunate to have both out east in 1990 to tape the two tandem in the gym. This gymwork is among the most impressive we have ever taped- both women benched over 300 pounds, did 250+ for lat pulldowns, leg pressed almost 1500 pounds and curled over 200 pounds with a slight cheat, among other lifts. Kris (5'7" 180 pounds) and Shelley (5'7" 160) then pose in several outfits and are interviewed. Our first video with Kris, on WPW-152, showed her in top contest shape, and most of that footage is now also included on WPW-209 along with her footage here on WPW-160. Shelley's footage here on WPW-160 is included on her WPW-180, featuring contest shape work with her. If you are only interested in Kris, WPW-209 would be your best value; if you are only interested in Shelley, WPW-180 would be the best value. If you want the two women on one tape, then this WPW-160 would be best. Video running time about 2 1/2 hours. |
This was our 4th video for Sharon- the 3rd video was WPW-120 (taped in early 1989) and although that is still available in its original form, the best posing footage is now on this tape, making WPW-120 for 'collectors' only. That footage runs about an hour- posing in various outfits with a short interview. The new material here was taken on two occasions- in very top contest shape at the time of the 1989 Nationals, then in May 1990 when she was in very strong off-season shape (140 pounds). She was still very lean at that weight, posing in more outfits, including some tandem posing with her gymwork-spotter, Mary Messite. An additional interview is also included. |
WPW-162 Claudia Mountfort, Susan Myers & Julia Kover |
The video footage of Claudia was taken at four different times during the late 80's, at which time she was one of the top bodybuilding/powerlifting combos (and was known as the most beautiful powerlifter as well). Claudia was in top contest shape for the 1989 and 1990 sessions, and was in lush off-season shape for her other 1990 taping, and one we did with her in 1987 (that footage was originally on WPW-79, and that title, which features other women also, will be on DVD soon). Strangely, we never taped her in the gym, but she poses in many outfits and is interviewed (she is also featured on Ray Martin-2, as a blonde). Claudia was from the northern Virginia area and was noted for her nicely proportioned physique (terrific arms) and facial beauty. Regarding the Myers footage here- this is not on her WPW-101, and we actually cant understand why we ever deleted this title from stock. Susan was in contest shape and poses in bikini, two dresses and is interviewed- this was the last work we did with her. The Julia Kover posing footage is taken from WPW-122. DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-163 Laura Robinson & Grace Swift |
We met Laura and Grace at the 1989 Arm Wrestling contest, which is featured on WPW 136. Here, the two women train tandem in the gym, displaying the type of training they used to prepare for armwrestling events. The women are interviewed and for Laura we have some nice posing scenes in bikini and dress outfits, where she hits the shots bodybuilding style, showing off a lean fitness style physique with extreme facial beauty. To vary the action, the two do a 'skit' where they explain their training and test each other in matches. Video/DVD runs 100 minutes. |
WPW-164 Mary Messite, Monica Bozecevich & Denise Rutkowski |
The three women were taped during 1990- Mary was in strong off season shape and Denise and Monica were in contest shape. Denise was just in a contest in California, and some of this footage is on her WPW-195. Denise poses in many outfits and is interviewed, Mary lifts heavy in the gym, poses in many outfits and is interviewed and the video quality is very good. The Monica footage was taken with a camcorder at the time of her contest in Europe, so there is posing only with her. Video/DVD runs about 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-165 Tami Imbriale and Claudia Profanter |
Tami was from Arizona and a top competitor during the late 80's, and Claudia, from France, was one of Europe's rising stars. Both were in very near contest shape for these 1989 tapings. We cant remember who the videographer was (may have been Tony Duffy), but a camcorder was used, so the picture quality is not as sharp as for other videos of the time, but the camera work was good and both women pose in several outfits: Tami in four swimsuits and three dresses, and Claudia poses in a one-piece in the gym and outside, then in a dress posing tandem with another woman. No gymwork or interviews. Running time is 100 minutes. |
WPW-166 The 1990 NPC Junior Nationals Bodybuilding Contest |
