The 2001 Extravaganza Pro Bodybuilding contest featured 14 top name IFBB pros, including Gayle Moher, MaryEllen Jerumbo, Kim Harris, Marja Lehtonen, Vilma Caez, Myriam Bustamonte, Heather Foster, Yaxeni Oriquen, Betty Pariso, Amy Pazzo, Sharon Robelle, Christine Envall, Merete Hornnes and Donna Logue. The entire prejudging and finals are included. In addition, a regional amateur contest was held- and we included the Jan Tana regional amateur event, so there were about 20 women in those two shows combined. A few of the women in the Extravaganza show- namely Karina Nascimento, Christine Roth and Christine Fetzer- were actually national caliber women, and some fans may remember Annie Klepacki, who was in the Tana event. The finals only are included here. Video running time about 2 3/4 hours.