Please find a list of additional video downloads that are not yet listed throughout our site!
The videos below are either in .wmv or .mov format. For best results, please be sure you have Quicktime installed on your computer. Click here to download Quicktime. If you have any trouble with the download process, please reach out and we will help to troubleshoot. Remember that username/passwords are case sensitive and depending on your computer, some browsers may work better than others.
All video downloads are $19.95. Read more ordering instructions below.
We offer 2 different payment methods;
1) CCBill: Pay via online check direct from you bank account OR with credit card. If you purchase through CCBill, you will automatically be directed to set up a username/password to access the video download within minutes.
2) PayPal: Pay via credit card. If you purchase through PayPal, you will receive your username/password from WPW (via email) within 3-5 business days as we need to manually create your log in information.
Once you receive your username/password you will be able to gain access to the "members only" section of the site via the links above. Here, you will have the option to download the file and save it to your computer for ongoing future viewing. To download the file, you will have to RIGHT CLICK and save the file for it to begin the download process. Please note that due to the size of the videos (most 1.5-2hrs in length) it could take an hour or more to download to your computer depending on your connection speed.
PLEASE NOTE: this is the first time we are offering these downloads, if you have any trouble with any of the links or problems downloading the videos, please email us at
VISIT US ON YOUTUBE: Search for "wpwvideos" or click on the YouTube logo below. We have listed short preview clips for many of the above videos on our channel. Check it out!