It is hard to believe it has been 20 years since this event, but two of the women in the show are still going strong today- Tazzie Colomb and Kathryn Connors! In addition to them, other name women of the time included Mary Ellen Campo (LW winner), Skye Ryland (MW winner) and Debbie Muggli (HW and Overall champ), Tami Stark, Tracy Gillespie, Kim Robinson, Denise Duffield, Mary Messite and Etta Timmerman. More than 40 women competed and all are shown as the tape includes all of the prejudging and finals. In addition, Sharon Marvel was in extraordinary shape as the guest poser. A nice historical contest of one of the top amateur shows each year. Video/DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-167 1990 Junior Nationals Backstage |
We taped the action onstage at the 1990 Junior Nationals with our pro equipment, and that is on WPW-166. We had another videographer tape the 'backstage' action with a camcorder. Note that the picture quality is only average, and the content has an 'amateur' feel to it, as the camera had to sometimes swing quickly to tape a different competitor pumping up. But, for those fans who have no idea what goes on backstage, this is interesting to watch. Around 30 of the women are identified while pumping up or posing, including 'name' women such as MaryEllen Campo, Kathryn Connors, Tracey Gillespie, Cyndie Jones, Tami Stark, Skye Ryland, Mary Messite, Etta Timmerman, Debbie Muggli, Kim Robinson and Tazzie Colomb. Video running time about 1 3/4 hours. |
WPW-168 1990 Steel Rose Strength and Bodybuilding Contest |
We finally got a video copy of this contest and it is now available in DVD format for the first time. The strength event was patterned after the Extravaganza contests, and features 6 women competing against each other for 6 different lifts- chin ups, dips, leg press, bench press, curls and leg extensions. The women perform reps with a percentage of their bodyweight. The NPC bodybuilding event was a regional quality show. For a regional show, the two events for sure featured some of the sport's most noteworthy athletes- the strength show included top powerlifting/bodybuilding stars Jan Harrell and Sally McNeil. Virginia Brady, who has been competing in bodybuilding events since the early '80s, and still competes going into 2011 as Carmen Brady, was also in the strength show together with her friend, Vicki Sims. The bodybuilding event also featured a couple of famous women- a lesser known Denise Rutkowski, before she became famous a year later, and Shirley Eson, who was the tallest woman bodybuilder ever, at 6'3". In addition, Lisa Lorio guest posed. DVD runs a full 2 3/4 hours. |

We first met Debbie Muggli at the 1990 Junior Nationals, which she won, and did some photo/video work with her on the spot. A month later, knowin she would be a spectator at the 1990 Championships, we did additional work with her (after doing work with those in the show), including a nice session with our camcorder at the Rappahannock River in Fredricksburg, Virginia. So, at 5’5” and 140 pounds, she was in top contest shape both times, featuring an awesome physique for the time period, including drop dead blonde looks (she was a kindergarden teacher – did any of yours look like her??). Plus, she was only 26 years old at the time, so she was just getting started!! Debbie hits the shots in many different swimsuits and dress items for both sessions, and you will see footage of her in the river taken at the time of her WPW magazine cover photo. Lots of posing and an interview. Video/DVD runs 2 ¾ hours. |
WPW-170 Skye Ryland, Denise Duffield, Kim Robinson, Mary Ellen Campo |
We taped all four women at the time of the 1990 US Championships, and all were in excellent contest shape. We have about 40 minutes for each woman, and they pose in bikini and dresses and are interviewed. This was the first time we met Skye, and of the four, she had the longest career, even turning pro. She has done figure shows as recently as about 2006. MaryEllen and Kim were top-five caliber at national shows for a few years, then retired, but we cant remember seeing Denise after this show. Four great looking women in top shape, very representative of how the best women looked 20 years ago. Video/DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-171 1990 US Championships |
As always, the U.S. Championships (the 'USA') is the second best amateur contest of the year, and this was a particularly good one, featuring many women who were already top 'name' competitors and those who would become so soon after. The entire prejudging is shown, with the top 15 in each of the 3 classes posing and all comparisons. The finals include the evening routines, posedowns and awards. Among those shown doing routines include Mary Ellen Campo, Alanna Creilly-Partipillo, Cathy Compton-Smith, Chris Bongiovanni, Vicki Gates, Sharon Dombrowskas-Robelle, Shelley Beattie, Nikki Fuller, Tazzie Colomb, Yolanda Hughes, Tara Dodane, Cheryl Rath-Rivers, Chris Clausen, Karen Therriault, Virginia Brady, Melissa Dick, Denise Duffield and many others. Skye Ryland did her prejudging routine, but did not appear in the finals. Debbie McKnight guest posed. The tape quality is excellent. Running time about 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-172 The 1990 NPC Nationals Bodybuilding |
The Nationals is the top amateur contest each year and MANY name women of the time entered the 1990 event, including: Vicki Sims (LW winner), Sue Gafner (MW winnner), Nikki Fuller (HW and overall champ), Diane Carideo, Sally Gomez, Paula Piwarunas, Sue Price, Claudia Mountford/Wagner, Lori Sarkisian, Nancy Lewis, Tami Stark, Michelle Ivers, Alanna Partipillo, Judy Moshkoski, D'Lynne Miller, Nicole Bass, Yolanda Hughes, Lori Fetrick, Karen Therriault, Tara Dodane, Rhonda Lundstedt, Heather Tristany, Virginia Brady, Cheryl Rath/Rivers, Cyndie McGowan and many others. And, looking at the above top names, we did one-on-one video work with all mentioned, aside from Gomez and Gafner!! The entire show was taped- prejuding and finals. Running time is 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-173 Backstage at 1990 USA & Nationals |
WPW released a few backstage videos over the years, but most were taken with a camcorder. Here, though, our regular pro-quality equipment was used and the picture quality is very good. An outdoors bodybuilding party is taped first, then we have 'backstage footage' at the two contests showing the women pumping up and hitting some shots. Nearly all the women are identified and some very top women are shown: Skye Ryland, Cathey Compton-Smith, Judy Miller, Shelley Beattie, Nikki Fuller, Tara Dodane, Cheryl Rath, Tazzie Colomb, Diane Carideo, Rhonda Lundstedt, Nicole Bass, Judy Moshkoski, Michelle Ivers, Sue Price, Lori Sarkisian, MaryEllen Campo and many others. DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-174 1990 Teen/Collegiate/Masters and North Americans |
The finals only are featured here for these two contests. For the North Americans some of the 'name' competitors include Paula Piwarunas, Vicki Sims, Debbie Muggli, Nikki Fuller, Marie Lena, Gisele Sass and Heather Tristany. As a nice bonus, an off-season Bev Francis guest posed! In recent years, the Teen/Collegiate/Masters has not seen many teen competitors, but for this 1990 event, there were about 10, featuring Alphie Newman and Carey Hensley. In addition, there was a nice field for the Collegiate and Masters events as well. DVD runs 2 3/4 hours.
WPW-175 Paula Piwarunas, Tami Stark, Chris Adams & Melissa Dick
All four women here were considered at the time to be 'what the judges were looking for' in terms of overall beauty of physique, face and grooming. None were huge or totally ripped, but instead displayed mid-level size and muscularity with traditional beauty- kind of a combination bodybuilding/figure look. Footage here was taken in 1990 when all women were in contest shape- no gymwork or interviews, but there is 'live' footage so you can hear the woman interact during her posing scenes. Blonde Paula was the most noticeably muscled/defined of the four and she hits the shots in four outfits, as did Tami. Melissa poses in two outfits and Chris, one. Video/DVD runs about 2 hours.

Our earliest material of Joanne is on WPW-119, and our second and last video of the British star was taped in 1990, when she was in her best overall shape ever- including size, shape and good looks. Lots of posing in dresses showing off the best calves ever in women's bodybuilding, and this video contains some fun 'camcorder' footage taken at an old railroad tunnel, as she hits the shots in swimsuits and dresses. Video/DVD runs 2 1/2 hours. |

Janice competed from the early 80’s through the early 90’s and we had many photo/video sessions with her. The earlier Super 8 material we did with her in on film on our shelf somewhere, but we started shooting real video with her around 1990, and this title has our full 1990, 1991 and 1992 sessions with her, which was at the end of her stage career but still looked in unreal shape. Many at that time considered her the most appealing of all the women – at about 5’3” 140 pounds she had the muscularity, the shapes, and the definition (known best for terrific arms), topped off by incredible facial beauty and beautiful brown hairstyles – facially she was often compared with Mary Tyler Moore and Sally Field when those actresses were younger. Janice poses in many swimsuits and dress outfits (and many have said she looked the best ever in the cinnamon bodydress) and is interviewed. We may have some other video footage of her from the late 80’s and someday we will package that with ther Super 8 material, but here, you have her at her best and on the best quality video. Video/DVD runs 2 ¾ hours. |
WPW-178 The 1990 Extravaganza Women's Strength Contest |
Wally Boyko ran his 'Superbowl of Strength' contests from 1983-1986 in California, and when Wally moved on to fitness shows, NJ promoters Ken Kassel and Bob Bonham began running the 'Women's Extravaganza Strength and Physique Contests' nearly every year from 1987 to about 2003. This is the third Extravaganza Strength show now available on DVD, the other two being WPW-154 (1989) and WPW-463 (2001). Other strength shows available on video only include WPW-178, WPW-202, WPW-223, WPW-240, WPW-263, WPW-313, WPW-359 and WPW-401. WPW-86 (1987 show) and WPW-110 (1988) are no longer available on video, but we will put on to DVD in the future.
This 1990 Strength show features 16 top competitve women competing against each other for chinups, dips, barbell curls, squats, bench pressing and the battery lift. The contestants included Mimi Hitzman, Karin Mitchell, Cathey Compton-Smith, Julia Kover, Kris Luebke, Tazzie Colomb, Joan Lauth, Kim Robinson, Cheryl Rath-Rivers, Lori Grannis, Maro Bchakjian, Caroline Krakower, Victoria Walker and Tarus Burns. Sharon Marvel is massive as a bodybuilding guest poser. Video/DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-179 1990 Extravaganza Bodybuilding and Fitness Contests |
This event featured more than 30 women bodybuilders, including Rhonda Lundstedt, Marissa Brown, Nina Melidosian and many other local and regional level competitors. The fitness event featured seven women (including Rhonda again). All prejudging and finals are included, and Sharon Marvel was in great shape for her guest posing. The strength event from 1990 is on WPW DVD-178. WPW DVD-179 runs 2 hours.

Shelley competed successfully in the northwest (she was for Oregon), winning such shows as the Emerald Cup in the late 80’s. In 1990, she went “big time” competing in her first national show, and winning the 1990 US Championships, where we did her contest shape (5’7” 155 pounds) video footage. Sandwiched around that, we had two off-season sessions with her (at 162 pounds). The first was in early 1990, when she did some awesome gymwork (benching 315 for two, etc) with Kris Luebke as a spotter, then again in late 1990 for more off-season footage. In all, Shelley hits the shots in many, many swimsuits and dresses, and is interviewed. Obviously, winning the overall at the USA confirmed her as one of the best physiques of the time, terrific muscle size and definition everywhere, with great looks. Shelley competed as a pro for a couple of years before retiring from the sport for good in the early 90’s, but we have all of her dynamite 1990 work here on one release. Video/DVD runs 2 ¾ hours. |
WPW-181 Leisa Campbell & Nina Melidosian |
Nina was a top regional competitor in California in the late 1980's, and flew out to New Jersey in 1990 to compete in the Extravaganza Bodybuilding contest. She was in fabulous shape throughout, but her upper body was particularly noteworthy, featuring some of the best bicep peaks ever. Nina (5'6" 135 pounds) posed in a bikini and two dresses and was interviewed. She had great potential to do well in national contests, but as far as we remember, she did not compete again after this. NOTE: All of Nina's footage is also on WPW-690 along with Klaudia Larson. Leisa was from Australia and was a guest at the Extravaganza- too bad she didn't jump into the bodybuilding event as she was in very good shape- at 5'7" 155 pounds. She shows off very impressive size, shape and hardness throughout for being off season, topped off by very good looks- one of the very best 'lesser known' women ever. She hits the shots in swimsuits and dresses showing off terrific calves, thighs, biceps, triceps, chest and an incredible back- wonder whatever happened to her ? Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-182 Tazzie Colomb & Cathey Compton-Smith |
We had sessions with Tazzie and Cathey prior to this, but the footage here was all-new material taken in 1990, when we had two tapings with each- both were in contest shape and off-season. Both women pose in several outfits for all four sessions and have update interviews, but no gymwork. For Cathey, this was the only time we got her in contest shape, and she really peeled down nicely from her 160+ pound off-season condition. At 4'11" and 120+ pounds she still had the size and great shapes, and her definition was right on. Ditto for Tazzie- she was in ripped shape contest-time, and huge at 170 pounds off-season. NOTE: If you are interested in Tazzie only, you would want her WPW-183, which has all of the footage here from WPW-182 as well as the best scenes from other videos; if you are only interested in Cathey, WPW-184 would be the best choice as it has all of this footage here on WPW-182 as well as her scenes from her first photo/video shooting on WPW-112. Video running time about 2 hours. |

We met Tazzie at the 1988 US Championships when she had just turned 20, putting her in a very small league with Athena and Bethany Howlett as the best physiques ever at such a young age. Tazzie became one of our favorite WPW models since that time, and is still going strong today, competing recently at about 180 pounds at 5'7". We have many other WPW (and Ray Martin) titles to be put on DVD during the next year or so.This tape features the best footage taken from four sessions- contest shape and off-season for both years, featuring lots of posing in many outfits and interviews. With her supreme physique, great looks and friendly personality, Tazzie has been a fan favorite for a long time, and we are planning now to do a 20th Anniversary session with her soon. Video/DVD runs 2 hours. |
WPW-184 Cathey Compton-Smith |
Our first video session with Cathey was in 1988, when she was in huge (4'11" 160+ pounds) off-season condition- this is on WPW-112 along with off-season footage of Denise Rutkowski and Peggy Ouwerling. Fast forward two years and we had two more sessions with her- another one in off-season and one in very top contest shape at the time of the 1990 US Championships. She does very heavy gymwork in the gym, poses in many swimsuits for all three tapings and is interviewed twice. At her heavier weight, she was one of the biggest women weight per height we ever did work with. If you are primarily interested in Cathey, this video would be the best value as it has all of her footage. If you would rather have her paired with Tazzie Colomb, get WPW-182, and if you want her with Rutkowski and Ouwerling, WPW-112 would be the best choice. Video running time about 2 hours. |
WPW-185 Lori Sarkisian, Erin Maldonado, Karla Nelson, Karen Therriault and Betsy Hoffman |
This is 'compilation' footage for five women, taken from their original video releases as follows: Lori's footage is from WPW-148, Erin and Betsy from WPW-156, Karla from WPW-159 and Karen from WPW-157. Note that all of those original releases are still in catalogue, and check the descriptions of each for more info on these five women. Also note that in many cases, the originals had gymwork and/or interviews, but WPW-185 has the posing scenes only. For Lori, only her contest shape footage is included- to get all of her scenes, including off-season, that is only on WPW-148. Video running time about 2 1/2 hours. |
We did our first photo/video work with her in 1988, but this was the first time we were able to tape her in top contest shape. The newly-minted IFBB pro was in the US for the 1990 Ms. Olympia, then for the Ms. International in early 1991. At the time of the Ms. Olympia, the Dutch star checked in at a very defined 5'5" 143 pounds, then about 7 pounds heavier at the International. Hannie poses in many swimsuits/dress items, showing off one of the best combinations of size, shape and definition at the time, particularly her shapes. Though known for her impressive arms, she is in great shape throughout, all topped off by her famous mass of long blonde hair. No gymwork, but an interview is included. Video/DVD runs about 80 minutes. |
We often try to rate who the best women were when in their teens or very early twenties- well, no one should leave out Nikki Fuller- she was only 20 when this work was done with during the first of four sessions here in early 1989!! At that taping she was off-season at about 5'9" 170 pounds and pushes some very heavy weight in the gym, including working up to a 275 bench press- impressive for her age. Posing in many outfits and an interview is included. The second taping with her was at the 1989 Junior USA (she was Nikki Garner then...) and a camcorder was used for her posing scenes. In September 1990 she really put it all together and won the Nationals, where we had our third photo/video shoot with her. Based on her look here many thought she had a real chance at winning the Ms. Olympia, as she had 'Cory Everson look' but was even more muscular. Our final session was at the March 1991 Ms. International, where she was competing as a newly-minted IFBB pro (at age 22!). More posing here and another interview. Note that the first two sessions here were originally on WPW-121, which is no longer available as all the best footage was transferred here. Nikki continued to have a good career as a pro and although she no longer competes, she is still training and 20 years later is almost in the same great shape! Video/DVD runs about 4 hours. |

We first met Rhonda at the 1985 Nationals held in Detroit and had a small photo/video session with her on the spot – little did we know she would become one of our – and your- favorites over her competitive career – which ran through the very early 90’s. She was 30 years old and already the mother of four when we met her, and although we tried to get her bulked up for the off-season sessions, she never varied that much from her contest weight of about 135 pounds at 5’6”. This release features the “best of” from her five photo/video sessions over the years, and the footage is in chronological order so you can see her progress to being one of the top amateurs at the time of her retirement. For all footage, she was either in top contest shape or near it and she poses in may different bikinis and dress items over the years. In addition, she was very strong and did very well in a few of the Strength shows – and some of that footage is included her as well. Two interviews are also included for this fabulous physique model. Video/DVD runs 2 ¾ hours. |

This was our second video title for Doughdee Marie, covering the years 1990 and 1991. Our first video with her had footage from 1984 through 1986, but after that was released we obtained more footage from that era which is now on this tape. During this time, Doughdee started gaining alot of muscular size and strength for an an adagio/martial arts act she was working on, so at 5'2" she was in the area of 165-180 pounds here, featuring 17" arms and 27" thighs. We had a very brief session with her in 1990 when she was still a brunette, but from 1991 onwards she was a blonde. Doughdee poses in many outftits and is interviewed, but her 'work session' for her act might be the most interesting to watch as she does martial arts moves, lifts 240 pound men overhead, does rapid flips and other gymnastic moves, etc, and this is in addition to some very heavy regular gymwork. In the last footage we return to 1985-1987 when the Cohen Brothers did some camcorder free-lance work with her, again posing in many outfits. Video/DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
Jeannie lived in suburban DC, competed regionally for a while with a couple of national contests under her belt in the early 1990s- we were introduced to her by a common friend- D'Lynne Miller. We had two tapings with her in 1990/1991, one in very lean contest shape, the other about 10 pounds heavier. She combined the best features of a bodybuilder and figure competitor- not bulked up, but very lean and defined muscularity on a traditionally attractive figure. Her arms, chest and back were totally chiseled when in contest shape, but a special nod to her great calves, regardless of her bodyweight. We did not do gymwork, instead concentrated on lots of posing scenes in many swimsuits and dresses, and she was interviewed. Sadly, after competing in a couple more shows, she was gone from the competitive scene. NOTE: Most of the footage here is now also on WPW-301, together with Theresa Hessler's video. However, a few of the dresses and the interview are not included on WPW-301, so if you want all of Jeannie's scenes, WPW-190 is the way to go. Video running time about 80 minutes. |
WPW-191 Athena & Juliette Bergmann |
Our earlier work with Athena, when she was a teenager, is on WPW-95. She is still in her early 20's here for this work in 1991, and is notably bigger than when younger as she was in off-season shape, though well defined. We paired Athena with Holland's Juliette Bergmann here, as the women have similar physical features, including very well rounded muscle shapes, terrific size and good definition. Our earlier footage of Juliette is no longer in stock, but the top pro was by far in her best shape here, and both women were groomed with beautiful hairstyles as well. Each woman poses in a variety of bikinis and dresses. Video/DVD 191 runs 2 hours. |
WPW-192 Vicki Sims, Virginia Brady, Erin Maldonado, Jodie Osborne & Kim Robinson |
After scanning this DVD for re-release here, it is not clear to us why we ever deleted this video from catalogue in the first place, as it features five top women in very impressive off-season shape. In particular, Vicki Sims and Virginia Brady (recently known as Carmen Brady) were very top national competitors, and their tandem gymwork was very impressive- lots of heavy lifting. After the gymwork, Vicki (5'2" 140) and Virginia (5'6" 155 pounds) pose in swimsuits and dresses, both showing off beautiful, lush development. Following those two are Erin Maldonado (6' 200), Jodie Osborne (5'7" 180) and Kim Robinson (5'7" 170), all of whom pose in various outfits during these 1991 sessions. For some reason, we didn't interview these women, so aside from the Sims/Brady gymwork, it is all posing, and is easily one of our best 'Archive DVDs'. DVD runs 2 3/4 hours. |
WPW-193 1991 NPC US Championships
We have had the finals available for this 1991 U.S. Championships for a while, but just located a copy of the entire prejudging, making this now a 4 hour, 2 DVD set. The prejudging features 15 routines for each of the three weight classes, compulsory poses and comparisons. The finals includes the evening routines, posedowns and awards and a unique extra- before each class, the women are shown pumping up backstage, with many of them identified. The picture quality is excellent and check out some of the women who pose: Clifta Coulter, Diane Carideo-Oper, Donna Mangano, Paula Piwarunas, Janelle Bogan, Nancy Lewis, Michelle Andrea, Leilani Dalumpines, Danet Seely, Denise Rutkowski, Yolanda Hughes, Betsy Hoffman, Karen Therriault, Erika Andersch, Cheryl Rath-Rivers, Kim Robinson and many others. One of our best contest tapes. Running time about 4 hours. |
WPW-194 1991 NPC Junior Nationals Bodybuilding Contest |
The Junior Nationals is one of the top amateur shows each year, and this 1991 version was certainly no exception to that- among the more well known 'name women' competing in this event were Meral Ertunc, Peggy Schoolcraft, Tracy Gillespie, Janelle Ennis, Abby Krupp, Mary Messite, Anita Ramsey, Thea Bennington, D'Lynne Miller, Giselle Haddad-Sass and Annie Riviecchio to name only a few !! The entire prejudging and finals are included. Video/DVD runs about 2 1/2 hours. |

Denise was one of the most popular women in the sport from about 1988 into the early 90’s. We had four photo/video sessions with her over that span of time, and the “best of” all that footage has been available on video ever since. We now are offering this video on DVD, featuring Denise’s session as a newcomer on the national scene in 1988, then sessions from 1990 and two from 1991 – two sessions each for contest shape and off-season. When in contest shape, the 5’4” Deinse hits the shots at about 140 pounds, and she is about 15 pounds heavier when off-season. Lots of posing, and an interview, with one of the sports most popular legends. Video/DVD runs 2 ½ hours. |

What can be said about the multi-time Ms. Olympia champ? Well, most fans and officials would consider her and Cory Everson the best two women ever. We had three different session with Lenda – one in 1989 and two in 1991, and it is all here – the 1989 material was taken in top contest shape at the time of her big win in that year’s Junior Nationals (5’5” 140 pounds). In 1991 we did work with her in off-season shape, then in top contest shape again at the time of the ’91 Ms. Olympia, one of her many victories in that show. For all three sessions, Lenda hits the shots in many different bikini/leotards and dresses, she does gymwork when off-season and is interviewed twice. Again probably the best physique of all time, period!! Video/DVD runs 2 ½ hours. |
WPW-197 Tracy Gillespie & Lenda Murray |
For those who already have our Video/DVD WPW-196 of Lenda Murray, you have her footage from 1991 on that title. If not, this is a great DVD as it features the two 1991 sessions with Lenda (contest shape and off-season) as well as 45 minutes of Tracy in top contest shape at the time of her big win in the 1991 Junior Nationals. Tracy shows off her very impressive physique, topped off by facial beauty, in two swimsuits and two dresses, and is interviewed. Her stage routine is also included. For Lenda, there is gymwork when off-season, then posing in several outfits off-season, then in top contest shape for this multiple Ms. Olympia champ. DVD runs 2 1/2 hours. |
WPW-198 Annie Rivieccio & Skye Ryland |

We met Annie in 1988 when she competed in one of her first contests, and had a full photo/video with her then. Three years later she went from a decent local competitor to a national quality physique, which is clearly seen here in this July 1991 session, where the 5’5” 150 pound Annie was off-season, but in very impressive defined shape. Annie works out in the gym, posses in her bikini and several dress items (including some footage of her in contest shape at that November’s Nationals) and is interviewed. Her stage routine at that show is also included. We met Skye a few years before this session as well (video is out of catalogue for now), but she made fabulous gains also, and we have her in contest shape and off-season here – lots of posing and her 1991 Nationals routine also. Both women still compete now (2006) – Annie is a top IFBB pro and Skye competes in the IFBB pro figure shows. Video/DVD runs 2 ¾ hours. |
WPW-199 1991 NPC Nationals Bodybuilding |
The Nationals is the top amateur show each year and the 1991 version featured more than 60 top national competitors including MaryEllen Campo, Sally Gomez, Drorit Kernes, Claudia Mountfort/Wagner, Sharon Lewis, Diane Carideo, Paula Piwarunas, Sue Price, "Leilani", Skye Ryland, Tracy Gillespie, Sally McNeil, Linda Wood/Hoyte, Debbie Poston, Yolanda Hughes, Kim King, Etta Timmerman, Liza Spitzer and many, many others. The entire prejudging is shown, which includes all the comparisons and 15 routines from each of the three classes, followed by the evening finals, posedowns and awards. Video/DVD runs about 2 3/4 hours. |